View Full Version : bp question

02-17-2008, 07:44 PM
My anxiety lies within my bp as many people know. But I think there be a little way around it. One of my biggest worries is going to the doctors and them taking my bp and it going through the roof which is probably will because i'll be very anxious. Is there anyway I can go there without them taking my bp?? I know this may be a dumb way around it, but what's the point of taking it if it won't be accurate? Nobody in my family has ever had high bp that we know of. My moms is 115/70, she is 50. My dad is 60 with a bp of 120/80. So if I can get my anxiety controlled, i dont think i'll have to worry about it. But if I get it taken, it may set off another huge anxiety attack and I'll have trouble recovering. That's happened once already. I learned to accept my anxiety a few months ago. I was good for two weeks and didnt think about my bp much at all. I then went to the doctors because i over analysed something else and my bp went througth the roof. ANd i've been struggling since. It's been 2 months since then. I'm doing better. No attacks, just small constant state of anxiety. Any advice as to what to do? Any would be greatly appreciated. BTW, I know my bp is good. It was good as of 8 months ago at the doctors, and I have a home bp thing. It was usually around 118 or 115 when really calm. Thanks guys

02-18-2008, 02:50 AM
I am confused. Why will you have the attack just because you see your bp if high at the doctors?

Go to the doctors expecting it to be some abnormally high number. When it is below that you will be relieved because you are expecting it to be high.

Aim for 210 on the top. If you are below that tell yourself that you are doing good. If they make a comment about it being high, just tell them you have anxiety and your home monitor is find and you have no family history of high bp.

With my anxiety I really cant tell you what my "normal" bp is, it fluxuates so much.

02-18-2008, 06:09 AM
Ok, if your parents or any of your friends know how to take blood pressure then, have them do it. When i go to the doctors my blood pressure is always high. that intence waiting kills ya lol.. But, when my mother takes it when im home. i'm 120/80 i was even 118/80 i was hmmm damn im healthy :D lol. and when i walk for 30 mins a day and check my heart beat it's about 98-105. Meaning i should prolly work a bith arder but im just inching myself in.

02-18-2008, 08:04 AM
I don't really understand why it does it to me either. I feel if I can just make myself feel good for a while then I can get back to normal. It's just last time I was good for like 2 weeks then went to the doctor and I haven't been very good since. I just don't see the point of taking it if it's going to be really high. I've never had it at 210. I've always had it lower, not much lower but lower, haha.

I do have a BP monitor at home, and when I check it. It's usually good. I am trying to stay away from checking it though and get past this bp thing. I check my pulse enough as it is, I probably shouldn't be checking them both all the time.


For most people their target heart rate is between 150-170. If you could get it up that high, it would probably be good. Just my opinion though. That's what I usually shoot for. But walking is very good too!

02-18-2008, 09:39 AM
Ya, if it's good at home then it shouldnt matter overall. We have a thing that i don't know what it's called.. but, we can't be around docters when they give bp becouse well..it's always high with the stress lol.. But, i walked a little faster today and kinda joged every 10 mins for a few run arounds. and i got my heart to 135-140. I know it should be higher but, im just taking it slow lol. letting myself get used to the heart beating in my chest lol.

03-17-2008, 11:13 AM
"White Coat Syndrome."

Been happening to me since I was a kid!
