View Full Version : i have tried everything

01-20-2014, 07:25 AM
Hi I have had horrible anxiety for years and nothing seems to help. I am so discouraged. I am 56 years old and miss working. I want to get better but it feels like there is nothing left to try. I see a therapist weekly.

01-20-2014, 07:31 AM
I'm sorry to hear that TTFB. Sometimes some people can suffer some really resistant anxiety.

How far have you gone up dose wise in anti depressants? Have you ever gone to a max dose before?

01-20-2014, 07:35 AM
Hello there :) Ito have had anxiety for years to I'm 38 so I know how you feel
What kinds of things have you tryed

01-20-2014, 07:42 AM
I have tried all the SSRI's and just started cymbalta which I seem to tolerate but just been on it for a couple of weeks. No I never reach very high dose because it seems to make things worse.

01-20-2014, 07:49 AM
I have tried all the SSRI's and just started cymbalta which I seem to tolerate but just been on it for a couple of weeks. No I never reach very high dose because it seems to make things worse.

Fingers crossed for you with this one
I'm on setraline I've only been on it for 9 months
It works well for me I think it just a case of finding what works for you

01-20-2014, 07:55 AM
Ok cool, hopefully the new drug makes some changes happen.

It's good to see you changing med types. Sometimes SSRIs don't cut it. Let's see what an SNRI can do for you. Different drugs are believed to affect different neurotrans, so ya know, trying different meds, at different doses is usually a good plan for somebody who has resistant anxiety.

Have you ever had a full health check up, just to make sures there's no organic cause?

01-20-2014, 08:01 AM
I have heart skips and I have had everything checkedout. I really panic when my heart skips even though they tell me not to worry

01-20-2014, 08:12 AM
Yep make sure your diet is clean of high levels of aspartame, MSG, caffeine, refined sugar and alcohol. If AD's, including TCA's, don't help enough then in your case since it seems severe so a benzo should be tried or even anticonvulsants like gabapentin or pregabalin before that.
Also consider either L-tryptophan or 5 HTP with your doc monitoring all.
The thyroid should be checked as well as maybe your vitamin D level.
Keep up the therapy.
Make sure you try and get some light exercise and time outside.
What kind of anxiety? GAD, Panic, Social Anxiety, Obsessions, a mix?
Has your therapist found any psychic conflicts at all? Like repressed emotions, past abuse or unresolved issues that kind of thing?

01-20-2014, 08:23 AM
GAD. I do take gabapentin. I don't touch and of the caffeine msg etc. I do think it's more of a mix. Social anxiety is also a problem and I don't know if there is panic or not I really can't tell the difference.

01-20-2014, 08:27 AM
What dose of the gabapentin?
Do you get shaky/nervous around people?
I mean what is the core of biggest issue for you? How does it effect work, social life?
Lets start there. Alankay

01-20-2014, 08:30 AM
600mg twice a day. I get really nervous around people

01-20-2014, 08:57 AM
alankay may I ask what other things you use for your anxiety? I've only been on setraline 50mg for 9
Months now but I'm always trying to learn on new things to help and I know you have loads of information on meds and non :)

01-20-2014, 09:52 AM
Well I use prozac 20 mg per day and l-Trytophan, 1000mg. I add a beta blocker, propranolol, 20-40 mgs for tremor/shaking and rapid heart beat. The beta blocker only on workdays or busy gatherings.
I run, get no or minimal aspartame, MSG, caffeine, refined sugars and beer just on Fri night and one with dinner some nights. If I were acutely anxious I would drop that too but have been good for a good while really. Still have my moments of course. Valium for flights, interviews, etc.
For Timetofeelbetter I would ask your doc about propranolol say 20-40 mgs. It will dampen your bodies response to adrenaline. Less shaking, tremor, tics and rapid heart beat if being around people and the center of attention bothers you(it does many with SA). Many executives and even actors and musicians use it. The gabapentin should help but if even an increase in the dose doesn't, an ssri like zoloft might be added with a long acting benzo like valium, klonopin or clorazepate since and if the gabapentin or a trial of lyrica doesn't cut it.
You need to work and if your anxiety is that bad, hasn't responded to ssri's, and neuropleptics a benzo should be considered IMHO.
If you've tried at least 2 ssri's for a least 2 months at medium-high doses, they just may not be for you. Sometimes docs will then try at snri or tca(an older class of AD meds).
Anyway please comment of the biggest issues or symptoms for you. Feel free to go into detail. Alankay

01-20-2014, 02:09 PM
I am on metoprolol which is a beta blocker. I use mindfulness if my Anxiety isn't so bad I can't relax. I don't think there is a book I haven't read or therapy I haven't tried. My doctor and therapist tell me meds aren't the answer that just frustrates me. Recently I have been going to the ER because I feel heart skipping which is costly and since they won't hurt me it's a waste of time and money. I hate the hopelessness anxiety brings me.

