View Full Version : finger twitch

02-18-2008, 11:39 AM
Okay this nice symptom is really freaking me out. The other day I developed a muscle twitch between my thumb and index finger. Sometimes my finger/thumb actually move. Does anyone else have this? I am going along just fine then something like this happens and it sends me back into anxiety hell. I just wish that I could get this under control like normal people. Is it possible to have all these different symptoms and have it just be anxiety.

Also, does anyone know of a support group in Michigan? My insurance doesn't cover therapy and I don't really want to take meds unless I have to.

Thanks for listening, this site has been a real help to me.

02-18-2008, 12:47 PM
Twitching Is Based Off Of Stress Which Is common. I had my eye twitching for a hella long time :/ lol. But, I live in mid michigan. I havn't found anything of a support thing as of yet.

02-18-2008, 03:10 PM
hello there...i have had the finger twitching...and also as we speak my BUT CHEEK is twitching :shock: lol...another anxiety symptom...damn annoying but harmless

02-18-2008, 05:18 PM
Muscle twitching is usually harmless. If you had a serious problem it would be all over and for a long time.

Its most likely stress or a lack of calcium/magnesium in your diet. Either way you are among millions. I think just about everyone has experienced muscle twitching in some form in their lifetime. Its as normal is breathing (well not that normal but it sounded good for dramatic effect reasons :))

Also the reason why your finger moves is because it must be connected to that muscle group, you will always have function of it, its not like your losing control of your motor abilities in any fashion. Its not really related at all. Just throwing that out there if thats what you was worried about.

02-18-2008, 11:26 PM
Hi there,
I also get twitching in my elbow:-) its is a very uncomfortable sensation.

I was wondering does anybody else get a 'crawling sensation' under their skin and can it be from the meds or anxiety? Its so annoying I got it last night before I went to sleep and it comes and goes. Its just irritating. It only goes away if I apply pressure to it. I have it in my shin on my left leg.

Anybody experience this?