View Full Version : Do you wanna end you're panic attacks?

01-17-2014, 02:45 PM
Hey everyone! I am going to write this post in the assumption that the person reading knows nothing about anxiety, to write as much helpful information as possible. All of this information is gathered from my personal experience, tons of extensive research, and personal opinion from the two of how to deal with it. Other people may feel differently of the approach to deal with it. I'll tell you a little about me and my anxiety first. I dealt with mild OCD and hypochondria( Health anxiety) for about 3 years. I've probably thought I have had over twenty cancers, tons of different life threatening diseases, and anything else under the sun. I never had any of the things I thought I had. I had tons of weird irrational and some rational fears like having a stroke, heart attack, brain aneurism, and I feared death, so when I was going through a panic attack you can see how those fears escalated the panic. These My first panic attack was about 6 months ago and I am practically over them and most of my anxiety. I felt hopeless, and confused. My family didn't understand, it affected me in every aspect. You CAN get over you're panic attacks! This might be a little long, but you could possibly benefit or learn something new if you read through this.

Have you ever felt like you're life was about to be over? The room spinning, chest pounding, sweating, arms going numb and pins in needles in you're fingers? You know you're about to die any minute, and you are off to the emergency room to find out nothing is wrong with you, and that it is just anxiety? You're probably confused thinking there is no way nothing is wrong with me with everything I went through. "I was feeling fine when it happened, it just came out of the blue!" I've been there and tons of people have been as well. Panic attacks are a very scary experience. Tons of people each year go to the emergency room for having a panic attack. Typically people who have recurrent attacks tends to be possibly inherited, as anxiety and other depression can run in families depending on you're view in the biological aspect. Panic disorder is deliberating. No one understood, and told me to just "get over it! You're a grown man!" Well if it was that easy, there wouldn't be millions of people suffering from it... That is probably one of the hardest parts of anxiety and panic disorder. Anxiety is a very misunderstood condition to the general population. First of, you ARE NOT GOING CRAZY as you might think you are. Anxiety is not a mental illness(not saying there is nothing wrong with people who have any, just for reassurance). You're probably thinking you have a brain tumor, or a heart problem, MS, or whatever you're brain is cooking up! I have been there with all of that. If I had a symptom you can best believe I was on here looking for reassurance. Especially if you had health anxiety like myself! Panic disorder and health anxiety are not a pretty combination. Obviously you should go to you're GP and rule out any unlikely, underlying health condition. Also have you're B-12 levels checked, vitamin D, and thyroid as those can cause problems of there own, especially thyroid. Not only will it be in the best interest of you, it'll also give you some peace of mind. This IS A SUPER IMPORTANT PART!! If you get a clean bill of health, which I am positive you will, accept this diagnosis that you are in good health. Don't go home and start second guessing the medical diagnosis because this can lead to health anxiety. RARELY is panic attacks the cause of some serious medical condition. Also I cannot stress enough to you, even if you are already doing this. DO not, or STOP GOOGLING symptoms!!!!!!!! I cannot stress that enough!!! If you are already doing it, I know it might be a hard habit to break, but it'll only keep the vicious cycle going. Google will convince you every symptom is cancer. NEVER GOOGLE SYMPTOMS!!! If you feel a symptom is bothering you or worrying you enough, make a doctor appointment. Most likely it's benign, or a minor issue to be easily treated, and probably not the sinister thing you're anxious mind cooked up! Panic disorder can be accompanied by other problems and anxiety disorders that need to be taken care of as well. Such as GAD, OCD, health anxiety, depression, and even substance abuse.

