View Full Version : exercise tolerance???

01-20-2014, 11:49 PM
Hey guys whats your general exercise tolerance?
I can pretty much walk continuously for 5 km or whatever but the minute I start jogging or running I dont last for more than 2 minutes.. this cannot be normal can it? Its very unnerving considering that I used to be the fastest runner in my grade back when I was in high school. : /

01-21-2014, 12:06 AM
I will start off by walking everyday. How much exercise is recommended everyday?
Im asking on here because im trying this new thing where I dont go on google every 2 minutes : p

01-21-2014, 12:21 AM
Haha! I like the sound of that vonnhelsing :) Something I should try an do myself, I'm lucky if I'm able to stay off google for long at all. I get off it then all of a sudden think of that "one last thing" I want to check. We should patent an anti googling shock collar or something, we'll be rich I tell you!! :p

I'm not sure if there is an actual set recommendation, maybe if you set yourself a goal of say 10 minutes for one day and then gradually increase that bit by bit over the next days. Once you reach an amount of time your comfortable, stick with that for a while.

I can totally relate to how you feel when exercising, when I used to do walks around my block, I was fine. My pukse would go super fast but I knew that was from the walking but if I tried to run I couldn't last more than a 30 seconds. I don't think it's anything to worry about, I think it's more a fitness level thing, of which mine is super low. You could try jogging in the smallest increments, maybe for 10 seconds and again increase that gradually. Best of luck :)

01-21-2014, 01:02 AM
I do a 30-45 minute brisk walk 5-6 days a week at the moment. I got a nice route that goes through the nice houses & a couple of parks - that makes all the difference!

I've walked a total of around 55 miles over the past month :D

I walk everywhere though, so I'm used to it.

Just do whatever you are comfortable with... there isn't really any limit when it comes to walking but as Nikkers said, build it up. I'd say you want to do a minimum of 20 minutes though. As Nikkers said, start out doing 20 minutes every day & increase as you wish.

The reason I prefer walking over running, is I'm nowhere near fit enough to run like 5 days a week, so I prefer to walk so I can exercise nearly everyday. Plus running is hard on your knees. I've only been doing it whilst out the gym though, back in the gym next week :)

Oh & I said this in the exercise thread yesterday, I started out running for 3 minutes, then walking for 2 minutes for a total of 15 minutes, 3 times a week. After a month or so I was running for 15 minutes straight. It's quite normal to find it hard at first! The longest run I've ever done was 1 hour without stopping! I'm not that fit any more though.

01-21-2014, 01:31 AM
How do you guys feel straight after the exercise? Cause I just finished a 40 min exercise of walking, weight lifting and biking and now im in my room relaxing but I keep getting pvc's..

01-21-2014, 01:42 AM
I used to occasionally get palpitations whilst running when my heart rate got up around 140ish when I first started but not normally after.

I don't think it is anything to be concerned about though.

Maybe you are more prone to them because of your pectus? Could always ask your Doctor if it is a regular occurrence after exercise.

01-21-2014, 02:01 AM
I get PVC's and chest pains abit while and after i'm excercising if i'm going through a high anxiety stage like just lately. I just blank them out, i've had the stress ECG done so i don't have anything to worry about I just know it's my anxiety because I get them at rest too.

01-21-2014, 04:36 AM
I have asked the doc if the pvcs are somehow tied in with the pectus issue and he just said that it might be but he kept saying their benign and he could see nothing wrong with my heart (other than the slight compression) .. done the stress test and a normal persons lifetime amounts of ecg's : p
He said I dont need surgery and he said the pvcs are benign and he said he cant tell whats causing them based on looking at my heart.
So I guess I should just ignore them cause once im back at resting heart rate they seem to go.
When we exercise our heart is beating much faster and there are bound to be some beats that just come a bit early.

01-21-2014, 05:15 AM
Hopefully that will set your mind at ease :)

I just did my first workout in 1 month - I had planned to do home workouts over Xmas but my health anxiety stopped me doing anything other than my walks.

I'll point you in the direction of The Exercise Thread (http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?23843-The-Exercise-Thread).

01-21-2014, 05:19 AM
Thanks chatty :)