01-20-2014, 02:17 PM
How about meditation? Seems effective in helping to relax the mind and body. Self hypnosis is also very effective too I hear. As are many of the guides stickied at the top of the forum. With anxiety you have to re-educate how your mind works. When you have the inital panic attacks which all too often throw people into a world of anxiety and fearfulness you have to work hard and daily to undo the negative and illogical ways of thinking. Anxiety is driven by fear and worry and i'm sure you're aware from the books you read, anxiety is controlled solely by the amount of worry we put into it. With enough worry you kick in the fight or flight response and wind up with excess adrenaline and chemicals which over time create more symptoms which in turn create secondary fears and the vicious circle spins out of control. Even if you're having a good day or good week you could still get struck with heart palps or other symptoms because the mind and body has been put through it's paces for an extended period.

I've read many success stories with medication. problem being it can be tough sticking out the inital 2-3 weeks of side effects and waiting 4-6 weeks to see the true benefits of the medication. Dr's tend to start at an introductory dose and work up after around 4 weeks. increasing the dose fortnightly until you reach peak doseage. Even then that drug might not be the one for you. So perseverance is key.

Medication should go hand in hand with therapy. How effective are you finding your therapist? Much like medication and Dr's; finding the right therapist can take a lot of trial and error as well as time to find the one who is right for you, but it's certainly do-able.

As well as looking at positive and logical ways to look at your general outlook and anxiety it's certainly worth looking at lifestyle changes. Diet, exercise habits as well as quitting alcohol and smoking where applicable are all good ways of helping anxiety. I think people spend so long hoping a pill, a book or isome such will instantly cure them of anxiety. We often assume anxiety came out of nowhere and so, with enough searching we'll find something to eject it from our lives as instantly as it apparently seemed to come into our lives. Problem is that anxiety, when it hits you with physical symptoms has been due to many years of poor emotional and stress management that has built up over time. Often the initial eruption of anxiety, whether it be a panic attack or aches, pains and unnerving symptoms tends to strike us seemingly out of the blue and puts additional stress on a body that is giving out these symptoms to show us that it's under a lot of stress.. That's why it's best to tackle anxirety via many different paths at the same time and remember that thje road to recovery won't be instant.

Whilst it's good to try many methods to gradually overcome anxiety don't try to take too much on at once as that can also add additional undue stress to your life. Take things gradually and you will gradually see benefits to what you do.

Anxiety truly is a life altering time of your life and you can feel so helpless and weakened by it. In reality people with anxiety are extremely brave and resilient to get through the constant barrage of fear and sensations day in day out. To really overcome anxiety we have to be willing to truly undertake a new way of life and break free of the nightmarish world our fears and worries have allowed anxiety to become. Just as terrifying as anxiety is, change and the road to recovery can seem uncertain, unreachable or too drawn out to provide much comfort. But given time it can be done.


01-20-2014, 02:21 PM
Well for many meds aren't and for some they are very valuable. Lifesaving in fact. Can I ask what country you live in? That's a selective beta blocker and a non selective one might be better. Propranolol is non selective one.
It seems this has been going on a while. Have they ever given you a benzo like klonopin or valium? I mean it seems you are really hurting and unable to get lasting relief. Alankay

01-20-2014, 03:44 PM
I have been on xanax and klonopin. I am thinking about going back on klonopin. It didn't do much but my doc said I was on to low a dose. I was on half a mg twice a day. I don't smoke drink etc. I don't exercise it makes me nervous makes my heart skip.

01-20-2014, 04:03 PM
Ahh that is a low dose. I prefer a long acter like klonopin. Try 1mg in the AM and .5 mg at night if you sleep OK and are not anxious at night. Although some would benefit from that .5 mg dose it would be a tad low for many. If anxiety is more of a night issue try 1 mg at bed and .5 mg in the AM but it sounds more like mostly a day issue.
You are in the US so docs here a bit more willing to use a benzo if you try to use it only when needed, etc.
I used to worry about the heart as well until I realized I did just because I noticed it beating faster when anxiety started up. Many anxious folk do.
So when around people what troubles you the most? Shaking, tremor, racing heart, tics, mind going kind of "blank" for a moment and scares you?
Think beta blocker for physical symptoms and a benzo for psychic fear/anxiety.

01-20-2014, 05:48 PM
I worry a lot about never getting better since I am not. I worry about my heart skipping 24/7 it's terrible. I want to go back to work and I don't think that will ever happen. It's been 10 years since I worked and went through nursing school. I used to love to work out and still do if it wasn't for my anxiety. I am a mess when it comes to my mental health. Glad I found this site.

01-20-2014, 06:06 PM
So the docs say your heart just has benign palpitations?

