View Full Version : Eye disturbance

02-15-2008, 11:51 PM
When you are looking at a bright sky does anybody ever see a slight disturbance in the center of their vision? I can't really describe what it looks like... just sort of a pulsating movement...
It does not affect my ability to see clearly and it does not happen all that often. I was just curious to see if anyone else has noticed this.

02-16-2008, 12:02 AM
if you mean by looking outside or into a flashlight then looking into a darker area and in the middle of your eyesight you see somthing bright... then thats perfectly normal your eyes are just diealating. hope this helps. not sure what else to say.

02-16-2008, 12:09 AM
No, I mean just looking straight into a bright sky and seeing something.

02-16-2008, 04:39 AM
Does it look like a dot? a big blur? or a falling twinkle (like a star?)

02-16-2008, 05:51 AM
I have two eye problems. One are floaters - little pieces of stuff that float in the jelly part of your eyeball. The floaters usually looking black or clear with a border and they follow your eye movements. My other eye problem is that I am aware of the "empty electrical signals" that the light receptors send to my brain. When I look at the sky I see a dozen floaters and millions of tiny colored specks. What you're describing sounds different than floaters because of the pulsating.

Tell me, is this phenomena constant, or does it come and go? Does it obstruct your vision? When I first read your post I thought of ocular migraine, but I don't know.

I can't attach the URL, but if you google ocular migraine the first link should give you a good enough description.

02-16-2008, 11:16 AM
It's much less noticable that what they describe on the ocular migrane pages. I do not notice it unless I am looking at a bright, clear blue sky. And it is like a spot that is slightly darker... that moves, like water. I'd say the spot only takes up about 5% of my vision and I don't notice it looking at everything only at a bright blank surface and only if I pay attention.

It does not happen very often.
I think it may have something to do with my blood sugar.
I proabably only notice it because I am a freak about my eyes.

(Also, don't tell me anything scary. I am a total hypochondriac)

02-16-2008, 05:02 PM
Well it doesn't sound like a floater because floaters don't move like water, they just move when your eye moves. Floaters are only noticeable when looking at bright things, but if it's moving like water it may not be a floater. Because of my eye issues, neither of which are serious, I have read a lot about eye disorders. (I too am a hypochondriac). The eye problem that I was telling you about (the millions of multi-colored spots that I see all the time) doesn't even have a name or a diagnosis. My optometrist told me that some people are just aware of the "empty signals" like how some people can hear silence (like the difference between silence in a vacuum and silence is normal conditions). Thinking back on the hours of research I did before I went to a doctor, I can't think of any eye condition that fits your description. It's almost definitely not serious. I know you said that it moves like water, but have you looked at eye floaters, they're really common and can only be seen against bright surfaces. Do you know which eye has this spot in it? If it is really bothering you than I would suggest you see an eye doctor, if it's not too bad you could just mention it next time you have your eye checkup.

I'm not a doctor (if you couldn't already tell LOL) but I bet you it's nothing to be worried about. Like I said, I'm a hypochondriac too and I am also a freak about my eyes and I see millions of spots whenever I look at anything so I know where you're coming from (although since I've seen them my whole life it isn't as jarring, but the eye floaters only developed recently). Anxiety about your vision can be really bad - I was afraid I was going to go blind - but what you're describing doesn't sound serious to me. I don't want to encourage to embrace the hypochondriac's urge to see a doctor, but luckily for me these problems started bothering me just a week before my annual eye checkup. The explanation of what causes my symptoms from an eye doctor, and the subsequent "everything looks great" from my doctor really helped me a lot.

I'm sure you're fine though.

PS - some hypochondriacs (like me) like to research symptoms on the internet. It's almost always the wrong decision, but I don't have the willpower to resist. I wouldn't ever encourage a hypochondriac to research symptoms (except for that ocular migraine thing :shock: ) but if you could, if you want to, compare what you see to eye floaters (since eye floaters are neither scary nor serious). If you don't than I'd say don't worry about it, it could be related to stress or diet or something minor like that.

02-28-2008, 03:12 AM
I know exactly what you're talking about! Ever since I was little I would notice this bizarre strain of dot-like shapes right in the center of my field of vision that would pulsate when looking into the sky, especially if it's overcast. It almost looks like it's starting close then moving farther away, straight out, like an invisible laser beam coming out of my eyes. I've had it my whole life, so it's probably okay. Cool. I had no idea anyone else had ever experienced that.