View Full Version : Hallelujah the end of a really crap week

01-17-2014, 01:40 PM
I have had one of the the worst weeks in ages, my anxiety is really bad work has been really horrible. I have two bosses and we are short staffed at the

moment due to sickness, they have been pulling me from one place to another all week and piling on the pressure big time. I have been stuggling to

sleep with so much on my mind i'm so glad the weekend is here.

I got my appointment for C B T which is great what can I expect from this.

01-17-2014, 02:37 PM
Just remember bruh. Things do get better, and I can empathize with realllllyyyyy crappy weeks too friend..

I have no clue about CBT....but I do hope it goes well for you!!


01-18-2014, 03:24 AM
Thanks guys for your support, I had a really good nights sleep and feel much better today.;). I hate to sound like a whinger! I am really looking forward to this CBT I do hope it can sort me out. Its such a shame because I felt so good for about the last month then a bit of pressure and I crack.

Thanks again Cully.

01-18-2014, 03:49 AM
Yeah your right Frankie, I have been trying to keep two bosses happy with very little sleep and a constant barrage of intrusive thoughts. I really need to get this sorted out one way or another! why can't you get a brain switch and just turn it off sometimes.