View Full Version : Is this as good as it gets?

01-17-2014, 03:16 PM
Ok, so after having yet another panic attack about the class I was taking, I decided I am just not in the right place, mentally, to do it. I withdrew today and felt better then later on had another panic attack thinking I had made a big mistake. I found out I get to start a new job Monday! Very happy news for me, so I think it's best I try not to do both anyway. Too much too fast overwhelms me and sends me straight into panic and into a downward spiral to depression.
I can't help but wonder...is this as good as it's going to get for me? To manage my anxiety, panic and depression while trying to navigate life? I've been doing it my whole life and every year that goes by I hope that it gets easier. Some days it does, but many days it does not. I make decisions based on my emotions ALL THE TIME which often is not what is best for me. *Sigh*

01-17-2014, 04:24 PM
Sometimes we need to push ourselves.. If I didn't I would have lost everything.. Which I refuse to allow!! We all have good and bad days, even the 'normal' people..

01-17-2014, 05:07 PM
I can understand how you feel, like Amber said it works to push yourself. If you confront it little by little, you'll eventually get to a place where you'll look back at who you are now and be surprised. I can't tell you if it ends, but it really does get better.