View Full Version : Anxiety cause neck and lower back pain

01-20-2014, 10:35 AM
Hi I'm new to here and I have been suffering from anxiety and panic attack for a couple months an recently noticed server neck an lower back pain that causes really bad headaches an my leg muscles and arm muscles feel weak an tired but numb as well with these vibrating feelings in my muscles does anyone else get these feelings ??????

01-20-2014, 10:42 AM
Yea definitely. Anxiety can really exhaust our muscles. I have some kind of muscle pain pretty much most of the day. At the moment ive got a terrible headache (from constant worrying and thinking stupid thoughts) and shoulder ache..
I get a lot of massages to ease the tension.

Welcome to the forum btw : )

01-20-2014, 10:48 AM
Thanks so much it's scares me because I get pressure in the front of my head ( forehead and eye pressure ) with some blackish transparent things in my eyes and I wonder what can this be I go to doctors and they say every this is fine

01-20-2014, 10:48 AM
I used to be that way

One of the ways I realized was so mind created is I read a book to address the sever lower back pain I had for years in my lower back

I saw an interview with the doctor who wrote it along with 3 test subjects that had tried everything imaginable to eliminate their back pain

He spoke with them for just under 2 hours

It showed the test subjects 3 weeks later and the worst, a woman who was essentially siting in a wheelchair, was actually jogging a few miles a day

I thought this was crazy

So I read the book and had a complete understanding of how your back can be coaxed into being worse by doctors who tell you that you have certain things showing on an xray

Also how people carry stress in their upper or lower back and their neck

In the book it goes over many cases of people. And I was identifying with them and was feeling the exact same way

It sounds far fetched I know. But it completely changed my life and haven't suffered from chronic back pain in many years

The book is " the Healing Back" by dr. John Sarno

He is on the board for the New York School of Medicane.

Try the book. It could really be what is going on.

For me, it was just another anxiety symptom that I swore was real. It wasn't.

01-20-2014, 10:51 AM
Thanks so much I will so look into getting that book because I feel it's needed anxiety puts me in a predicament where I get upset with doctors cause there not finding what's wrong when it's really the anxiety playing it's role ! I so wanna get rid of all these symptoms