01-20-2014, 07:24 PM
I worry a lot about never getting better since I am not. I worry about my heart skipping 24/7 it's terrible. I want to go back to work and I don't think that will ever happen. It's been 10 years since I worked and went through nursing school. I used to love to work out and still do if it wasn't for my anxiety. I am a mess when it comes to my mental health. Glad I found this site. I really feel for you as dealing with heart palps daily is my biggest fear. My doc as well says mine are ok but when it keeps happening its hard to understand. Hang in there!

01-20-2014, 11:31 PM
Yes they say there benign, I have had every test they can do I my heart and it's fine. It just skips and scares me to death. Still don't know how people don't even know they are having them pvcs/pacs.

01-21-2014, 01:15 AM
Many anxious folk are hyper vigilant about they bodies. Part of how anxiety works. I went through that too way back. I guess I have learned to accept them as normal somehow. Alankay

01-21-2014, 02:22 AM
Many anxious folk are hyper vigilant about they bodies. Part of how anxiety works. I went through that too way back. I guess I have learned to accept them as normal somehow. Alankay

Alankay how did you stop focussing on every sensation you feel - this is my issue. I'm on high alert to any sensation I feel, focus on it then panic and therefore intensify that sensation. Vicious bloody cycle that I can't break

01-21-2014, 02:24 AM
Alankay how did you stop focussing on every sensation you feel - this is my issue. I'm on high alert to any sensation I feel, focus on it then panic and therefore intensify that sensation. Vicious bloody cycle that I can't break

Me too!!! :(

01-21-2014, 02:25 AM
Me too!!! :(

It's hell isn't it :( mine are all related to my head. Kills me. It's allied think about all day long.

01-21-2014, 02:45 AM
I wish there was a way to change this thinking. I wish it was as simple as" non-sufferers" make it sound. I have had months of great days...why does it come back??

01-21-2014, 07:33 AM
Alankay how did you stop focussing on every sensation you feel - this is my issue. I'm on high alert to any sensation I feel, focus on it then panic and therefore intensify that sensation. Vicious bloody cycle that I can't break

I have the same problem! It's debilitating. It effects my daily life. If I wake up in the middle of the night with a gas pain or a cramp, my brain immediately thinks I'm dying. I don't get decent sleep unless I'm medicated. But then I start to freak out over possible side effects of medication. It's a vicious circle for me...

01-21-2014, 07:35 AM
I wish there was a way to change this thinking. I wish it was as simple as" non-sufferers" make it sound. I have had months of great days...why does it come back??

Exactly! I have had people who have never experienced this, say "just stop thinking about it" ummm.. I WISH it was that simple. It I had the ability to control my brain like that. I wouldn't have anxiety or panic attacks.

01-21-2014, 07:46 AM
I wish there was a way to change this thinking. I wish it was as simple as" non-sufferers" make it sound. I have had months of great days...why does it come back??

Anxiety is trying to teach us something we need to know, always. As soon as I embrace and surrender to it, and stay with it, and realize I don't need to run or hide,

just watch it move, make my body shake, hands tremble, heart race, thoughts zoom, I just watch it, and I know I am not that, I am only the one experiencing "that".

I usually see in the quietness after the storm some thoughts, remaining. Damn kids! Damn dogs barking, Why can't I just be normal? Am I crazy etc? Then I watch

those and tell my some some truth. Nothing outside of me is capable of taking my peace away unless I let it. When people start to feel better from anxiety they think

they can go back to a lifestyle they lived before. Sadly it involved self demeaning behavior, and there they go again repeating things like I'm a waste, I'm

not as good as ______ fill in the blank. I don't have enough_____________ fill in the blank. This is what happens then we return to, our bodies reaction to

all this negative, low vibrational thought. Instead we need a little discipline to practice meditation, yoga, self affirming thoughts we choose, our life may never

be the same, and that's not bad, since we probably will see we are so much more than we dreamed. Just some things I found that remind me, my life is flexible

I can and will enjoy it, and most of all enjoy my own company. Peace

01-21-2014, 08:03 AM
Well all I can say it that I did work to address some conflicts I had after some psychotherapy. I think once we found what was "really bothering me" and worked on that, my anxiety decreased allot but it didn't disappear. Plus being a run even then I realized well "what the hell can be wrong with my heart, really"? In my mind I knew the docs were right and that led me to listen to my therapist when she thought specific things were bothering me at a low level they needed to be addressed and reconciled as best possible. She also said I was an anxious type but that could be improved and she was right. It's so important to not leave that part out and just use meds only. They both are used in different proportions for each patient but often no meds are needed really or just for a short while. Really the first step should always be psychotherapy IHMO unless it's bad already then meds can be used to calm you while you get started in treatment. Alankay