View Full Version : Valium question

01-19-2014, 05:48 PM
Get everyone... So here is the deal. I've been on and off different medicines for a couple years. Needless to say had an absolutely horrifying experience coming off klonopin a year and a half ago.... HORRIBLE. I didn't do it right and almost landed myself in the hospital. So fast forward.... About 5 months or so ago was able to get off of my zoloft which I was on for about a year and a half. After about 3 months or so I noticed an anxiety increase and asked my doctor about something as needed again specifically valium. I have literally been taking a quarter of a 5mg tablet at a time which is daily or less. Here is the thing though.... I can't get passed going like 3 or 4 days without and I have no way to get the pill smaller. The one thing that is bothering me the most is what feels like bone achiness... Like in my joints especially behind my knees, ankles, elbow pits (is that a thing???) and even my tailbone. It sounds silly but it feels like growing pain?? It's clearly not but that's what it feels like. Legitimate bone ache.... Of course when I get these ongoing pains it eventually drives me to take another pill because I start worrying about my bones aching. Has anybody had a similar sensation or advice?

01-19-2014, 06:47 PM

1. Valium specifically, can cause joint pains, in certain people. Although it may be rare, but everything that happens to me is rare too. They DO NOT want me in any of their drug studies because the effects would not be the intended purpose. Here take this to get dizzy and go to sleep?..Bulls**t! I'd clean the whole house with a toothbrush.
2. You may not be getting enough calcium or something is depleting your calcium levels. Get a calcium supplement, easy fix....take 1200mgs a day. With Vit D at 1000iu.
3. Try eating some jello, (I'm being serious) it has animal cartliage..OR drink some, OR get the unflavored gelatin (Knox) and mix a tsp in some juice..drink it..Excellent for joint pains..(MY SECRET, DO NOT SHARE THIS WITH ANYONE...LMAO!)....
4. So what if you need .25mg of valium to sleep for right now, not a big deal...if it bothers you, ask to switch to another type of sleep aid or try (doxylamine OTC)....
5. So what if you have to take another pill,..a supplement will do some good here, the valium may be depleting certain vitamins or minerals.
6. Take a multi-vit with every breakfast...PERIOD. (Klonopin long term will deplete the body of nutrients too)...

There's my 19 cents!

Then let us know how its going in another week...:)


01-19-2014, 08:49 PM
Thank you! I am already doing some of these things. Was low on vitamin d so have been supplementing with 1-2000 iud daily. Just bought some b12 but have not started yet. I take a prenatal vitamin as well. I take metoprolol ER so maybe I should look into if that could be depleting anything from my system. I'm sure all drugs can. The Klonopin withdrawl was f***ing hell but I was also very stupid with my approach. I will definitely do some of these things and check back in. To be honest I sleep like a baby... Sleeping isn't a problem. It's just aching during the day. Since my surgery a year ago most days are filled with aches and pains. The aching joints is relatively new though so I am correlating to the Valium.