View Full Version : How to embed Images, Videos & Links

01-19-2014, 08:44 AM
Hey Guys,

One thing I have noticed is that many people do not know how to embed media or links & instead just post the link itself. Either that or they can't be bothered! It is actually rather straight forward to do & looks a lot neater when you embed them. It can save other people time too, by cutting out the need for them to follow the link. There is information at the bottom of the forums on how to do this if you follow a link but it isn't very well explained.

You may or may not realise, but there are actually buttons along the top of the post you are creating that do it for you - to the right of the Bold, Italic & Underline Icons. I'll tell you the technical way to do it as well though, which can actually be quicker if you are a fast typer.


We all know how to do this I'm sure but you click the portrait icon & you can either upload your image or put the URL in. (website address) I personally just find it quicker to type: url here


http://foto.hrsstatic.com/fotos/0/3/256/256/80/FFFFFF/http%3A%2F%2Ffoto-origin.hrsstatic.com%2Ffoto%2F5%2F8%2F5%2F8%2F5858 20%2F585820_u_3207319.jpg/sCfwDZjA4ITqCI74OX8ylg%3D%3D/200,59/6/Crown_Beach_Resort_Spa-Arorangi-Info-9-585820.jpg


Most people just put a link in there post by pasting it. e.g. http://anxietyforum.net/ However, you can actually embed a link into your text. To do this, you can highlight the portion of your text you wish to be a link, & click on the link icon to put in your URL. You can also do this by typing [ url=url here]text here[/url]. (I had to put a space in the tags to show it, there is no space)


The Anxiety Forum (http://anxietyforum.net/) is a great forum for getting advice!

I often highlight the text used for the link & make it bold: Anxiety Forum (http://anxietyforum.net/).


Again, you can embed videos the same way as you can images. Simply click the film reel icon & put the URL in. Or you can type
url here (I had to put an extra space in the tag again, so no need for that!)



I hope some of you found this informative.


01-19-2014, 09:01 AM
Aye young man. This wee little post is very informative to those that don't know how!

Probably would have been good if we all linked our tracks in the '5 favourite anxiety songs' thread .

01-19-2014, 11:32 AM
An addition.

We all know about the Quote function used to quote someone else's post; well you can use the quotation box for anything you want!

You can do this by highlighting any portion of text & clicking on the speech bubble icon alongside the others. Or you can type [ quote]text here[/quote] (again, no need for the space)


I'm using a Quotation box!

Now, say I wanted to share a quote by T.E. Lawrence, I could type [ quote=T.E. Lawrence]text here[/quote] (ditto, no space)

All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake up in the day to find it was vanity, but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible.

There are a lot of things you can do in your forum posts if you have the know-how.


01-19-2014, 11:48 AM
Thank you. Very good!


01-19-2014, 04:04 PM
We all know about the Quote function used to quote someone else's post; well you can use the quotation box for anything you want!

just checking :)

01-20-2014, 02:59 PM

I'm off to bed, thought I'd give this a bump so some of our friends across the pond might benefit from it.