View Full Version : An Introduction

Lord Jazzinho
01-17-2014, 08:17 PM
I've been coming on to these pages for a few weeks now and felt it was about time I introduced myself as I have wading in on other peoples threads like a fairy elephant, I was just testing the water lol. Hello my name is Jazz and I am a Social phobic or at least I was for 12 years. I am 32 years old and I live with my mother and uncle in my grandmothers house which is next-door to a noisy drinking establishment (sleeping is a problem), I don't like to focus too much on the negative so I'll try and make this short, I was bullied at school, Had a family member that was verbally abusive, an alcoholic, she was mentally ill and as a consequence her negativity ruined a large part of the rest of our lives, My father was forced to return to his homeland when I was 8 and didn't come back till I was 26, I was an anxious and angry child, at 14 my mother lost her job, anxiety stopped me from completing my education and for a time after that we were so poor we spent 1 or 2 years with no central heating. By the time I was 16 all anger had given way to anxiety and I did not leave the house again till I was 24 when was starting to get physically ill. I was sent to the hospital for a biopsy on my kidney. It was at the hospital however where I had my first breakthrough and realised that watching the news was feeding my anxiety, I stopped watching the news after that and in 2 weeks I felt a lot more comfortable. A further 4 years passed of mainly being in the house before My kidneys failed and I had to start treatment. My first dialysis treatment was CAPD which I chose it because it could be done in the home it was a bad choice however and for the next 3 years I was quite physically unwell which brings us to now. I am on Haemo dialysis and much better. I am still mainly in the house but its not out of fear now so much as lack of routine and options. I decided to check out anxiety forums, which I had been thinking about doing on and off for some years. I don't suffer greatly now with anxiety, I feel that in some sense seeing as I grew up with it that it is now a part of my character but anxiety is by nature fear and anxiety problems are basically living in fear, my point is that some fear is nessecary and that brings me to why I came here. As some of may know already I feel all of this experience has taught me a lot about life and I wanted to share some of that experience, some my thoughts and YT vids with people who may understand, in a place where you don't have to pretend, in the hope that it can be of benefit to someone. I tend to think a lot about doing things like this that involve me opening myself up a bit and I usually collect a bunch of reasons until they get to critical mass and then I take the plunge. I don't really know how to end this so I hope to get to know some of you better in the future and seeing I can't finish on a song I'll finish on a quote However you feel now remember "This to shall pass."

01-17-2014, 11:35 PM
Very tough childhood I'd say. I'm very familiar with tough and childhood, just not in the same way. I too was bullied and dealt with each one of them, I had no choice. Built up anger took me to places that are very, very harsh and unwelcoming until I was 18. I was given (1) last chance. I never looked back and never broke another one of societys Laws or Rules again...other than a speeding ticket. You're definitely a strong willed individual and have experienced things that most all of us haven't. We're all unique in some way, and have our own specific stories to share for sure.

Glad to have you around the forums bruh, and I look forward to reading and seeing some more of your idealogy too..

Yes, it will pass...

E-man.. :) (Chris)

01-18-2014, 01:48 AM

I'm always interested in what you have to say...you're an interesting individual. Its a good thing;)

01-18-2014, 03:25 AM
Jazz - good to hear your story, although it seems like it was a tough thing growing up in your home

But really good to see where you are now with your circumstances

You have a great outlook in a world that encourages people to be victims

01-18-2014, 04:32 AM
Hello jazz lovely to meet you and thank you for sharing your story

Paul N Lauren
01-18-2014, 05:01 AM
Jazz, success is always a welcome. we all have our different issues that result from some sort of anxiety, some worse than others. never the less success is always a light at the end of the tunnel for many, many people. sharing the whole thing only adds to the light. thank you for sharing such a inspirational life story. yes maybe still deal with a little aggravation , but the positive attitude will always prevail over the negativity. again , Thank You for sharing.

Lord Jazzinho
01-18-2014, 08:04 AM
Cheers for all the encouraging messages much appreciated.

Lord Jazzinho
01-18-2014, 11:29 AM

Shameless promotion in a language I don't understand. but FairPlay to ya, you are persistent