Common symptoms of panic attacks
-pounding heart
-chest pain/discomfort
-paresthesia( numbness/pins and needles) in any part of body, more commonly the extremities
-Depersonalization(feelings of unreality)
-impending doom
-feeling like you are going crazy

Any of these scary symptoms sound familiar? Probably so. Panic attacks are not subjected to these symptoms. Many people experience tons of different ones, just depends on you're own unique chemical makeup. Anxiety itself can cause TONS of symptoms, and virtually mimic any disease. This is why it is SO important to stay off of Google with you're symptoms, otherwise you'll think you have anything! Check out anxiety centre's anxiety symptoms. You'll be surprised all of the stuff it can cause. What you also need to know is panic attacks WILL AND CANNOT kill you! A panic attack has never killed anybody. Try you're best to remember that when having one. My other biggest fear was that I would pass out during an episode, and I know lots of other people fear this too. I know it may feel like it. Passing out during a panic attack is VERY rare, it happens but it is so rare. Panic attacks is you're bodies fight/flight response system in our brains from our ancient ancestors. It's a false alarm. You're nervous system is divided into two parts, sympthathetic(panic attack symptoms), and parasympathetic(calm). Basically when ruled out any vitamin deficiencies, our nervous system from all of the anxiety is over sensitized. You need to desensitize it. How you need to is by not reacting in fear when the panic attack starts. You start feeling all of these scary symptoms, but do not react in fear. It's gonna take practice I assure you. Go with these symptoms in the calmest manner possible. The symptoms you are feeling are due to adrenaline, nothing more. Like anything, it'll eventually pass and you will be okay! I promise! The more scared, the more adrenaline is secreted, the worse of the severity of symptoms and the longer it'll take to desensitize you're nervous system. Don't be too hard on yourself either. It's gonna take practice. Just think from all of these attacks you have had, have you ever died, or what ever you thought was going to happen? When you start going with this approach, and experiencing it for yourself, you see anxiety's bluff. The attacks will eventually get less severe, and the attacks will become less occurrent. Also in curing yourself from panic. You may have developed situational panic attacks(places you have had one in the past and feel this is the cause of them), or situations that generally make you anxious. Do not avoid those places. Go to them and face it. You are probably going to mess up a few times, but who cares? We've all been there! You have to rewire you're brain and nervous system to show you're body that there is nothing to fear. You may also start to develop comfort zones, or dread leaving you're own home.(agoraphobia). My comfort zones were my home, and if I was at work I would go to the bathroom, step outside, or go sit in my car. When we start doing these, it creates a false sense of safety. Try to get to the point where you do not go to you're comfort zone during one. I always wanted to stay home, call out from work, or avoid all of those places. DO NOT. You got to go out and do those things you are so afraid of, it's gonna be hard, but you can do it!!! I was totally afraid of driving my car, and I was scared of going to work sometimes. I felt vulnerable there. It's all about baby steps. Take it one step at a time, and don't create such big goals. Create a diary/journal. A lot of people will have 7 good days, and then one bad one and the other 7 days did not exist anymore. A journal is a great way to build on you're experience and progress. Don't give up! People can lose heart fast because they are still experiencing the weird and quirky symptoms anxiety causes you, or still suffering from panic attacks, whether they are situational or out of the blue. It's gonna take time. it could be weeks, months of even a year or more to fully get there. Do not get discouraged. Just like a person would want to be a good at playing guitar, or basketball, it's gonna take TIME, PATIENCE, and WILL to get over this thing. Don't get sucked into these dumb websites claiming to have suffered too and have created some technique that will end you're anxiety like calm clinic! There is no magic cure. I stopped having panic attacks, but still experienced symptoms months after. Palpitations, lightheadedness, etc even after my panic attacks stopped. It's gonna take time to get you're nervous system rewired. I hope you have support. I didn't aside from my wife, but there are many great people on here to make you feel better and not isolated that you can talk to with great advice and shared experience.

01-17-2014, 02:46 PM

I never went on medication. If you are new to anxiety or panic, my opinion would be to try and do it without, however some people may need it to help get over it, or are on it currently and there is NOTHING wrong with that!! I just don't want some cynical doctor to just prescribe you some xanax right away and shove you out the door. Doctors aren't typically the best in understanding or really caring for anxiety.


