View Full Version : Anxiety slowly going uppp, advice please?

01-20-2014, 02:54 AM
Right basically I've got quite bad health anxiety, over the last year and a half I've been to the doctors way too many times! About a year ago I found a lump under my jawline on my neck which scared me a lot, I went to the doctors where he said he can't feel anything to worry about. Tried to move on and trust the doctor because he's been right with every illness i've diagnosed myself with so far (that i haven't got it) but I went back again a few weeks later for a second opinion by another doctor, he said its a swollen lymph node but it's not big enough for concern. Went back a third time about 2 months later, he said the same thing but sent me for blood tests because he could see I was worried, all came back fine. Put it to the back of my mind for a good 6 months but the other day it come back to me for some reason and i started feeling the lymph node again, so went back to the doctors and saw a different doctor to the previous 3 and he said it's nothing to worry about.

Now I know I should trust 4 different doctors advice and just leave it but it's impossible, it's just always there and i keep feeling it with my hand seeing if it's changed or whatever. For some reason if i've self diagnosed myself with something, i can't get it out my mind until I've a test done for it, like this one, if they sent me for a scan on it and it all come back fine, i'd leave it at that, but I feel like i'm unsure because there no tests its just the doctor feeling it. It's causing my anxiety to never stop, i feel like my throats always sore, im always congested in the morning, blaa! haha

I want to go in and just ask him to refer me to a specialist, they've said the lymph node is swollen but why's it swollen? it's been like it for a year (but then it was a year ago I got my anxiety, so maybe it's been there for ages or all my life, but i've only just noticed the small things like since i got anxiety) who knows? :) I just want to put it to bed so I can get back to anxiety free because this is the only thing holding me back.

Sorry for rambling haha, just stuck on what to do, go back to the doctors for the 6th time and for him to fob me off again or just man up and leave it? health anxiety is exhausting!

01-20-2014, 10:32 AM
I actually have a few little lumps around my jawline as well..
I check it regularly but I always say that as long as it doesnt grow in size its probably benign.

01-20-2014, 11:00 AM
You sound anxious. So what? You have a lump? So? What's that mean to you? Are you afraid of dying? Are you afraid of living? I've been both. That my friend is

what hell is to me, not living NOW. When I am suffering regardless of what it is, it's hell, when I live and let myself and my mind rest it is heaven. As I see it there's

no up and down or later about it, there is accepting to live this moment, with or without suffering. Then I shift my way, through meditation, medication, sleep , eating

well, exercise etc. I sometimes catch myself going back to old patterns and that is what I call becoming aware, when it comes I don't dare fight with it, I lose every

time, I surrender to what life is wanting to show me. I am always surprised, lots of times I'm angry and don't realize it, this perpetuates my insecurities.

Keep us posted, you too will see the power you truly have, and you have it right now, it's just blocked by something. Only you know what that something is. Peace

Lord Jazzinho
01-20-2014, 11:01 AM
There are glands around that area and swollen glands in themselves aren't serious

01-21-2014, 01:35 AM
lord jazzinho, unfortunately I google'd abit when i first found the lump which set me off, need to stop lookin up symptoms because it never ends well.

I actually have a few little lumps around my jawline as well..
I check it regularly but I always say that as long as it doesnt grow in size its probably benign.

I wish I was as good as you haha, unfortunately I can't seem to get it out of my head this thing on my neck. Anyone without anxiety would of left it alone after the first doctor saying its nothing to worry about but not me :p I don't feel that likes its grown, I first found it in like January last year so i should be telling myself that if it hasn't grown in a year then like you said, its probably benign.

You sound anxious. So what? You have a lump? So? What's that mean to you? Are you afraid of dying? Are you afraid of living? I've been both. That my friend is

what hell is to me, not living NOW. When I am suffering regardless of what it is, it's hell, when I live and let myself and my mind rest it is heaven. As I see it there's

no up and down or later about it, there is accepting to live this moment, with or without suffering. Then I shift my way, through meditation, medication, sleep , eating

well, exercise etc. I sometimes catch myself going back to old patterns and that is what I call becoming aware, when it comes I don't dare fight with it, I lose every

time, I surrender to what life is wanting to show me. I am always surprised, lots of times I'm angry and don't realize it, this perpetuates my insecurities.

Keep us posted, you too will see the power you truly have, and you have it right now, it's just blocked by something. Only you know what that something is. Peace

This is exactly the attitude I want to have, forget about all my health worries and just move on and enjoy myself but this is just holding me back and I feel like i can't move on until I get this thing tested, so frustrating! I'm petrified of cancer, i lost a good friend to it and i lost my grandad to it, anything where I think I have it i just can't let it go until i've been cleared. I'm 21, the doctors told me plenty of times that i'm young and i should just be out enjoying myself but it's just been one thing after another for the past year, i'd love to just forget everything.

01-21-2014, 06:33 AM
I can relate to the stopping of looking on google at the list of symptoms. Watching, reading etc. These can increase worry I have found. In real life lately you have

been told by real life doctors looking at you, testing you that you are fine. You are fine. Losing people to disease is difficult at best. But you are well. I lost two

friends, and family this past month. Then my dad was diagnosed on Jan 5 2014 with colon cancer. I see him recovering, I see him well it settles me to see that, and

cancer is not something that can't be beat. I do know he could die, well his body can, but today I will live and watch him live, and not miss that celebration. He can't

leave me really ever, he's a permanent fixture in my mind. I am sorry for your losses. You my friend are alive/well and I choose to celebrate that now. Peace