View Full Version : I know I'm going to freak out...

02-17-2008, 07:04 AM
I'm a 17 year old lad with really bad social and general anxiety, on Wednesday 20th February i have some workmen coming to my house for at least 2 weeks, i won't bore you with the details but they're going to be inside the house all of the time for like 6 hours each day, and i'm starting to freak out about this, i don't like the idea of people i don't (or do) know coming into my house, my mum's going to be at work all of the days and i'm going to be with these people all alone.

I'm paranoid about them spaking to me and moving my stuff in my room around, i can't stress how much i REALLY do not like people seeing my bedroom.

I don't know where else i can go or what else i can do! Please help me!

02-17-2008, 09:50 AM
Have you talked to your mother about this? Is it possible for you to hang out with a friend or family member?

You can also have someone hang out with you at the house while they are working.