View Full Version : Really awful migraine

01-20-2014, 04:43 PM
Hey all.. I've had a cold + fever since Friday. Saturday morning I woke up with 103 fever but I took Advil liquid gels and it went down quite a bit. Yesterday it went back down to normal, around 96-97. I've also been taking Robitussin for my cold. Yesterday all the mucus finally broke and I was sneezing the entire day and quite violently, as well as coughing. Today I woke up with a throbbing headache/migraine pretty much all over. It throbs every time I move, bend down, cough, sneeze, probably the most painful headache/migraine I've ever experienced. I've looked it up and I may have a "cough headache" but I'm not sure. We have an extra bottle of antibiotics (amoxicillin) so she wanted me to start taking them along with the Advil + Robitussin.

I'm trying to not let my anxiety get the best of me, and trying not to think of the c-word or the t-word, but it's hard because it's really freaking me out and it's really painful. I wanted to go to the hospital but my mom thinks it's because I strained my muscles while sneezing and coughing constantly yesterday and it's nothing to worry about. Has anyone else experienced this before?