View Full Version : Im at my therapist appointment waiting....

01-20-2014, 11:50 AM
And I'm scared!!! Well nervous...... But I thought I was excited...... Started crying on the way historically. Dude I'm going crazy it feels like.... Maybe this is some kinda breaking point.... Who know wish me luck!! I really don't like to be a nut job all the time!!! Looking forward to and anxiety free 2014 :)

01-20-2014, 12:23 PM
And I'm scared!!! Well nervous...... But I thought I was excited...... Started crying on the way historically. Dude I'm going crazy it feels like.... Maybe this is some kinda breaking point.... Who know wish me luck!! I really don't like to be a nut job all the time!!! Looking forward to and anxiety free 2014 :)

Your not going crazy your just in a rubbish spin at the moment,you will get better and you can beat this,if you want to talk chat away :) I'm Emma by the way from London uk :)

01-20-2014, 04:33 PM
Thank you Emma :)
I went and just started blabbering haha but I'm going to go twice a week and see if that doesn't somehow help........ I'm scared of antidepressants so that's why I chose a therapist..... I felt pretty good after I left :) I know I can get through this...... I'm over it already!!!!!

01-20-2014, 04:38 PM
Thank you Emma :) I went and just started blabbering haha but I'm going to go twice a week and see if that doesn't somehow help........ I'm scared of antidepressants so that's why I chose a therapist..... I felt pretty good after I left :) I know I can get through this...... I'm over it already!!!!!

That's such good news :) well