-Eat more healthier. More iron, magnesium, and vitamins. Less sugar and more fruit and veggies and a well balanced diet. Also omega 3's(EPA/DHA). Which can be eaten in food, or by capsule, such as fish oil.
-Eat every few hours. Like a little snack here and there When you're blood sugar is low it can mimic anxiety and panic attack symptoms. Try and make it healthy and leave the snickers at home!
-Drink plenty of water
-Chamomile tea. Delicious, i drank(and still do) mine sweetened with honey.
-NO caffeine!!! Hard for me since I am a southerner and I love me some sweet tea....*Tear. If you want some soda, try Virgils. Natural, no caffeine, and delicious! Especially the root beer and cream soda. Yummy. If you want some coffee, decaf.
-Less alcohol as possible if any preferably
-Try to stop smoking
-Exercise! May be difficult, but get that heart rate up! It's great for depression and anxiety. Recent studies show that it's more effective than Prozac in some people.

*Supplements/vitamins/minerals- I did not really do a lot of these, so I don't know of much when it comes to supplements. Ask some people on here for more and there best ones they recommend!
-St John's Wort Root
-Vitamin D3
-Fish oil

*Literature I recommend
-"Hope and Help for you're nerves"-Dr. Claire Weekes. A MUST READ. SHE'll go into more depth of how to recover, and scientifically show you why you feel some of these disturbing, yet harmful symptoms. I basically just paraphrased what she said on how to recover. Anything by Claire Weeks as well. She has a great audio book as well.

If you have developed a health anxiety(Hypochondrias), and you are scared of all of the weird symptoms anxiety creates and the doctor has assured you you're not dying of some terminal illness, I highly recommend "It's not all in you're head" by Gordon Asmundson and Steven Taylor. Excellent read.

Both available on Amazon, or the kindle if you have one.

You can PM me if you have any questions! YOU CAN DO IT!!!! I believe in you. Panic disorder and hypochondria was the hardest thing I ever had to deal with, i was at rock bottom. Look at me now typing this. This can be you too one day! Don't give up, be patient, and I know you'll recover!

Best wishes,


01-17-2014, 03:42 PM
Also if you started getting terrible headaches or even migraines like I did, I recommend "heal you're headache" David Buchholz

01-17-2014, 03:43 PM
And typo correction. I meant to type "disturbing, yet Harmless symptoms!!" Not harmful .

01-17-2014, 04:35 PM
This is great! Well done! I'm going in the right direction.. Although my biggest fear I can't concur in baby steps.. It's all or nothing on that one.. -.-

01-17-2014, 04:49 PM
Thnx for making a nice post Blake :)

01-17-2014, 05:09 PM
Thanks guys! And what's you're biggest fear if I may ask Amber?

01-17-2014, 05:38 PM
Well my first real big attack was about 2 months ago, I was visiting my partner is Hawaii.. When I had a head if stuff happen including my father passing.. On the day I had to get on a plane back to Australia I had the attack.. It went on for 3 hours.. They wernt going to let me on the plane, wanted to take me to hosp Etc.. But I managed to get on the plane.. It's a 15 hour plane ride home.. Now.. My partner and I are getting married and I'm moving over there.. So that's at least 2 trips there and back this year.. I'm afraid if getting on that plane... And I can't exactly practice and if it Dosent work out try tomorrow.. Haha so.. Yer that's my biggest issue

01-17-2014, 05:48 PM
Im so sorry for you're loss. And LUCKY! going to Hawaii! and living there! That should be enough to get you're mind off the panic attacks themselves right there! So not fair. Yeah I know airplanes is a common one. Just remind yourself you HAVE never died from one. EVER. All it is adrenaline, if you do not react in fear(it'll take some practice trust me), the adrenaline will eventually stop when you're body realizes there is no threat. Are there other situational panic attack places you can practice with this year to get you all beefed up for those plane rides? ANd try to read the Claire Weeks book before as well! and just practice. it's gonna take time. Like I got over my panic attacks, but the one that was the hardest for me was driving my car, but I always arrived at my destination perfectly safe! And i was responsible for steering! In the airplane, all you have to do is sit back and relax as much as possible into you arrive at Hawaii! I can't say lucky enough.... How is it down there?

01-17-2014, 05:50 PM
You should totally send me a passionfruit since you live in Australia. I want one so bad but they don't grow where I live. I hear Australia is a breeding ground for them!

