View Full Version : good food fir anxiety

01-20-2014, 09:56 PM
I was looking for some tips on good food for anxiety. I smoked cigarettes for ten years... and ate very unhealthy that while time. I've quit all of that...and I'm trying to eat healthy without breaking the bank. And what foods to avoid?

01-20-2014, 09:56 PM
Good for anxiety. ...lol I swear I can spell...stupid phone

01-20-2014, 10:07 PM
Hi ab123 :)

Whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, fresh meats, eggs, grains, seeds and nuts are supposed to be good for anxiety.
As well as avoiding caffeine, refined sugar, aspartame (fake sugar in soft drinks) processed foods and MSG.

I used to eat a heap of processed foods laden with refined sugars and MSG, I also used to drink about 2 litres of Pepsi a day. I have since cut all of that out and am trying to stick to a whole foods diet. I can't vouch for it as far as helping anxiety but I know my body does feel better for it. I miss my junk food and Pepsi so much lol, but in the long run I think eating a healthy whole food diet is a good thing :)

Also, congrats on quitting smoking! I did the same about 6 months ago. I miss it soooo much but it's getting better the more time that passes.

01-20-2014, 10:55 PM
Thank you! Yes, when I'm stressed out I want one but u just force myself not to! Thanks! Everything does taste better since quitting, so eating healthy is a lot easier. :)

01-21-2014, 12:05 AM
Don't be too worried if when you cut out all the bad stuff you deal with some headaches. That's pretty standard coz you're body will be craving the sugars and caffeine etc. This was a hard time for me because my health anxiety is so severe, the tiniest headache... omg brain tumor! I just kept reminding myself that it was completely normal and if I was my body, I'd be pretty ***** off at having all the yummy good stuff taken away from me too :p