View Full Version : constant sea shell noise in ear this am.

01-18-2014, 07:10 AM
My head has been stuffy for 2days, dry, itchy red eyes , pain above eyes andCongestion. I keep hearing that seashell sound in my ear. It's been pretty constant since I woke up 20min ago. And when I sit up I don't hear it

01-18-2014, 07:22 AM
your sinuses are draining into your ears (normal when you have a cold, flu, or ALLERIGIES!!!) Now go get what we talked about yesterday twerp!....cetirizine=$1=Wally World!!.....:)

and some debrox to be sure that there's not a wax buildup too....You can do it ilu!!!!


Paul N Lauren
01-18-2014, 07:25 AM
yes , this sounds like sinus's . with this crazy weather any more . allergies and just sinus issues alone will be a problem for a lot of people.

01-18-2014, 07:34 AM
Agreed^^^^ I have to same but mine will sometimes drain and cause further complications in the ear canal...Allergies more than likely.

Nice to meet you Pul N Lauren..I have not seen you yet I don't think..

Welcome either way friend(s).!...


Paul N Lauren
01-18-2014, 08:02 AM
no, i am new. good to meet you. i joined to help my love and any one else i can to understand anxiety and all the stupid shit that goes with it.lol. as well as learn things my self. its always good to keep a open mind to others as we all experience different symptoms.

01-18-2014, 10:03 AM
Well,..there is definitely a diverse aray of different anxieties, phobias, fears, etc...within the forums and the people here. I have dealt with many, many different symptoms, ailments, disorders, and leading to disease of the adrenal glands (over worked) and then they failed. Attacking my own body. That's partly why I'm here, and the other part is something that I have yet to understand but is just a mere (1) part of being neurotic for a lifetime and then turning psychotic in an instant. It's called IED. (no, hot roadside bomb) although the effects can be extremely intense if I don't control it. It's an explosive disorder, but only when I am threatened or someone else is threatened that I care about...or even if a complete stranger is threatened! I will run to their aid...it's just weird and no, it isn't considered to be a normal response. It's genetic...yay.

There's many of us that are here to help you and or your loved ones. It's very difficult to understand, if you don't "carry" it with you....

Yes, an open mind for different views, I try to avoid arguments so as not to destroy my computer...LOL!!!

E-Man.. (Chris) :)

Paul N Lauren
01-18-2014, 10:23 AM
exactly, no one really understands unless they deal with it them selves. a lot of people choose to deny anxiety , depression , and phobias in general. what gets me is some chose to say its all in your head, lol. well thats exactly right. problem is whats in their head is always just stress, nothing more. hell they do some research thats kinda where a lot of it starts. people not understanding it is a mental illness for say, all in your head is the biggest problem we face. but yes, you are exactly right about the instant decisions we make on a drop of a dime. i crashed a while back and made a complete ass of my self and hurt ( emotionally ) my love. she is still working on trust, but we will be fine. these groups helps to see how many ways and how crazy anxiety and phobia's can get at you. PTSD, TBI and severe anxiety from those 2 things for 21 years before be properly diagnosed. i learned the hard way and i am a cold person sometimes because of it. this is where my crash and burn screws so many things up. i can ramble on for ever i think , so i will stop here. i get what you are saying and agree completely.

Paul N Lauren
01-18-2014, 10:31 AM
I have yet to understand but is just a mere (1) part of being neurotic for a lifetime and then turning psychotic in an instant. It's called IED. (no, hot roadside bomb) although the effects can be extremely intense if I don't control it. It's an explosive disorder, but only when I am threatened or someone else is threatened that I care about...or even if a complete stranger is threatened! I will run to their aid...it's just weird and no, it isn't considered to be a normal response. It's genetic...yay.

There's many of us that are here to help you and or your loved ones. It's very difficult to understand, if you don't "carry" it with you....

Yes, an open mind for different views, I try to avoid arguments so as not to destroy my computer...LOL!!!

E-Man.. (Chris) :)

this is a great analogy for people to see for crash and burning. sometimes you lose the control. its hard to never, ever lose it. if it was that easy , well we wouldnt be here. lol. like i said i can yap on.

01-18-2014, 10:32 AM
Man do I know those crash and burns dude...I've done that to literally everyone, and then had to try to rebuild that which my words, behaviors, actions, tore apart...It's nearly a full time job. I just practice compassion towards others as often as possible to make positive changes in myself.

Yup, PTSD here too..amoung other things.

Hey a fellow American too, cool. I've been to Tennesee a few times. X wanted to go to Gatilinburg. That ariel tram was freaky though!!


01-18-2014, 10:36 AM
When you go into these psychotic states, do you lose your vision? Sight of "who and whom" is standing before you????? What they mean to you whether parent, child, girlfriend, neighbor, friend, whoever? Do you have these attacks too?

I have never met anyone else on this forum that does, that's why so many questions...something "else" takes over, although I am extremely kind to everyone, I snap.


Paul N Lauren
01-18-2014, 10:42 AM
yes crash and burn is a relationship killer if the person is not compassionate and understanding. i am fortunate in that my love is both, very lucky. yes the tram's are not for me. i dont deal with crazy stuff very well. lol. i keep things simple if i can . anxiety will show when least expected for almost anything , big or little.

Paul N Lauren
01-18-2014, 10:45 AM
i lose vision in a sense that i lose all care and consideration for others. i just dont give a shit and my thoughts are all that matters. its crazy , but yes in a way. i never knew any one else that crash's this way also. so , i welcome the convo.