View Full Version : Doc

01-18-2014, 11:55 AM
My psych told me if I don't start going for walks and get with the living im going to wind up in a nursing home. I go to dinner with fam the grocery store etc. and still feel sick. I think he may be right................scared crapless....I can't stand feeling sick anymore!!

01-18-2014, 04:09 PM
First, I don't think your doc should have said that you will end up in a nursing home! How does he/she know?!
Does that mean that you will go mad? Because, let me tell you, panic and anxiety does not mean you are losing your mind - far from it, in fact. Experiencing panic and anxiety means that we care about ourselves and what happens to us and we are too hyper aware of every sensation and possible outcome.
Unfortunately, agoraphobia is a common side effect of being nervously ill and we have to take little steps to overcome this condition.
Look on you tube and google to help you get tips in how to slowly recover. And next time your doc says anything like that to you again, tell him to educate himself a little more on your condition and come back to you when he has all the facts! Xxx

01-19-2014, 07:01 AM
Thanks to you both for your reply's. I live in a small town and the pyshs are few. Fam tells me to seek another psych elsewhere but it seems like a huge task to go into another town. Everyday is a challenge. I need to stop dwelling on what he said and push myself.

Thanks again.....peace