View Full Version : Words we use to say "I'm panicking."

01-19-2014, 07:55 PM
Lately I've noticed that I hate telling people I'm having a "panic attack" because of negative reactions I've gotten so instead I say.....

"I'm aggitated" (to my family)

"I'm lightheaded and need a moment" (coworkers)....followed by running to the nearest restroom

"I'm having a tough time" (when I don't have time to get into it)

"I have the hiccups/have to sneeze/brain freeze" ( when someone I don't know well notices I'm pale/shaking/upset)

....anyone else want to add to the list? Just wondering if anyone else does this to avoid explaining panic attacks every time they happen.

a l i c i a
01-19-2014, 10:27 PM
I always say, " I'm freaking out." I've said it since I was a little kid and I still say it every time I panic or feel myself starting to!

Olive Yew
01-19-2014, 11:14 PM
I used to say "I'm freaking out" in panic attack moments. Now i say "I dont feel good" because i've learned to control the panic enough that I can simply just feel... Nervous and have some unpleasant side effects like chest pains or racing heart. But no full blown panic in a long time. If people ask me to elaborate, I will explain but i've decide to be fearless about my anxiety. I will talk about it to anyone and everyone. I wont try to hide it because it is part of me now and talking to people about it helps. It disarms it because i'm vocally acknowledging that it IS in fact anxiety and that it will go away soon. I've even told an entire classroom of fellow students about my anxiety before. They even didn't hate me! They were sympathetic but they'd seen me be in control in class before and they'd even seen me full blown panic mode and most didn't notice so they didn't think me a freak. I'm a firm believer that if you show no shame about something, you'll receive no grief from it. It is the bulky complex that every person subconsciously has. They find some insecurity and then picks at if. If you act like nothing's wrong, then nothing is wrong. If you wear a piece of clothing and walk like you own the world, no one will notice that it may be a hand me down from goodwill. Dont be ashamed. Dont give your anxiety power to control you. OWN it. Embrace it even. It is ALMOST (but still quite different) from the autistic kids who have those "rocking that extra chromosome" t shirts. No one can say that mental disabilities are GOOD things but no one would ever say the people are bad and shouldn't exist. So rock what you have. Your flaws are what make you beautiful.


01-20-2014, 02:01 AM
I love that post olive

01-20-2014, 02:04 AM
Well.. I used to just say help me.. That's it hahaha my partner knows what it means but everyone else I need to elaborate in which I just say in having an attack. Now I just say my anxiety is acting up.. Because I'm generally not having an attack these days.. YAY!

01-20-2014, 10:29 AM
I usually say something like "ohhh lorddd here we go again" to close friends or family. And when im around strangers or people im not so close to I say "im having some stomach issues gona go to the toilet" : p hahah I dont like saying things like im having chest pains cause people's reactions make me even more panicky.

01-20-2014, 10:45 AM
I used to say "I'm freaking out" in panic attack moments. Now i say "I dont feel good" because i've learned to control the panic enough that I can simply just feel... Nervous and have some unpleasant side effects like chest pains or racing heart. But no full blown panic in a long time. If people ask me to elaborate, I will explain but i've decide to be fearless about my anxiety. I will talk about it to anyone and everyone. I wont try to hide it because it is part of me now and talking to people about it helps. It disarms it because i'm vocally acknowledging that it IS in fact anxiety and that it will go away soon. I've even told an entire classroom of fellow students about my anxiety before. They even didn't hate me! They were sympathetic but they'd seen me be in control in class before and they'd even seen me full blown panic mode and most didn't notice so they didn't think me a freak. I'm a firm believer that if you show no shame about something, you'll receive no grief from it. It is the bulky complex that every person subconsciously has. They find some insecurity and then picks at if. If you act like nothing's wrong, then nothing is wrong. If you wear a piece of clothing and walk like you own the world, no one will notice that it may be a hand me down from goodwill. Dont be ashamed. Dont give your anxiety power to control you. OWN it. Embrace it even. It is ALMOST (but still quite different) from the autistic kids who have those "rocking that extra chromosome" t shirts. No one can say that mental disabilities are GOOD things but no one would ever say the people are bad and shouldn't exist. So rock what you have. Your flaws are what make you beautiful.
That was a super fabulous post, Olive !

At first, when I didn't know what was going on I'd say, "I'M DYING !!!" or "Oh god, it's happening!!" Like the end really was coming. Really scared the life out of anyone who heard me cause of my little outburst... so now it's more like, "Heyyyy, I'm not feeling so good" or at worst like Amber says, "Help me." Only because I feel so damn helpless, it's like the only thing I can think to say.. Er, my family knows what I'm talking about now anyways.. outside of my family though, I really haven't let anyone know about my anxiety. I just make up pathetic excuses like, "I'm tired and overworked" .. I guess I still have a ways to go as far as acceptance from other people and trying not to hide it. That's why your post is so inspiring, Olive.. it makes me really just want to own my anxiety and accept it like an extra limb.

