View Full Version : Thinking about my Funeral all the time!!

02-16-2008, 01:36 PM
Why do i think about death and living this Earth now! im constantly worrying abotu whats going to happen! am i going to die soon?why do i think this am i going to die of suffocation im so sick of it ?? ?

02-19-2008, 04:10 AM
It's common for anxiety sufferers to worry about dying, I know I do. You're not gonna die of suffocation, just try to be healthy and recognize that you have an anxiety disorder and you may be a hypochondriac (a lot of anxiety sufferers are).

Read the Symptoms of Anxiety that Jitters posted in the forum. Down at the bottom you'll see that your fears of choking or suffocating are classic anxiety symptoms, as is fear of dying prematurely. I suggest that you go through the list of symptoms and see how many of them you have.

02-19-2008, 09:19 AM
Because i always think about it and honestly i use to be so happy and cheerful and now i feel like i have someone sittin on my chest and i cant breathe it sucks i hate it but ive beeen through alot of test and doctors say im fine just anxiety it jusdt feels real im scared

02-19-2008, 10:19 AM
if your doctors said that you're fine - you did pulmonary tests if I remember correctly - then your lungs are fine and the shortness of breath is caused by your anxiety. Did you ask your doctor about the peak flow meter (I mentioned that in a different response). The meter is great for me since I have anxiety and asthma.

Does that feeling of constricted breathing come and go? Does it get worse when you think about it or when you exercise?

02-19-2008, 10:21 AM
it feels like when im actually having a panic attack it feels worse and then soemtimes when i excercise but that chest tightness is kinda just a permanent feeling!

02-19-2008, 10:21 AM
sometimes when a symptom like that is anxiety related we tend to think about it constantly. When you're thinking about your breathing it will feel different, and when you worry about it it will feel tight. I don't have tightness of my chest or shortness of breath with my anxiety, I have lightheadedness and dizziness (along with other things). When I'm not having an anxiety attack I feel those symptoms because I'm thinking about whether I feel normal or not, I'm thinking too much about it, which then causes more anxiety. Your anxiety may just be the kind where shortness of breath, tightness of chest, feeling of suffocation, is the most predominant symptom. When your not having a panic attack you're bound to think about you're breathing and thinking about it can make it feel bad.