View Full Version : Urrggggh 100 steps backwards

01-20-2014, 01:23 AM
I had been doing so well for so many weeks, not total control of my attacks but managing constant symptoms. Then today total chaos.. Woke with numbness on side of my face, spacey dizzy head feeling and it just grew from there... And totally out of control :(

01-20-2014, 02:33 AM
It's not a step back. Remind yourself that you can again...be back to where you were. Don't over analyze it. You will be just fine :)

01-20-2014, 02:48 AM
Thank you :)
Just I have constant 24/7 symptoms and just so hard to believe it's anxiety! All I can think about is how I'm feeling every day all day.

01-20-2014, 03:07 AM
Oh I promise I understand!! Your nerves are over sensitive from being so full force all the time...so that cycle continues...I have it everyday also. But as you break the cycle it slows the less power you give it. The more you regain control. You can do this. We all can. We just need the support:)

01-20-2014, 03:10 AM
Hope and help for your nerves, Dr. Claire weeks. read it!! Within the first few minutes you will feel better!! If you have an android phone...download the kindle app. And purchase that book. It's.inexpensive. .but you will find immediate releif..I'm very familiar with your anxiety type I have it too...all day symptoms..they can even wake me up!

01-20-2014, 03:13 AM
As ab123 has just said it's not a step back it's just a bump in the road,we all
Have bad days so don't be to down on yourself that your having a down day,because you keep on thinking how your feeling it's fueling your feeling of anxiety and so on,I describe it like playing tennis with yourself,the thoughts in your head then the feelings of panic and then again in your head and so it goes on and on,I know it's very hard to get your head around it and that you think up so many things that you think your going to have believe me I've had the lot of the years and yet hellooooo I'm still
Here :) your mind is a very powerful bit of machinery and we anxiety lot have a very Extreme imagination and that's all it is,as hard as it is to except the feelings your having as just feelings,if you do that and say to yourself whatever it's not nice how I'm feeling but you can't harm me then that's your first step
To beating it

01-20-2014, 03:36 AM
Hope and help for your nerves, Dr. Claire weeks. read it!! Within the first few minutes you will feel better!! If you have an android phone...download the kindle app. And purchase that book. It's.inexpensive. .but you will find immediate releif..I'm very familiar with your anxiety type I have it too...all day symptoms..they can even wake me up!

I just ordered this book tonight!
I can't purchase on my phone as I'm in Australia and it says can only be bought from us. Odd as the author is Australian lol..

Thank you for your reply, it's just these head symptoms are so scary. Had them for 2 years but stil feel like something else is wrong and that I am going to pass out one day. I feel like I'm just going through the motions and not enjoying anything as all I think and focus on is how and what I'm feeling :(

01-20-2014, 03:37 AM
As ab123 has just said it's not a step back it's just a bump in the road,we all Have bad days so don't be to down on yourself that your having a down day,because you keep on thinking how your feeling it's fueling your feeling of anxiety and so on,I describe it like playing tennis with yourself,the thoughts in your head then the feelings of panic and then again in your head and so it goes on and on,I know it's very hard to get your head around it and that you think up so many things that you think your going to have believe me I've had the lot of the years and yet hellooooo I'm still Here :) your mind is a very powerful bit of machinery and we anxiety lot have a very Extreme imagination and that's all it is,as hard as it is to except the feelings your having as just feelings,if you do that and say to yourself whatever it's not nice how I'm feeling but you can't harm me then that's your first step To beating it

Thank you, it's just so hard when u have a bad day after doing so well. It's like all your coping methods just go out the window in one split second. :(

01-20-2014, 10:35 AM
Its important not to let a bad day set you back on your progress.. get over that bad day and leave it behind you. A bad day doesnt mean youre back to square one it just means you are being tested by the anxiety warlords. Battle on!

01-20-2014, 01:05 PM
Its important not to let a bad day set you back on your progress.. get over that bad day and leave it behind you. A bad day doesnt mean youre back to square one it just means you are being tested by the anxiety warlords. Battle on!

Thank you you are all right.
My rational part of my brain keeps saying "you've had these feelings for almost 2 years now, never passed out nothing. So if something was really wrong it would have happened by now" but why can't I just believe and accept that arrggghh

I know by me fearing these symptoms I am creating them and making them hang around but they are just so scary when they come on that some days every tool I have to manage goes out the window!! It's the anniversary of my miscarriage this week so think maybe that has something to do with it!!!