01-20-2014, 10:58 AM
Lately I've noticed that I hate telling people I'm having a "panic attack" because of negative reactions I've gotten so instead I say..... "I'm aggitated" (to my family) "I'm lightheaded and need a moment" (coworkers)....followed by running to the nearest restroom "I'm having a tough time" (when I don't have time to get into it) "I have the hiccups/have to sneeze/brain freeze" ( when someone I don't know well notices I'm pale/shaking/upset) ....anyone else want to add to the list? Just wondering if anyone else does this to avoid explaining panic attacks every time they happen.

After a bit, I used to say that I was excited

Excited refers to something good but it's the same rush of adrenaline and release of chemicals

Tried to make it sound not like such a big deal

01-20-2014, 11:04 AM
I used to say "I'm freaking out" in panic attack moments. Now i say "I dont feel good" because i've learned to control the panic enough that I can simply just feel... Nervous and have some unpleasant side effects like chest pains or racing heart. But no full blown panic in a long time. If people ask me to elaborate, I will explain but i've decide to be fearless about my anxiety. I will talk about it to anyone and everyone. I wont try to hide it because it is part of me now and talking to people about it helps. It disarms it because i'm vocally acknowledging that it IS in fact anxiety and that it will go away soon. I've even told an entire classroom of fellow students about my anxiety before. They even didn't hate me! They were sympathetic but they'd seen me be in control in class before and they'd even seen me full blown panic mode and most didn't notice so they didn't think me a freak. I'm a firm believer that if you show no shame about something, you'll receive no grief from it. It is the bulky complex that every person subconsciously has. They find some insecurity and then picks at if. If you act like nothing's wrong, then nothing is wrong. If you wear a piece of clothing and walk like you own the world, no one will notice that it may be a hand me down from goodwill. Dont be ashamed. Dont give your anxiety power to control you. OWN it. Embrace it even. It is ALMOST (but still quite different) from the autistic kids who have those "rocking that extra chromosome" t shirts. No one can say that mental disabilities are GOOD things but no one would ever say the people are bad and shouldn't exist. So rock what you have. Your flaws are what make you beautiful. <img src="http://anxietyforum.net/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=935"/>

This was good

Nice attitude.

01-20-2014, 11:08 AM
Rock with what you have as Olive said, don't fight the mind, you'll lose be with it, watch it move on by and yes yes yes embrace it and even ask for more. This seems

counterintuitive when you're in it, but once this happens the fear of it coming back dissipates. It's a mind bluff. It's very real feeling and can scare you BUT it does

pass. Great Olive! We know how you feel, and we're here to support you as you learn to rock it! I like that. Peace

01-20-2014, 12:12 PM
I also love that post Olive… I can really relate to it….

my latest is 'I need to get out of here, i'm gonna die' hahahaha looking back on it now it sounds soo silly

Olive Yew
01-20-2014, 12:32 PM
Honestly, when my brain starts going spastic, i'll get Mrs. Incredible's voice going "WOULD YOU STOP IT! You all need to calm down! We are NOT going to die!!!"

michelle Smith
01-21-2014, 01:53 PM
Hi olive . Fab thread. How do u calm urself down . Any tips xx

Olive Yew
01-21-2014, 02:02 PM
I didnt start the thread. Just been commenting ;)

Well I will get the mrs incredible voice which reminds me that the threat is fake, and I've like... Figured out how to make my chest and stomach muscles relax. It took me an while because when I'm anxious, all my internal muscles will just go spastic. But if i cam get them to relax before things get ridiculous, that'll pretty much head off the attack. Then I will distract myself with talking to people, reading, watching a movie, cleaning my room, ect. The thing that helps the most, though, is taking care of/playing with my lizards, dogs, and cat. That's THE most calming thing. If that doesnt work, I draw. When I do art, it like turns off all of my brain except for the artistic part and I only focus on what im drawing or painting. That's only if it is so bad that nothing else works which doesnt happen very often any more

michelle Smith
01-21-2014, 02:06 PM
Opps sorry didn't realise you only commenting. Thanks for advice I seem to get tense in my back wen I grt anxious x

01-21-2014, 02:08 PM
It depends who it is and what the situation is.
If I'm having one when I'm alone, I'll just text my partner and say "I need you" or "I'm feeling anxious"
If I'm with a lot of people, I'll turn to the ones who know and just say "my stomach feels squishy" and they'll get it.

01-21-2014, 04:10 PM
I agree..I always say I don't feel good..I used be able to drink ice water and get back on track. Not so much anymore though

01-21-2014, 06:21 PM
Honestly, when my brain starts going spastic, i'll get Mrs. Incredible's voice going "WOULD YOU STOP IT! You all need to calm down! We are NOT going to die!!!"

I always do the "Knock it off!" And try to remind myself my thoughts can't kill me. Thoughts don't own knives.