View Full Version : question on intrusive thoughts

01-19-2014, 05:10 PM
I've always believed I didn't have them, until today..I was taking a bath..and looking at myself in the reflection...of whatever that silver thing is in your bathtub.. and I was in a completely different mindstate. I feel like I was going crazy. I kept looking at my face and it seemed to change and look more evil( kind of like the grudge) I was aware it was only my thought..and I didn't believe it was real. Although I kept staring. The point of that bath was to relax and feel better because I've been feeling very alone lately. Luckily I've got a hell of a reserve of inner strength.. anyways soon after I snapped out of the face morphing crazy thing my brain said to me, your heart is going to stop for a second and you are going to pass out. It will start again. But by then you will have drowned. What the hell!!!!!!!! I'm typical 25 year old woman..love shoes..makeup...clothes. .my husband and children. Not...borderline psychosis...is it just extreme stress...? I'm afraid of mentioning that one to my Dr...lol

01-19-2014, 05:17 PM
Oo that's quite cool, yet spooky. Demon faced Alaina.

I think your stress levels have become so high that it's sort of triggered a little of that OCDish behaviour that can accompany anxiety. OCD type symptoms are only anxiety anyway, so no big deal.

I'd get stuff like this a lot.

You know.. Hopefully it's a one off!

01-19-2014, 05:19 PM
Spare a thought for poor Eman who sees that same grudge horror movie face when he looks at his reflection, only without it being any type of hallucination :(

Poor boy!

01-19-2014, 05:41 PM
Lol thanks for the laugh. It was so weird. I definitely do not resemble the grudge but my brain thought it would be cool to mess with me more...as if that was possible. I miss the days where my biggest concern was If my five inch heels matched my outfit. :/ lol

01-19-2014, 05:58 PM
You're welcome.

We're getting old Alaina :/

One day you're worried about 5inch heels, the next day we'll be talking about 5 inch long wrinkles.

Hope you manage to lower your stress levels a tad, and avoid this kinda things happening again. It sure is freaky dude.

01-19-2014, 06:14 PM
I think I will. And I know...what the heck... but maybe I'll be the crazy old cat lady, they seem pretty happy. It has to be stress. Otherwise...haha I'll fill you in on the next episode lol