View Full Version : Anxiety association...

02-18-2008, 05:55 PM
So, i know it's common to have anxiety associated with certain places (i.e. crowded places, unfamiliar places, heights, while flying, etc.) but can anyone relate to/explain this:

I just started a new job a week ago. The job before this one was very very stressful to me, and i totally dreaded going to work everyday. Not surprisingly, everyday after I got off the metro and walked to my office my vision would get all very weird, not so much blurry but just off, like i was looking through a glass or something. anyway, i soon associated it with being anxious on my way to work, but then it got to a certain point where i expected my vision to get weird, and so that's what made my vision keep getting weird like that. even days when my boss wasn't going to be in or i felt anxiety-free, i always had vision on those walks, and i tried so hard to ignore it but i just couldn't. I started to expect it. i associated it with my walks to work in the morning. Now, i just started a new job. i know, stressful situation, but my boss is a lot better and very nice and supportive and i enjoy what i'm doing so i feel like my anxiety should be gone. Anyway, i get off at the same metro stop, and even though i take a different route to work, i still get weird vision on my walk to work. it drives me nuts. and it doesn't stop there. since i've started this new job, i've noticed a lot more floaters at work, all during the day, and my "weird" vision to last throughout the day, not just on my walk there. also i feel like i can't concentrate on my work as much and this is just stressing me out more because i feel like i'm not doing as good of a job as i'd like to, and that just makes me more anxious!

anyway, my question is, even if a situation doesn't stress you out or make you anxious anymore, can you still experience those symptoms just because you once associated the situation with anxiety?