01-17-2014, 06:00 PM
Oh yer passion fruits coming out of everyone's asses haha yer I'm reading one of her books, I'm waiting for my partner to send a couple more books because I can't get them in aus :(

01-17-2014, 06:32 PM
Thanks for the encouragement, Blake! Can never have too much. I'm crawling out of my pit, slowly but surely even though I find myself slipping sometimes.

01-17-2014, 06:40 PM
Someday I am going to muster the determination to read this whole post. Just not today

01-18-2014, 09:47 AM
Lucky! I wish passion fruits were growing out of asses here!!

01-18-2014, 09:47 AM
And you are welcome!!! Don't give up! You can do it!!!! :)

01-18-2014, 10:16 AM
I loved this post!!:)

Nabil Shahzad
01-19-2014, 01:37 PM
101% same symptoms! great post now i am really relaxed and will try to sleep :)

01-19-2014, 02:28 PM
And typo correction. I meant to type "disturbing, yet Harmless symptoms!!" Not harmful .what helps anxiety

01-19-2014, 02:40 PM
Glad it helped!!!!

01-19-2014, 02:40 PM
And liliy, what kind of anxiety are you dealing with?

01-19-2014, 02:51 PM
And liliy, what kind of anxiety are you dealing with? generalized anxiety .. Actually am a physician married am going to do ivf But am so scared to have the complications of the procedure and am afraid of the side effect of hormones that cause OHSS ..ugh!! Lots and lots lately i hates nights it makes me awful

01-19-2014, 03:20 PM
Pray 4 me please!!!!!!

01-19-2014, 03:24 PM
Sending you some good vibes ^

Great newbie write up hypo. Anyone just diagnosed with anxiety can't go wrong reading this post! Or in fact anybody struggling a little.

Nice of you to put the effort in and give a little of your time to write up a comprehensive post.

01-19-2014, 04:00 PM
Thanks so much for this post Hypo. The last few months have been very hard and my symptoms just keep changing. I really need to stay away from google.

01-19-2014, 06:51 PM
I'm not sure what that exactly is Liliy. Is that a surgery? And I will pray for you!! :)

01-19-2014, 06:52 PM
Thanks jessed! I appreciate it man!

01-19-2014, 06:55 PM
And you're welcome Sal!! And I know Google is the worst. Everything is always bad. You type in a symptom and it finds the worst, just terrible illness it can find. I know it's a hard habit to break, but you gotta stay away from it! It'll pay off greatly.

01-19-2014, 08:01 PM
And you're welcome Sal!! And I know Google is the worst. Everything is always bad. You type in a symptom and it finds the worst, just terrible illness it can find. I know it's a hard habit to break, but you gotta stay away from it! It'll pay off greatly.

Ill have to look for the books you suggested and see if they sell them at book store over here in Aus.

01-19-2014, 08:13 PM
If they dont you should totally invest in a kindle . I got mine for 100 bucks, and you xan get all of the books and many more.

01-19-2014, 08:17 PM
Sal, I havnt seen that book my Claire.. But I bought another one by here at a book shop. I'm from aus too. You can get them online

01-19-2014, 08:45 PM
I'll have a look online I just hope the shipping is quick. What part of Aus are you from?

01-20-2014, 02:05 AM
The sunny state good old Queensland you?

01-20-2014, 02:54 AM
I'm from Brisbane in Qld also.

01-20-2014, 04:26 AM
No shit! I'm south Brisbane!

01-20-2014, 04:36 AM
What a small world. I'm south side as well.

01-20-2014, 04:43 AM
Holy crap! Haha

01-20-2014, 04:46 AM
I'm glad someone is in the same time zone as I am haha.

01-20-2014, 05:26 AM
Thank you for that. It was really inspiring!! I completely agree with everything you said... I think positivity is the key! And defooooo stop looking on google!!!

Peace :)

01-20-2014, 06:24 AM
Thank you for that. It was really inspiring!! I completely agree with everything you said... I think positivity is the key! And defooooo stop looking on google!!!


Well said Gene ;)

01-20-2014, 07:12 AM
Yer that's crazy! Haha

01-20-2014, 08:03 AM
What part are you from if you don't mind me asking?