View Full Version : please some advice

01-19-2014, 01:56 AM
hello guys. yesterday i was fine all day full of energy and desire. i went out at night stayed some time but i felt my heart palpitations to be strong and i couldnt swallow right. i am taking lexapro currently 20 mg day 12. my question is why sometimes i feel different, and sometimes i feel fresh and full of energy. and yes i have trouble sleeping at night and that sleep wake cycle is killing me. could it be the side effects of the medicine or what?please help

01-19-2014, 03:09 AM
Hiya i have had palpitations for years on and off and i have not had anxiety for years and its come back just before christmas,i just think because we think of them they come alot more out of the blue,i had a good day yesterday but wake up around 5am and start feeling anxious because my mind is tuned into thinking what if i have palps when i stand up,i dont think it could be the meds but just go your docs and explain:))

01-19-2014, 06:01 AM
Was your anxiety caused from going out? I always try to search for the root issue and confront it. And what is your current sleep cycle>?

01-19-2014, 08:31 AM
Was your anxiety caused from going out? I always try to search for the root issue and confront it. And what is your current sleep cycle>?
i wasnt anxious when i got out.sleep is very difficult for me as i passed a period of being affraid of sleeping.now i sleep for likw 3 hours and wake up.sleep again and wake up often with like one hour cycles.

01-19-2014, 09:26 AM
I had a similar issue with sleep. I was so nerved up, that I couldn't fall asleep well, or snapped myself out of it. I would talk to your primary care physician and recommend they put you on some medication for sleep, that might help a lot. Sleep is key, once you start getting better rest your anxiety will diminish.

01-19-2014, 11:21 AM
I had a similar issue with sleep. I was so nerved up, that I couldn't fall asleep well, or snapped myself out of it. I would talk to your primary care physician and recommend they put you on some medication for sleep, that might help a lot. Sleep is key, once you start getting better rest your anxiety will diminish.

i am taking lexapro because i started to fall into depression and mild depersonalization and derealisation,(these two selfdiagnosed and i know it is a mistake).i think i developed anxiety and these crazy ideas due to lack of proper sleep.i will see if i can take some medication for sleep. thanks and please what can i do else?