View Full Version : gerd?? chest pain cause.

01-18-2014, 04:08 PM
I'd like some input.. lately I've been burping like a mad woman. Right from the moment I wake up. Sometimes I can taste acid in ny throat...signs of gerd right? Been feeling very weird in the chest area...some pain...if I get up to do something my heart races...and palpitations...even episodes of svt. Been to the drs. Going to have an ep study soon...what's causing what! Lol...so frustrating. Is the gerd causing the chest pain causing anxiety.causing..the svt. Ugh...input please? My quality of life I'd very low right now

01-18-2014, 04:16 PM
I'd like some input.. lately I've been burping like a mad woman. Right from the moment I wake up. Sometimes I can taste acid in ny throat...signs of gerd right? Been feeling very weird in the chest area...some pain...if I get up to do something my heart races...and palpitations...even episodes of svt. Been to the drs. Going to have an ep study soon...what's causing what! Lol...so frustrating. Is the gerd causing the chest pain causing anxiety.causing..the svt. Ugh...input please? My quality of life I'd very low right now

The progression you list above is probably exactly what is happening

I had reflux really bad for a time and that pretty much sums up how I felt in that exact order

The only one you left out that I had was "panic attack"

Glad you cut that one out

I had an endoscopy done and they said I was fine

Once I was told that, it went away for good

The mind is so much more powerful than most realize

01-18-2014, 04:31 PM
I take a med for it everyday,...don't even know I even had it or hiccups for 15 hours straight. YAY!! :)

01-18-2014, 04:44 PM
It's very frustrating, yes the panic is there...the palpitations are there the runs of supraventricular tachycardia (svt) its worse in the mornings and night..but I belched....and acid came up...ouch! ! So It makes sense the gerd causes the fullness, causing it to irritate heart a bit..causing panic and adrenaline..causing more chest pain and palps..it actually started with an episode of svt..which is basically a sudden heart rate from 150-250 bpm..from the top part of your heart...which I may have had already...or my body.extremely reacting to how off balance it was. I was a smoker. Soda drinker, chips all day everyday..wasn't taking care of myself...now..I am a non smoker...watch my vitamin intake...eat healthy...no.processed. eat for nutrition rather than flavor. And I'm very proud. I just hope it's all that and not some heart problem.

01-18-2014, 05:06 PM
Yup! Just GER or GERD.....that's it! Get some (omeprazole)...good to go. :)

It is NOT all that other stuff...forget about that!


01-18-2014, 11:49 PM
Here's the crappy part. Went to an event. Finally left the house, and had a 200 bpm svt attack..only lasted 10 to fifteenth minutes. Kind or discouraging...but my healthy heart can take it. Till I can figure out how to solve this problem. Ergh.

01-19-2014, 09:02 AM
Here's the crappy part. Went to an event. Finally left the house, and had a 200 bpm svt attack..only lasted 10 to fifteenth minutes. Kind or discouraging...but my healthy heart can take it. Till I can figure out how to solve this problem. Ergh.

And this is the exact attitude that gets all of those problems to go away

It was a nuisance but it came and went and you didn't start to look for reasons to take it to another level

This should sound the exact opposite as to what leads to a panic attack as well

You my dear, are almost healed

01-19-2014, 09:26 AM
@E-man, is omeprazole an over the counter medication or prescribed?

01-19-2014, 11:41 AM
Thanks I really appreciate that. I was very proud of myself for staying calm, I just can't wait until I don't have to deal with it! Ill be so happy then. Its so hard to post things from my phone. Lol

01-19-2014, 12:10 PM
@E-man, is omeprazole an over the counter medication or prescribed?

It sure is!! About $6 for 14 tablets...Try it out, you'll be happily surprised! Take every morning before you eat.. :)

01-19-2014, 10:42 PM
I take prilosec 2times a day morning and before bed. My symptoms of gerd are:

*Constant burping
*Gas in chest
*Upper abdominal pain
*Feels like something is stuck in chest
*Light shortness of breath
*Heavy feeling in chest when getting up
*Heart palps/esophageal spasms
*feeling of knot or gas in throat

My best advice is to take omperazole 2times a day 20mg each for 2weeks. Some may need it long term. I have been on it before and gotten off and a month later it's back
I am on day 5 and all the above symptoms are gone. Except occasional burping. I take one before breakfast and one before bed because that's when your laying down and acids seem to bother more. :):)

Paul N Lauren
01-20-2014, 04:19 PM
the pressure is gas build up. i take Ranitidine 300mg twice a day. i have it no more . its generic prescription Zantac. a med any doctor will give up. just ask them. it will eliminate all symptoms. it did gor me any way. been on it for several months. a relief for me. :)

01-21-2014, 08:33 PM
I'm on protonix 40 mg once daily. Worked wonders since October now my symptoms have returned thanks to what I'm assuming is unnecessary anxiety I have placed on myself:
-Large lump in throat feeling like a trapped air bubble when I try to swallow
-chest pressure in center of chest
-burning sensation in throat
- heart palps
-Pain just below sternum
I called my doc now I have to take two pills a day . Is blocking all this acid for a long time safe to do??

01-21-2014, 08:37 PM
such a friggin wuss^^^^.... you werent supposed to be back here whining about this shit for 3 months...Remember??? Your husband says you're doing so much better off of beta blockers.... Maybe go tell him how well you are!!! LOL! Posts a photo of "who" Blessed is, I gotta see this.....:)

01-21-2014, 08:39 PM
Lol I just sent you a post on another thread. I'm not whining just inquisitive is all :)

01-21-2014, 08:53 PM
I know,...I'm just messing wit ya to get ya straightened up!!...You know me!!...:) With a smile friend.......


01-21-2014, 08:54 PM
I take prilosec 2times a day morning and before bed. My symptoms of gerd are:

*Constant burping
*Gas in chest
*Upper abdominal pain
*Feels like something is stuck in chest
*Light shortness of breath
*Heavy feeling in chest when getting up
*Heart palps/esophageal spasms
*feeling of knot or gas in throat

My best advice is to take omperazole 2times a day 20mg each for 2weeks. Some may need it long term. I have been on it before and gotten off and a month later it's back
I am on day 5 and all the above symptoms are gone. Except occasional burping. I take one before breakfast and one before bed because that's when your laying down and acids seem to bother more. :):)

GONE!!!! YAY!!! I'm proud of you!!....:)