View Full Version : Everyones positives

01-19-2014, 07:55 AM
Hello everyone! Thought it's be good to start a thread where everyone can share the things that have helped them. High points they've had etc... Basically all things positive! :)
For example weekends I normally dread because there's a high chance I could end up just sat in the house all weekend dwelling Etc. BUT this weekend I've been busy busy busy! Managed to venture to town, went to a pub! Very crowded places and I'm fine! Very happy times this weekend :D moving forward!

02-04-2014, 03:01 PM
Do things that you like to do. I personally love to draw, so I'll do that. Drawing is something to concentrate deeply on and it'll help me sleep if I can't. I've found myself passed out on the floor so many times with my cheek stuck to the paper I was drawing on. Even if you don't think drawing is your strong suit, doodling repetitive actions over and over again can be hypnotic and soothing.

Read. Reading is always a positive thing to do. Reading increases brain activity and again, it is so easy to get lost in a book, article, etc. Reading when you need to sleep too is a bonus. You will be passed out before out before you know it. I have Panic Disorder and reading about the disorder itself is a lifesaver! It helps put things into perspective and it makes it seem so much smaller. It feels good to know that other people feel just like I do and the awful feelings I get are normal symptoms of a non-dangerous disorder. It never hurts to know as much as you can about it.

Youtube breathing exercises. When it comes down to it, when I'm freaking out, the only responsibility I really have is to just be. Only to merely exist. And getting control of your breathing is the most basic action you need to do.

If the weather's nice. Definitely go outside and look at the stars. It is so comforting to me that, in the grand scheme of things, you are so insignificant and everything will continue to chug along. It does not matter how important one is and specially anyone's problems don't matter. That may not be as warming to you as it is to me, but I love it. Getting outside is almost always calming.

I know this post is quite old at this point, but I don't like it when my posts go ignored. I hope any of this is of any use to you.

02-04-2014, 03:20 PM
I am just waiting for summer so I can go on amazing bike rides in nature parks and around lakes. then have a healthy fun bbq with freinds and family and then finish it with a small bond fire in the eve. Its with days like this that my anxiety is very limited in the summer.

Also today I had a onset anxiety attack. I was in a meeting at work and began to feel funny and odd, I noticed my arm was feeling weak and detached, symptoms kept adding like nausea ect. I took steps this time and said to myself okay this is jsut anxiety, you had a stressful drive to work today had very little food and water so far. This is all reactions, and they happen to everyone. I took deep slow breaths and focused on the meeting and slowly the symptoms slowed down. I did suffer with anxiety and symptoms for the rest of the day, but I avoided getting myself stuck in a hole. I created a beacon of hope and light that I can beat anxiety.

02-04-2014, 03:36 PM
Awesome, man. Shelby, WestCanada's got his stuff down. The trick is to get rid of that anticipatory anxiety like he did. The worry that you think you're about to have an attack. If you can kill that, you should be golden.

02-04-2014, 03:56 PM
I am just waiting for summer so I can go on amazing bike rides in nature parks and around lakes. then have a healthy fun bbq with freinds and family and then finish it withttp://anxietyforum.net/forum/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=155947h a small bond fire in the eve. Its with days like this that my anxiety is very limited in the summer.

Also today I had a onset anxiety attack. I was in a meeting at work and began to feel funny and odd, I noticed my arm was feeling weak and detached, symptoms kept adding like nausea ect. I took steps this time and said to myself okay this is jsut anxiety, you had a stressful drive to work today had very little food and water so far. This is all reactions, and they happen to everyone. I took deep slow breaths and focused on the meeting and slowly the symptoms slowed down. I did suffer with anxiety and symptoms for the rest of the day, but I avoided getting myself stuck in a hole. I created a beacon of hope and light that I can beat anxiety.

Damn West Canada

You have this figured out after 15 posts

You can go ahead and leave the forum now

Thanks for stopping bye LOL

Well done. Perfect play

02-04-2014, 04:04 PM
haha I think I still have a ways to go, but taking it in small steps helps. I think with the right steps, programs, diet, health, activity, love and friendship everyone here will one day wake up and have no anxiety and live a amazing life the way you want to; and the harder you work at it the faster you will get there. Not saying this will be easy I mean in the last 4 months I have had some many ups and downs its hard to see light in the tunnel, but I tell myself the way I feel today does not mean I will feel this way tomorrow.

02-04-2014, 04:06 PM
Yeah great advice! It's those thoughts I have problems stopping tho! Haha especially when I have to go somewhere new But now I kind of just at the 'I don't give a fuck anymore' stage and do it anyway

02-04-2014, 04:24 PM
It can be nice to have the "I don't give a fuck feeling".
If you ever go out, keep in mind that everyone else has that same feeling and won't pay any mind to you.

02-04-2014, 04:31 PM
Not like a 'I don't give a fuck' about like anyone else. Although that kinda helps tbh like yeah no one else is stressing so why are you? Blah blah but I mean like 'I don't give a fuck if I'm anxious anymore' like there was a point as soon as I got anxious I would come straight home I now just stay put and refuse to end up house bound again... Suppose there's one slight upside to me having anxiety my determination to do things has definitely gone up!

02-04-2014, 04:35 PM
Always be determined for improvement because there's always room for it. If I'm not improving then I don't feel like I'm growing.

02-04-2014, 05:57 PM
I've been getting into reading again. I've never been the biggest reader in the world, but I'm finding lately that it helps calm me down, distract me from my anxiety and make me a little tired so I can sleep better at night. Also, during the day at work if I'm stressed out by clients, I've been listening to ASMR videos on YouTube. Very relaxing!

02-04-2014, 06:03 PM
I've never really found a relaxation video/soundtrack that works for me. I have to listen through earphones and it makes me feel isolated and odd. I've started to learn to play guitar :) it's good fun and I feel great when I play something right!

02-04-2014, 06:15 PM
Not like a 'I don't give a fuck' about like anyone else. Although that kinda helps tbh like yeah no one else is stressing so why are you? Blah blah but I mean like 'I don't give a fuck if I'm anxious anymore' like there was a point as soon as I got anxious I would come straight home I now just stay put and refuse to end up house bound again... Suppose there's one slight upside to me having anxiety my determination to do things has definitely gone up!

Awesome, you're living life. It's yours! Very positive, and real. Thanks for sharing. Peace