View Full Version : Chest pains

01-19-2014, 08:17 PM
Here I go again! Having chest pains totally scary need to think on something else! What can I do

01-19-2014, 08:30 PM
Keep busy...hard as it is...or take hot bath, go for massage, listen to relaxing music

01-20-2014, 09:04 AM
Thank you :)

01-20-2014, 09:19 AM
Thank you :)

Blessed, you're improving!!!! :)

One year ago, you would have been freaking out terribly. Now you're kinda understanding of the whole anxiety thing!

When I'm stressed I play ipad games, I dunno if you have any good ones.

01-20-2014, 07:08 PM
Thanks last night it hit me all the sudden. An hour earlier I just got thru telling my hubby I had such a great day with hardly any palps. Then boom .... Chest pains he had to calm me down as I was panicked and ready to go to ER. Now mind you I has just told him it's been a while since I broke down and went to ER. To make it worse we were in a cabin for our anniversary and supposed to be relaxed. I got so mad at myself :(

01-20-2014, 07:38 PM
Ah, sorry to hear that Blessed.. especially after you reported doing good and then BAM, and big whopping test. Anxiety goes, "Hey Blessed had such a great day, let's see if we can change that."

..On the plus side though, you didn't go to the ER; whereas you would've before.. Happy Anniversary to you and your hubby anyway. A cabin sounds quite cozy :)

01-20-2014, 07:44 PM
Thank you. I'm blessed beyond measure to have such a supportive husband but I am so ready to put this mess behind me

01-21-2014, 12:20 AM
I constantly get chest pains! I either listen to hypnosis, do deep breathing, or play a game on my phone to relax me. Hope this helped! ☺️

01-21-2014, 01:17 AM
This sounds crazy, but I put Vicks vapo rub on ny chest when I feel chest pains. It makes me feel a completely different sensation...and really helps a lot.

01-21-2014, 01:35 AM
I do the vicks thing too . I think what helps for me is feeling a sensation other than the chest pains which takes my mind of it. The vicks gives my skin a nice coool feeling. . I also use pure menthol oil. Ordered it from thailand. Soo good.

01-21-2014, 01:51 AM
I do the vicks thing too . I think what helps for me is feeling a sensation other than the chest pains which takes my mind of it. The vicks gives my skin a nice coool feeling. . I also use pure menthol oil. Ordered it from thailand. Soo good.

Exactly, it can be very frustrating feeling the chest pains and the palpitations. Wish I could be normal:(

01-21-2014, 01:53 AM
Here I go again! Having chest pains totally scary need to think on something else! What can I dobest way i look at the chest pains witch have gone away now and only appear here n there is to not be worried about them, the chest pains aren't going to kill you they aren't going to make you sick they are just there because it's a symptom of anxiety, all of the symptoms won't kill you. Simple look at it this way. What symptoms do you get with the flu?? Witch can kill you. Chest infection headaches, coughing, runny nose, sneezing, etc. now look at your symptoms of anxiety the same way?? Do you freak out when you get a cough?? No or start sneezing?? No. next time you get the chest pains think oh a symptom of anxiety not I HAVE CHEST PAINS!! But it takes a good month to start seeing results your body mind anxiety will and if continued view in this way should start to get bored of it and will soon be forgotten

02-13-2014, 07:51 AM
best way i look at the chest pains witch have gone away now and only appear here n there is to not be worried about them, the chest pains aren't going to kill you they aren't going to make you sick they are just there because it's a symptom of anxiety, all of the symptoms won't kill you. Simple look at it this way. What symptoms do you get with the flu?? Witch can kill you. Chest infection headaches, coughing, runny nose, sneezing, etc. now look at your symptoms of anxiety the same way?? Do you freak out when you get a cough?? No or start sneezing?? No. next time you get the chest pains think oh a symptom of anxiety not I HAVE CHEST PAINS!! But it takes a good month to start seeing results your body mind anxiety will and if continued view in this way should start to get bored of it and will soon be forgotten
Thank u :)