View Full Version : Awake but asleep?

01-17-2014, 06:27 PM
Over the last week I've dealt with feeling as though I'm living my life in a dream. I know that I'm awake, but my body and mind feel as though I'm asleep. My vision will sometimes even look as though I'm in a dream. I'm not imagining things that aren't there, things just look off. It's possible that I have an anxiety disorder, but my parents want me to get my vision checked before going to an actual doctor. This feeling might also fade in a few days, but it's been exactly a week since I had my first panic attack and started seeing and feeling like this. I also feel like I'm just floating through the day. I know that I'm controlling what I do, but I feel as though I don't. I don't feel like myself, but that might be from lack of sleep. I'm hoping that in a few days this will pass, but if not I'll go see a doctor. Hoping for the best! I believe it might be from anxiety, but I'm not exactly sure. Has anyone else ever felt like this?

01-17-2014, 06:54 PM
It's most definitely the anxiety. Attempt to do something you love, or hang out with a friend that will distract you. Try as hard as it may be to not think about it...and you'll notice that symptom will go away and you will hardly notice. You'll be okay:)

01-17-2014, 07:36 PM
Oh my gosh, YES! that's what I've been dealing with for the past year. Are you on medication by any chance? Well, yes, that is anxiety/depersonalization, that's the attack that gets me every time. The dreamlike feeling, it's fcking awful! I've narrowed it down to a few things that cause it for me, hunger, messed up sleep pattern, and my period.. I seem to get that particular attack if I've slept like more than 8 hours (sometimes that happens) it's like my brain gets slow if I over-sleep, but I still feel anxiety, so they are trying to catch up with each other, and it creates a mess, if that makes any sense?

I suggest eating something if you're feeling that way, it will get your strength back up. Water helps too.

I also have read when we are having panic, things appear brighter to us because our eyes are sharpening in and getting ready for the "danger", and the dream like feeling is adrenalin from our heart racing, you know how you feel when you're exercising, everything around you sort of becomes a blur? it's the same thing..

I hate anxiety.

01-17-2014, 07:46 PM
Applecherry said it well. Sounds like anxiety depersonalization to me as well. Keep us posted. Find something to relax your mind, you tube videos meditate, listen to music. Pandora has Zen Garden, and look into brainwave sounds. Research those.

01-17-2014, 07:48 PM
I have went through this plenty of times. You're definitely not alone! Depersonalization/ derealization. It's such a strange feeling! Feel better soon.

01-17-2014, 07:50 PM
It could be derealization, a common symptom of anxiety. It's something you could look into, Read up on it a it and see if it fits. I usually suggest staying away from reading about health stuff, since it can be a slippery slope, but in some cases knowledge is power. Being able to identify something that may be wrong with you and possible treatments may be comforting :)

I hope you get to feeling better soon!!!

01-18-2014, 08:31 AM
It's most definitely the anxiety. Attempt to do something you love, or hang out with a friend that will distract you. Try as hard as it may be to not think about it...and you'll notice that symptom will go away and you will hardly notice. You'll be okay:)

Thanks for the advice! I'm working today so it should get my mind off of it for a while.

01-18-2014, 08:36 AM
Oh my gosh, YES! that's what I've been dealing with for the past year. Are you on medication by any chance? Well, yes, that is anxiety/depersonalization, that's the attack that gets me every time. The dreamlike feeling, it's fcking awful! I've narrowed it down to a few things that cause it for me, hunger, messed up sleep pattern, and my period.. I seem to get that particular attack if I've slept like more than 8 hours (sometimes that happens) it's like my brain gets slow if I over-sleep, but I still feel anxiety, so they are trying to catch up with each other, and it creates a mess, if that makes any sense?

I suggest eating something if you're feeling that way, it will get your strength back up. Water helps too.

I also have read when we are having panic, things appear brighter to us because our eyes are sharpening in and getting ready for the "danger", and the dream like feeling is adrenalin from our heart racing, you know how you feel when you're exercising, everything around you sort of becomes a blur? it's the same thing..

I hate anxiety.

How long does this usually last for you? Mine has lasted a straight week. It isn't really on and off. I always feel like I'm dreaming even though I know I'm awake. I haven't had an actual panic attack in a few days. I just have the feeling of always dreaming. I just remind myself I'm awake and try to get my mind off of it. I just feel out of control.

01-18-2014, 08:39 AM
I have went through this plenty of times. You're definitely not alone! Depersonalization/ derealization. It's such a strange feeling! Feel better soon.

How long does the feeling last for you?

01-18-2014, 08:40 AM
Applecherry said it well. Sounds like anxiety depersonalization to me as well. Keep us posted. Find something to relax your mind, you tube videos meditate, listen to music. Pandora has Zen Garden, and look into brainwave sounds. Research those.

Thank you for the ideas!

01-18-2014, 09:51 AM
How long does the feeling last for you?

I have had it for a couple hours, a few days, few weeks. Lol
You really have to try hard to get your mind off of it, It is difficult to do sometimes! Doesn't help that its winter time! Not sure where you live but I live in Michigan, weather is terrible. Freezing cold, I usually always get some sort of winter blues..

01-18-2014, 10:48 AM
I have had it for a couple hours, a few days, few weeks. Lol
You really have to try hard to get your mind off of it, It is difficult to do sometimes! Doesn't help that its winter time! Not sure where you live but I live in Michigan, weather is terrible. Freezing cold, I usually always get some sort of winter blues..

Haha. I've felt it for s straight week almost nonstop and didn't want to feel alone. XD I try to get my mind off of it, but it is hard. I'm in North Carolina and my town doesn't have a lot to do in it. Plus I have 3 days off school this week so I'll be so bored.