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01-20-2014, 02:08 AM
When I go out I feel like my legs are gonna give way or im loosing balance it sonetimes happens when im at home in the house but its scaring me :(

01-20-2014, 02:11 AM
Nope, I used to get this a lot, thought it was some kind of medical reason why my legs were so weak! But just like most anxiety symptoms, once you realize its just anxiety and forget about it abit it goes on it's own :p

01-20-2014, 02:25 AM
Not that I know of, anxiety causes so many symptoms I think doctors would struggle to explain how anxiety causes such things like weak legs. When I was going through my first patch of anxiety, before I got diagnosed, I just remember walking through a shopping center and just feeling like my legs are going to give way at any point, had to keep sitting down. Then I went into a dark small shop and had my second anxiety attack (Didn't know it was that at the time, so ended up making a dash the doors gasping for air haha) Which is when I went to A&E and he explained it was an anxiety attack I had and that all the symptoms i've been having (including weak legs) we're caused by anxiety too.

Jonathan Wallcroft
01-20-2014, 02:47 AM
I get something similar in my legs but only if I've sat down for a while and got anxious I find it impossible to stand up sometimes I think that's quite similar

01-20-2014, 02:50 AM
Omg yes I get this ALL the time. Have now for almost 2 years accompanied by a "I'm going to pass out" feeling. It sucks and I just can't shake it... Had it all day today and caused a huge attack

01-20-2014, 02:52 AM
I get something similar in my legs but only if I've sat down for a while and got anxious I find it impossible to stand up sometimes I think that's quite similar

I get this too. If I'm out to dinner I panic thinking "I don't think I'll be able to walk out if here when the time to leave comes"

Jonathan Wallcroft
01-20-2014, 02:55 AM
I get this too. If I'm out to dinner I panic thinking "I don't think I'll be able to walk out if here when the time to leave comes"

Yeah that's exactly what it is, I normally spend the last 10 minutes of any meeting worrying about what to do when it ends

01-20-2014, 02:59 AM
Yeah that's exactly what it is, I normally spend the last 10 minutes of any meeting worrying about what to do when it ends

It's awful isn't it :(
I have constant head symptoms with mine, anxious or not it's always there. Just this weird dizzy, brain scrambled feeling. Make my eyes and brain unable to focus on anything!!

Jonathan Wallcroft
01-20-2014, 03:01 AM
It's awful isn't it :( I have constant head symptoms with mine, anxious or not it's always there. Just this weird dizzy, brain scrambled feeling. Make my eyes and brain unable to focus on anything!!

Yep exactly, I've got it right now actually because I've got to go see my friends who don't really get anxiety :/

01-20-2014, 03:10 AM
Its horrible im scared to go out the house im scared to be in my house alone incase I do pass out I feel like im going crazy :( I wish it wud stop x

01-20-2014, 03:32 AM
Its horrible im scared to go out the house im scared to be in my house alone incase I do pass out I feel like im going crazy :( I wish it wud stop x

I know how u feel. I have constant anxiety about my physical symptoms which means I have them all day everyday. I can't think about anything else. I have a 4 year old and feel like such a bad mum

01-20-2014, 03:32 AM
What do your symptoms feel like?
Are they constant?

01-20-2014, 03:36 AM
I know it's hard to believe this is all down to
Anxiety but it is,I've been through years of thinking oh what if this and what if that and oh I'm going to pass out or make a fool of myself but I can promise you all now that your all
Going to be fine,anxiety is a big fat lier and it loves tho to think like this and keep it alive and stoping you from living how you want
To,I get days where I'm bad but I get more gold days and this will happen to you all to,your all amazing people and you are so strong,please feel free to message me anytime :)

01-20-2014, 03:39 AM
I know it's hard to believe this is all down to Anxiety but it is,I've been through years of thinking oh what if this and what if that and oh I'm going to pass out or make a fool of myself but I can promise you all now that your all Going to be fine,anxiety is a big fat lier and it loves tho to think like this and keep it alive and stoping you from living how you want To,I get days where I'm bad but I get more gold days and this will happen to you all to,your all amazing people and you are so strong,please feel free to message me anytime :)

How do you overcome the I'm going to pass out constantly feelings? They are SO real.
And the spaced out feeling and I also get this weird feeling like my vision is weird or like my brain is so scrambled

01-20-2014, 03:41 AM
What do your symptoms feel like?
Are they constant?

I feel spaced out and when I go out I feel like im going to fall like im loosing my balance or going to pass out I some times get it when im inside at home I only feel ok when im on my bed wrapped up x

01-20-2014, 03:44 AM
How do you overcome the I'm going to pass out constantly feelings? They are SO real. And the spaced out feeling and I also get this weird feeling like my vision is weird or like my brain is so scrambled

Hello rhar :) I know they are nasty and make you feel like your going to and when you walk it feels very so mo like and like your not there,the point of this is the anxitey is making you feel this way,you can get something from you doctors to help you with the dizzy feeling
Also if your not sleeping or eating much then that can make you feel dizzy,if I'm tired I get it bad
If your not on anything to help with your anxiety you can get herbal alternatives to see if they will
Help you

01-20-2014, 03:52 AM
Hello rhar :) I know they are nasty and make you feel like your going to and when you walk it feels very so mo like and like your not there,the point of this is the anxitey is making you feel this way,you can get something from you doctors to help you with the dizzy feeling
Also if your not sleeping or eating much then that can make you feel dizzy,if I'm tired I get it bad
If your not on anything to help with your anxiety you can get herbal alternatives to see if they will
Help you

What herbal alternatives could I take? I dont always get dizzy but feeling spaced out is horrible and the wierd legs like i need to hold on to somthing x

01-20-2014, 03:58 AM
I feel spaced out and when I go out I feel like im going to fall like im loosing my balance or going to pass out I some times get it when im inside at home I only feel ok when im on my bed wrapped up x

Yes exactly the same here!! Exactly

01-20-2014, 04:00 AM
What herbal alternatives could I take? I dont always get dizzy but feeling spaced out is horrible and the wierd legs like i need to hold on to somthing x

Right you could buy
St. John's wart
Lavender for your bath you can get this also in a pillow spray etc
Epsom salts for you bath
Canmomile tea
Almonds are good to eat to

01-20-2014, 07:51 AM
Right you could buy
St. John's wart
Lavender for your bath you can get this also in a pillow spray etc
Epsom salts for you bath
Canmomile tea
Almonds are good to eat to

Thankyou xx

01-20-2014, 12:33 PM
Hello rhar :) I know they are nasty and make you feel like your going to and when you walk it feels very so mo like and like your not there,the point of this is the anxitey is making you feel this way,you can get something from you doctors to help you with the dizzy feeling Also if your not sleeping or eating much then that can make you feel dizzy,if I'm tired I get it bad If your not on anything to help with your anxiety you can get herbal alternatives to see if they will Help you

I'm not even sure if dizzy is the right word to describe it. It's this very odd feeling in my head which affects my vision and my ability to concentrate. It almost feels like my brain is moving or being squeezed and I feel like I'm going to pass out. I try to distract myself when this happens but it's hard and sometimes it consumes me!!!