View Full Version : Everyones take on relationships?

01-18-2014, 05:00 PM
Hey guys so wondering if anyone has some relationship advice for me, bit of an odd place to ask but it kind of revolves around anxiety I guess. Anyway so my boyfriend isn't very understanding at all, I'm only 18 and wasn't planning on a relationship this serious. He ended up moving in with me because he had no where to go, then he became very dependant on me. So much that even when he's bored he looks to me to find him something to do. Like just now he's off in a huff because he's bored and I've come to bed. We're in separate rooms because of many reasons but mainly I just needed my space, he gets me so stressed and anxious. I feel like I have to do everything for him. I've explained everything about the anxiety etc to him. But when I say that say I don't want him to stay in my room because I don't feel great and just want to relax and sleep he gets really mad at me :/ I feel like crap now. He's stressed me out so much he makes me feel so bad for how I am but I can't help it. Sorry it's so long winded just really stressing out now

01-18-2014, 05:11 PM
1. It's your space.
2. Tell him to get lost.
3. If he gets mad at you,..its selfish immaturity.
4. Tell him to be a man....

Jus sayin...

E-Man. :)

01-18-2014, 05:17 PM
Haha I know think I'm too much of a soft arse! I've actually asked him too move out a few time the last time he went but was back in a few days because he wasn't able to stay where he was anymore :/ it's just so stressful D:

01-18-2014, 05:20 PM
He isn't helping things much by getting upset and someone, that's already upset by this anxiety...

It may be time for "the talk"...complete openess. Tell him how it "is"...

Yes, stress on top of more stress,...it'll wear you thin quick.

If he wants it to work, it will take work... :)

01-18-2014, 05:32 PM
Hmm he's not very easy to talk to but I guess it's time for yet another talk :') haha

01-18-2014, 05:49 PM
You'll have to at least try...again.... LOL!! :)

01-18-2014, 06:02 PM
I'd just throw all his stuff in the front yard..... point pretty clear? yet I dont usually think before I act!! haha so dont take my advice :) But you boyrfriend should be understanding of your issues. i like sleeping alone. having that big bed to myself is the best stress reliever ever!!! and i can watch all the stupid movies i want!!! lol I hope you get it worked out...... :)

01-18-2014, 06:52 PM
Yeah!!! throw it in the front yard and light it!!! LMAO!! :)