View Full Version : New to the thread

01-20-2014, 07:07 PM
Hi my names William and I'm new to this whole community/talking about my anxiety. I've had this weird feeling for about 2 months now and it came out of nowhere. It scared the hell out of me. It felt like all at once my brain just went numb and all my happiness in the world had gone. Everyday I wake up it's just constant worry about having anxiety about having anxiety... Sounds stupid right? I just hope it goes away soon because id love to get back to being happy

01-20-2014, 07:26 PM
keep your head up! everyone here is very supportive. When I first started having anxiety most of the time it was because I was worried about having an anxiety attack.

01-20-2014, 07:31 PM
Hey William, good to meet you and welcome to the community. :)
When you are in a place like this, you can be sure to find many who understand and offer good advice.

The constant worry about having anxiety about having anxiety, well, it doesn't sound stupid to me... that's pretty much normal around here, lol !

01-20-2014, 07:41 PM
Thx guys, it really feels good to talk to people that are going through the same thing honestly. It's just so weird like ill completely forget I have it some days but then there's always this little thing in my head that reminds me of it being there then it's like I'm back to square one. It's tough but I remember how I use to be and I want so much to be that way again

03-03-2014, 02:54 AM
You know what this little thing in the back of your head is called?
It is nothing but ignorance and your subsequent reaction to it
Anxiety is warning you about something so how could the one warning you hurts you
You are anxious because you are expecting the hit to strike you but it wont be sure of that
what scares you the most is that you ignore when its going to hit and how to react to it so when your body reacts to it you get scary and anxious
So the answer to your question is plain and simple
Accept it and trust your body after all what your body undergoes during anxiety is more like a workout than anything else
Your attitude will change the whole outlook at this and at evey hardship in your life