View Full Version : New to this

01-20-2014, 04:16 PM
Hey, not really sure on how to work this thread business... Hopefully this message sends.
I've been watching this forum for a while now, finally think it's time to involve myself.
I'm 21 and a student nurse, since June I've suffered terribly with anxiety, it's taken over my life. I've gone from being out going and confident to locking myself away from the world. I've had to take a medical interruption from my course just before graduation, doctors have put me on 30mg citalopram and I'm still awaiting nhs counselling...
I'm kind of lost my self in this and so desperate to get back to normality, I'm hoping through talking to others similar to myself I might be able overcome some of my problems.
Hope to hear back from anyone :)

01-20-2014, 04:32 PM

Glad you decided to join in and introduce yourself. Am new myself to this, previously joined online support and it's helped.

I don't quite understand what your going through, in that I have always been up and down and withdraw into myself since I can remember. Also never gone to any doctor about it all, sort of keep it hidden from everyone I guess to be honest...but I can say I know what it's like to feel the anxiety and to lock yourself away from the world and to retreat into the safety of yourself.

Am happy to talk if you ever need it, and hope you find all the support you need on here.


01-20-2014, 05:05 PM
Hi! We have a few things in common I'm 23 and am currently student teaching, almost finished with grad school! Were you in of clinicals of nursing school? Were you having stress/testing anxiety because of school and work or more generalized anxiety?

01-20-2014, 05:13 PM
Hey welcome :) I can relate I'm a student nurse as well and anxiety and health anxiety have taken over my life. I used to be so productive and great at studying and keeping up with school work and doing great in clinicals until one day bam it hit me and it hit me hard. I can't sleep I'm always thinking something is wrong with me chest pains just idk complete madness. I'm on propranolol for my fast heart rate and Xanax as needed but I think I need something more but I'm so apprehensive. How's the citalopram working for you? You will get through this and one day be a great nurse ... You find a lot of reassurance and support on this forum hope you feel better!

01-20-2014, 05:26 PM
Hey, Glad you decided to join in and introduce yourself. Am new myself to this, previously joined online support and it's helped. I don't quite understand what your going through, in that I have always been up and down and withdraw into myself since I can remember. Also never gone to any doctor about it all, sort of keep it hidden from everyone I guess to be honest...but I can say I know what it's like to feel the anxiety and to lock yourself away from the world and to retreat into the safety of yourself. Am happy to talk if you ever need it, and hope you find all the support you need on here. X
Isabelleva I have experienced some anxiety when I was younger in my first job as a carer but it was nothing in comparison to this now. I also have episodes of lows and highs, and unfortunately lost out on opportunities due to my withdrawal. It's a constant battle to say in control.
I would say as long as your in control of your anxieties then you don't necessarily need doctors, but you should try not to bottle up your feelings as through my experience it can make it worse, I'm also hear for a chat when you need x

01-20-2014, 05:34 PM
Hi! We have a few things in common I'm 23 and am currently student teaching, almost finished with grad school! Were you in of clinicals of nursing school? Were you having stress/testing anxiety because of school and work or more generalized anxiety?

Hiya, thanks for replying,
Yeah I was in placement at the time, 6weeks away from finishing my course :( I've had slight anxiety earlier in life but it seemed to come out of nowhere and is yet to leave. I had some private counselling and have been told it's generalised anxiety, it's started with palpitations, rashes on my neck and chest and sudden vomiting and diarrhoea and sometimes fainting. Had to immediately stop my placement and take a medical interruption from uni so graduation is on hold. However is also taken it's toll of my social life etc I used to be out going, this wasn't how I imagined being 21 -_-

01-20-2014, 05:59 PM
Hiya, thanks for replying,
Yeah I was in placement at the time, 6weeks away from finishing my course :( I've had slight anxiety earlier in life but it seemed to come out of nowhere and is yet to leave. I had some private counselling and have been told it's generalised anxiety, it's started with palpitations, rashes on my neck and chest and sudden vomiting and diarrhoea and sometimes fainting. Had to immediately stop my placement and take a medical interruption from uni so graduation is on hold. However is also taken it's toll of my social life etc I used to be out going, this wasn't how I imagined being 21 -_-

I had some of the same issues in college. I had terrible test/class anxiety and then it started to hurt my social life. I finally went and saw a doctor who put me on an antidepressant that also works for anxiety and then started therapy which has helped immensely! Things will definitely get better, have you thought about talking to a doctor about any medicine?