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01-21-2014, 01:58 AM
I'm just having a sad night! Why can I feel for all of you, offer advice but I can't just snap out of this! :(:(

01-21-2014, 02:04 AM
Take a moment. Think about if someone described what your feeling to you, what would you say to them? What would you suggest? Do what you suggest. Don't be hard on yourself hun, we are all blind eyed to ourselves sometimes, have a nice bath and relax with a Nice book or movie. Remember this is only temporary, you will be okay :)

01-21-2014, 02:14 AM
I wish I could believe that. I've been in bed for alnost a month, my heart is acting craZy..doctors say it's fine..I just have an extra pathway in my heart and sometimes it will go into a very fast rate...like 170..and then back down again. Its the scariest thing I've ever felt in my entire life. Its happend three times since the first and I just feel like crap and scared to move all day. I've read tons and tons of information that I will be just fine, and a lot of people have this. But the anxiety, helplessness and the dependency on others for everyday tasks have me on empty. I can't eat. Can't sleep. Can't stop googling, I'm at my wits end.

01-21-2014, 02:24 AM
Hang in there. You will get better..
I've had a shitty few days with major attacks but I keep thinking about how good it feels to be normal and that's all I'm thinking about.. Can you watch a funny movie or have a friend come over?

01-21-2014, 02:43 AM
That's true, I've had maybe 3 normal days. And I prayed and thanked God for those days. I am alive, I will be fine. I just want to have the procedure to fix this.

01-21-2014, 02:49 AM
That's true, I've had maybe 3 normal days. And I prayed and thanked God for those days. I am alive, I will be fine. I just want to have the procedure to fix this.

Me too!! I'd pay thousands for that procedure...
I have awful head symptoms with mine. I'm convinced I have brain cancer or something!!!!

01-21-2014, 02:54 AM
Mine they will go through an artery in my leg and burn off the extra pathway causing this rapid heart rate. 90 -95 percent success rate at putting me back to normal. But I don't find out if and when I'll get that procedure..for two more days. Do you get migraines? I've heard a lot of people having major success with beta. Blockers for that.

01-21-2014, 03:00 AM
Mine they will go through an artery in my leg and burn off the extra pathway causing this rapid heart rate. 90 -95 percent success rate at putting me back to normal. But I don't find out if and when I'll get that procedure..for two more days. Do you get migraines? I've heard a lot of people having major success with beta. Blockers for that.

Oh I thought you meant "a procedure that cures anxiety" haha
Well that's great if u actually have a cure!! Wish I did!!!

No I don't get headaches just very weird head feelings. Almost like my brain is being squeezed and some dizzy like feelings, spaced out feelings and more.

01-21-2014, 03:05 AM
Oh, man...in sorry to hear that. Anxiety seems to pick a part of your body to play victim, mine...my heart...yours...your head... :/ stupid dang anxiety.

01-21-2014, 03:13 AM
Oh, man...in sorry to hear that. Anxiety seems to pick a part of your body to play victim, mine...my heart...yours...your head... :/ stupid dang anxiety.

Yup it's a bitch of a thing!!! But I'll beat that bastard down.. I've come this far...

01-21-2014, 03:13 AM
Hi ab123 :) I'm not familiar with your condition or procedure that your waiting for but I can tell you that you need not be upset that you can't just "snap out of it" No one can sweets and if they could, well none of us would be here. I know what it's like to be in bed for such a long period of time, feeling helpless and guilty because your dependent on others. There will come a time when you will be up and strong but in the mean time, if you need a little help, then that's OK :)

I'm sorry you feel so sad, what a horrible sucky feeling, that's for sure. Next time your heart goes fast, remind yourself of what the doctor said, it's fine. Hearts can beat very fast and hearts can also take a lot of beating, think of athletes doing marathons for hours, pummeling the crap out of their hearts and they are all just fine. That's great percentage for a success rate! I wish you the best for that and hope you get approved for it.

I think Amber had a great idea with a nice relaxing bath. Set your bedroom up all ready for when you get out, a movie ready to play or book to read, a crossword puzzle or something you really enjoy. Maybe put some crisp clean sheet on your bed. I have this bizarre thing that after a bath I think clean bed linen kicks absolute a**. Make a nice hot cup of chocolate and hop into bed and just relax. Stay right away from Google, I am a chronic googler and I get myself in such a state sometimes that it makes me physically ill. Try an online crossword or a game of online cards. There's a site I LOVE, it's funny and interesting and takes my mind of things for ages. I'm not sure if I can post a link, it's called CRACKED ... It basically has funny articles and interesting facts.

Post as much as you like, there can never be too many posts reaching out and asking for help in my opinion :)

01-21-2014, 03:21 AM
Oops, nevermind. Thought my previous one didn't show up.

01-21-2014, 03:23 AM
Thank you nikkers, that made me cry. In a good way! My best friend of over ten years stopped talking to Me, I actually don't know why...and I just feel like no one understands until I come here. So thank you for that. You sound exactly and I mean scarily exactly like me when I'm well. To feel understood really really helps. So thank you. I will continue to fight and push forward. I too am a chronic googler. And my body can create instant symptoms. I can hear someone cough and have a sore throat and anxiety a few minutes later!! Lol then of course it stops because I'm not really sick. I can tell you this though. When I'm back to normal I will have a new appreciation for life. I really want to dedicate my time to helping others with anxiety. You are a good person and thank you for your reply.

01-21-2014, 03:36 AM
Your so welcome :) I'm so happy I could make you feel a little better. I swear Google is the devil, isn't it. It's so a double edged sword though, I hate it so much coz of how I feel and how scared I get when I google medical stuff, but what's the first thing I do when I'm watching a movie and can't remember where I know the actor from "No worries, the almighty Google shall tell me!!!!" ugh, lol.

It seriously trips me out how the body can literally create a symptom just by reading it, sometimes if I read something and then I panic and feel it, even I'm like " Ohh Cmon, gimme a break" but once it's felt, no matter how ridiculous it is, I obsess. The number of times I have run to my mirror to poke or prod or pull some part of my body... I imagine it's looks pretty comical lol.

I think the same to Ab, when I'm back to normal I will make myself appreciate life, even the small things that I just can't get excited over. I will be like "OMG, check out that magnificent tree, isn't it amazing!!!!" and people will be like "yeaaa, just gonna back away now" :p We will get there :)

Oh and just to add, I'm sorry to hear about your friend, that's rough. Pity, she's missing out :)

01-21-2014, 03:48 AM
Yes I know! Google is so darn useful. It should have a filter for medical searches though, too many and you're blocked! Lol..people at work used to call Me web md. They would complain of some ailment, I would tell them what was medically wrong. They would go to the Dr and I was always right! Lol that was bad to teach myself though...that I was right. I will probably be the crazy person enjoying every little thing because this is hell. But. We will get better, maybe we will write a book. Titled. No, I don't have anxiety. I am just well educated on what can go catastrophically wrong ! Lol

01-21-2014, 03:56 AM
Haha! that's gold :)

01-21-2014, 05:39 AM
I'm just having a sad night! Why can I feel for all of you, offer advice but I can't just snap out of this! :(:(


Just kidding...Make today a better day!!

E-Man.. :)

01-21-2014, 01:06 PM
Lol I told you I'd be banned. Today will be a better day. Or else I'm probably going to kick today's you know what. Lol

01-21-2014, 01:15 PM
Lol I told you I'd be banned. Today will be a better day. Or else I'm probably going to kick today's you know what. Lol

Don't worry, only the ugly ones get banned, (ask Artaud..)

01-21-2014, 01:33 PM
Lol oh, well thanks haha