View Full Version : Walking in a daze

01-18-2014, 03:15 PM
I haven't been feeling to bad. But I was shopping today and had the weirdest feeling. Almost like I was out of body. Hard to explain. It's like walking around in a cloudy daze. My head feels heavy. I'm constantly worrying about how I'm feeling. If I'm feeling ok I think to myself for how long will I feel ok. If I'm feeling horrible I'm thinking how long will it last. I can't just feel normal I'm tired of feeling this way and want my life back. I was told a couple months ago what a great aura I have. I'm always in a good mood and smiling. I was feeling myself then. Since January I've had anxiet everyday. Some days worse then others. But I find I'm obsessing over if I feel good or not. I want to cry. I am not this depressed sad person. I want to be happy. Smile. Laugh and not pretend to be happy

01-18-2014, 03:34 PM
I was just speaking with my wife about this topic this morning. Sounds like depersonalization. Not to worry, just recall you became so engrossed in a movie, a sunset, or thought of something fun and you felt like you forgot where you were standing, sitting etc. It's similar to a dream state, daydream, however thru a negative filter of worry anxiety it seems nowhere near as fun and we try to escape it quickly, that's where it nabs us. Stay with it, I have had this and I just repeated I'm clear, confident, kind and loving. It was simple words, and not too many this helped me a lot. Keep us updated, and thank you for sharing. Brainsync would be helpful here as well.

01-18-2014, 03:54 PM
Thanks gene. You are always do helpful. What is brain sync?

01-18-2014, 04:12 PM
It's brainsync.com I bought the relieve anxiety mp3. She then sends out free trials too.