View Full Version : Panic attack/derealization because of drugs! Help :(

01-20-2014, 12:47 PM

Okey, I'll try to explain this as short as possible. I'm a 18 year old guy who basically "tripped" on marijuana. Here's the story(excuse my English):

I see myself as a “calm” person. I don’t do “bad” things. For example, I don’t smoke marijuana or drink alcohol because I don’t feel like it’s my thing. I’m kind of a hardcore gamer that sits home all day and goes to the gym. BUT, I like to try out different stuff. I want to see what it’s all about. So, I have this cousin who basically started doing all kind of drugs, which destroyed his life. He went to rehab and now the only thing he smokes is marijuana. I and he are very close to each other, it’s like he’s my brother. He always kept telling me to try smoking some pot, because apparently it was the best feeling ever. I tried it out twice, but I didn’t take too much and I didn’t feel a thing. So, he told me to do more and more until I felt it. And honestly, I wanted to feel this feeling that everyone is enjoying. One day, I went to sleep over at his and his gfs apartment. We had been playing football/soccer all day and were so tired. He told me that some pot would be perfect at that moment and that it would help me relax. So he rolled one up and we started smoking…

This time, I took a lot. I smoked as much as he did. After every time I pass it, he asks me if I feel anything. And every time I answer “no”. Until’ we smoked it all up. I started laughing uncontrollably and I really liked that feeling. But then suddenly, when I stood up, it was like I got punched. It felt like I almost fainted. And the panic started. Worst night of my life. Everything went “dark” and my heart started beating hard and fast. It felt like I didn’t have any control of myself. I started screaming and asking when it’s gonna end. He said “calm down-you’re having a psychosis”. And yup, when he said that I just went to sleep, very calm. Of course not, it only made it worse. I couldn’t breathe well and I had this derealization feeling. I started walking around in the apartment because I was so scared. I tried to sit down and watch TV, but I couldn’t because I could hear my heart beat and I was shaking so much. So, in the middle of the night, we went out for a walk. I started hallucinating from the edge of my eye. I thought I was gonna die. However, we got home and I tried to chill down. I did after a while, like after 6 hours. The day after I just felt a little dizzy and everything was fine. (No, the weed wasn’t laced)

Now, as stupid as I am, as dumb as I am, I decided to smoke pot again with my cousin one month later. I thought I had a panic attack because it was my first time and I took too much. But nope, I took 2 blows. And WOOOPS I got another panic attack. Same symptoms, but much milder. The day after, it was still there. I panicked again. That whole day I panicked and decided to go to ER. They said that it was nothing wrong with me.

Now, 2 months after the last time, I’ve had like 3-5 panic attacks and like 5-10 “milder” attacks. I still have derealization feeling and I feel like sh*t. I can’t drink coffe or sodas or anything, because I’m too anxious. Nobody knows about this, that I still get panic attacks. I’m afraid to get another panic attack. Has anyone “tripped” as much as me? Anyone feels the same? Any tips what to do? Am I alone with this damn feeling?
Help is really appreciated!!

01-20-2014, 05:05 PM
Hey mate, I used to be a pot head. I greened out a few times but no panic attacks. One day I decided I'd try a pill for the first time... BIG MISTAKE. Panic attack after panic attack... It lasted a few days.. And basically since then I had mild anxiety.. But about 2 months ago I was sober but had a lot going on and has the biggest attack if my life.. And I had chronic anxiety since then.

01-20-2014, 07:20 PM
Yes.... I had a very similar experience. I too used to smoke...like 10-12 years ago now but the panic attacks it caused are vivid in my memory still. I did not have visual hallucinations but I felt like I was in another world and my heart was going CRAZY. I begged my friend to call her mom once after she freaked me out even more by feeling my chest and saying 'oh my gosh.' I thought I was going to die as well. Tried it again later and while not as bad it still caused panic.

01-20-2014, 07:32 PM
Yes.... I had a very similar experience. I too used to smoke...like 10-12 years ago now but the panic attacks it caused are vivid in my memory still. I did not have visual hallucinations but I felt like I was in another world and my heart was going CRAZY. I begged my friend to call her mom once after she freaked me out even more by feeling my chest and saying 'oh my gosh.' I thought I was going to die as well. Tried it again later and while not as bad it still caused panic.

Lol, that exact same thing happened. My cousin felt my heart and looked at me with a very serious face and said: "OMG I've never felt a heart beat so hard and fast" Thats when I really panicked. I asked him if I could die bcause of it, he answered: "no, you cant die bcause of the weed, but you can die if you have a panic attack"

I cant describe my face that moment lol. He told me next day that he didnt know what he was saying because he was high too.

01-20-2014, 10:58 PM
I greened out severely when I was a teenager. It felt exactly as you described AliasEQ. I felt so outside my own body and I could hear my heart in my head. When I tried to sip water it felt like it wouldn't go down properly. it felt "too cold" or something. Apparently I was rocking back and forth telling people I had all these tiny workers with pick axes in my bloodstream that were trying to mine through my skin...crazy stuff. When I started to feel better I got ravenously hungry and ate 2 whole packs of Ritz biscuits with cheese on them. The stupid part is that after I had eaten all these biscuits and felt better I thought I would be fine to smoke some more, not so... I violently vomited all over my friends new persion rug and had to be picked up by a friends mother. I don't really remember much of it at all. I never smoked again after that.

01-21-2014, 12:29 AM
i did feel exactly like you. it seems that persons who suffer from dp/dr after smoking weed are the ones who think too much. all i did was trying to get some sleep and calm myself. it all went away thank god. now i had a massive stressful month and i used to sleep and wake up very often and seeing dreams which made me confuse reality and dreams, adding here panic attack lack of sleep and all that made me go nuts (not really).anxiety triggered all these symptomps, and i couldnt handle it anymore. i saw a psychiatrist which told me that i had chemical imbalance due to the panic attacks i had and i was not dp or dr. really if you think it is enough you should get help. im now on lexapro and it helps me a lot.at least im not scared anymore. dp or dr make you loose sense of time and place and yourself. i tried and made it possible to adjust myself, by making a routine day. i get up each day at 8 and go for a run. then shower. then home reading or watching some tv with the curtains open so light can come in and make you feel awake. this all day long.try to get as much sunlight as you can. later go out with friends and do things you enjoy.avoid at first thing you dont like, then you must deal with them when you feel better. after sun is gone down, try to go for a walk.tell yourself it is night time. then home watch some tv or better read something. i usually sleep around 10 or 11 pm. making this routine helped me a lot. if you must work or have school you should not avoid them.do as much as you can not to think about it. as i told you medication has helped me, but not to scare you, first days were hard. you must have someone near all the time. my best advice is regulate sleeping patterns. it really helps a lot. and eat healthy and drink water all day. blood needs to clean itself.

01-21-2014, 01:24 AM
Has anyone “tripped” as much as me? Anyone feels the same? Any tips what to do? Am I alone with this damn feeling?
Help is really appreciated!!

I used to be a stoner whilst at high school.

It sounds like you took a whitey & then it triggered a panic attack because you didn't know what was going on.

I've heard of many people who smoked every single day for a few years who developed paranoia & anxiety. I think perhaps cannabis brings out things in people who are prone to them.

You seem like a sensible guy, by all means experiment with drugs if you want but be careful. I started out experimenting with pills & powders at Uni, which I started doing every weekend. I got in over my head once or twice but never developed a problem. However, my drug use then triggered Schizophrenia which fortunately has cleared up. It can't cause it but it can trigger it... so be warned. Drugs nearly ruined my life & many of my friends struggled with problems too. We were all level headed people. Lecture over :D