View Full Version : Forum Addiction

Lord Jazzinho
01-19-2014, 10:58 AM
Lately I've been suffering from forum addiction I not sleeping well at the moment and I'm not sure weather I'm spending a lot of time here cos I can't sleep or I can't sleep cos I'm spending too much time here. Either way I am enjoying this forum quite a lot so cheers to the people who set it up.

01-19-2014, 11:06 AM
HAHA!! It may be abit of both bruh,..but if you're addicted to anything then this is a good addiction to have..Working ourselves out.

Have a great day friend!...

(ps: how do you do that emoticon with the glasses, cool!)


01-19-2014, 11:09 AM
Lately I've been suffering from forum addiction I not sleeping well at the moment and I'm not sure weather I'm spending a lot of time here cos I can't sleep or I can't sleep cos I'm spending too much time here. Either way I am enjoying this forum quite a lot so cheers to the people who set it up.

For me it's always the latter!

I try to avoid forums before bedtime.

a) I stay up later than normal whilst on forums
b) My mind doesn't settle enough & I have trouble sleeping

Lord Jazzinho
01-20-2014, 04:44 AM
HAHA!! It may be abit of both bruh,..but if you're addicted to anything then this is a good addiction to have..Working ourselves out.

Have a great day friend!...

(ps: how do you do that emoticon with the glasses, cool!)


Its along the bottom where it says post icons m8

01-20-2014, 04:50 AM
You can get little dopamine hits from forums. I can see why they can be addictive

Lord Jazzinho
01-20-2014, 07:38 AM
Sleeping is a problematic thing for me usually anyway but when I get on something like this I'm doomed. The other night I saw a thread, I wanted to respond so I did, it was a longish response and I ended up writing it 4 times for various reasons of the site not letting me post it. This took 2 hours and it was 3am when I started but I new that it was in my mind so I wouldn't have slept till I had put it up. All my good ideas seem collect in the day and all come rushing into my brain when I lie down to sleep. I need to clear out my mind and decide not to think at that time which I can normally do. I'm just having a phase lol

01-20-2014, 08:23 AM
Two days ago i had the same problems as you lOrd , something did not work right here:)

Lord Jazzinho
01-20-2014, 07:13 PM
Two days ago i had the same problems as you lOrd , something did not work right here:)

My cousin says a lot of forums do it. the page times out if you take a long time writing

01-20-2014, 08:01 PM
HINT: If you don't check the little box at the top that says "remember me" then it will time log you out....:)

Lord Jazzinho
01-21-2014, 07:02 AM
HINT: If you don't check the little box at the top that says "remember me" then it will time log you out....:)

Cheers for the tip I might try that in future. I don't normally like to do that though cos I don't like leaving my passwords on the computer but seeing as I log in here with Facebook that shouldn't matter :)

01-21-2014, 08:52 AM
Noo, I always had it checked, that's is not first forum for me. The forum had some server error, the pages were extremelly slow to load, and I could not post and posting with quote forget it:))
Next day it was back to normal like now:))

01-21-2014, 01:39 PM
My cousin says a lot of forums do it. the page times out if you take a long time writing

Copy and paste to something like notepad at various points, this tip has saved me at work and home.

01-21-2014, 02:37 PM
Copy and paste to something like notepad at various points, this tip has saved me at work and home.

This. ^

Although, I only copy it; stays on the clipboard, so you won't lose it unless your PC crashes or you copy something else!

Quick way is just Ctrl + A, Ctrl + C ... easy :)

Lord Jazzinho
01-21-2014, 06:29 PM
This. ^

Although, I only copy it; stays on the clipboard, so you won't lose it unless your PC crashes or you copy something else!

Quick way is just Ctrl + A, Ctrl + C ... easy :)

Cheers. I did that but on that night I was properly tired and kept copying things instead on deleting them command/control + C instead of cmd + V its an easy mistake to make and I made it twice just to prove what I am saying now lol