View Full Version : Just say NO to absolute thinking! For your health's sake.

01-17-2014, 06:58 AM
Just saying, if meds work for you take them.

If Herbs work for you take them

If praying helps pray

If meditating helps meditate

If Brainwave technology helps listen

There is no right and wrong about anything, there is however what you prefer.

Do no harm

If hypnotherapy works for you do that

If psychotherapy is your thing do that.

Mix it up, stop thinking in absolutes.

Dogma is not necessary

It's really not circumstances, or beliefs so much, it's what you think about them that matter. You are not thought, you are not the dancer YOU are the very dance itself!


I'm here to back each persons "thing". Of course I have my preferences, and so what, this is all temporary truly.

01-17-2014, 07:08 AM
I second this notion

Good thread

Certainly doesn't exclude any ones method of healing

And welcome to the prominence of line skipping when posting

01-17-2014, 07:11 AM
LOL... Thanks Nixon , exclusivity instead of inclusivity is low low energy for me, and it's not very integrative for me.

You offer some valuable material here and I can't say how much I appreciate it all. Glad you're here. Peace (of course) ;)

01-17-2014, 07:17 AM
Everyone is different and different things work for different people.. True what works for you might not work for me, and in that sense it's kinda like music. We all are introduced to some song, but the notes affect us all in a different way.. But it's still good to share so maybe hopefully someone discovers what might just work for them. :)

01-17-2014, 07:21 AM
Everyone is different and different things work for different people.. True what works for you might not work for me, and in that sense it's kinda like music. We all are introduced to some song, but the notes affect us all in a different way.. But it's still good to share so maybe hopefully someone discovers what might just work for them. :)

The more ways and info the better

Bring em on

01-17-2014, 07:23 AM
Well said gents, and I like the song analogy. We're all in the same symphony, harmoniously doing the part we chose.

We can decide to play a different instrument tomorrow.


01-17-2014, 08:20 AM
Peace on Hustler. LOL

Thank you truly Frankie, you are a sincere Gem.

01-17-2014, 08:38 AM
Amennnnnn :)

01-17-2014, 08:54 AM
A crust eaten in peace is better than a banquet partaken in anxiety.

I love the hell out of that! Thank you! Peace;)

01-17-2014, 09:00 AM
Gooood :).................

01-17-2014, 09:17 AM
We are not here to judge, criticize, or cast off believers, non-believers, we are here to include. High energy vibrations, good feelings etc. are

highly contagious, and exponentially powerful. I used to think it took a majority to change the world, I now know it takes one, that gives

automatic movement to the forces of the universe, god, beingness, aliveness, vitality, whatever words you use are fine, we are all on the same

rock, and experiencing the ride differently or so it appears. Everything changes except the one observing the change. At some point we lay

aside all we thought we were, and knew, and understand we are not that. We simply exist. Peace

01-17-2014, 09:26 AM
Hahahhahaa thanks!! I saw it and was like yepppp, thats my quote right there!

01-17-2014, 10:25 AM
Just saying, if meds work for you take them. If Herbs work for you take them If praying helps pray If meditating helps meditate If Brainwave technology helps listen There is no right and wrong about anything, there is however what you prefer. Do no harm If hypnotherapy works for you do that If psychotherapy is your thing do that. Mix it up, stop thinking in absolutes. Dogma is not necessary It's really not circumstances, or beliefs so much, it's what you think about them that matter. You are not thought, you are not the dancer YOU are the very dance itself! Peace I'm here to back each persons "thing". Of course I have my preferences, and so what, this is all temporary truly.

Great post!

01-17-2014, 10:55 AM
I am so glad you asked that question Frankie. ;) Please don't depend on your brain to

understand it, just let it sink in, your brain nor anybodys is capable of understanding this, and after all it's a

pointer to truth NOT the absolute truth, see how this works.... Are you ready for it?

Think about the crust differently! I know you're brain is saying wtf? It might also say

you know that's too simple Frankie, and then you literally write down everything you love about crust, from

pizza crust, to pie crust, then onto chocolate crust, and on and on keep going. When you get

as far as you can, let it just sink in a while, and you'll see you my dear you are sitting

down at the biggest buffet, banquet, of all. Your life. Be there now.

Peace ;)

01-17-2014, 12:33 PM
In other words Say Yes To Life!, I mean whatever you can to do you some good. I wish I had named this post that now. LOL

Oh well... I'm a bit hyper today.

Peace y'all

01-17-2014, 02:17 PM
LOL.. Well I too made dinner, spaghetti, and did the dishes, and took out the dogs and walked down to get a brass birdcage I had an idea for. I

also had to do my routine Brainsync, listening, thankfully for that. I wish we'd add a little more fire to this post, and others, and quit fighting

with people who are not going to listen, and just wanna tell us their brand, idea, beliefs work best for ALL people. It kinda takes the positive

posts and lays them aside when we get all wrapped up in a defense we surely don't need to keep on the top ten list ya know?

It's kinda upsetting to a lot of people, but I suppose we want more contrast. LOL

Peace Lil Sis

01-17-2014, 02:26 PM
perfect post

01-17-2014, 03:25 PM
Ok. You're right. I'm just too darn "passionate" :) I shall do my best to disengage big bro. Do you listen to your brain sync whilst walking the dogs? I have to check it out this weekend. I poached some fish tonight. None of the 3 of us are good fish eaters. I quite enjoyed it but the kids didn't. A bit of a fail. I love spaghetti though. I don't get that too often. Last night I made a whole grain pasta with bacon, onions and butternut squash. That's a family favourite around here. My frustrations today produced a hoovered and mopped house and a good walk for the dog. Plenty of Norah too. I just love me some Mumford&Sons. There going tops tomorrow. Gene, when you've added your creative touch to the birdcage put a nice pic of it up for us ok.

"This fish you made sure is tasty, Mom". Said no kid ever

01-17-2014, 04:40 PM
Yes Frankie I listen to Brainsync whenever I can. You don't dare drive with it on theta mode, nor would you want to do anything which requires

thought. They send anytime listening with the orders so they are safe. The subliminal with harmonically balanced binaural sounds, and ocean

waves will get past that pre frontal cortex of my brain and send me into la la land. LOL The birdcage is a brass cage, and I pinned the door open

and placed it next to two other bird feeders, just to see if the birds go inside. LOL I

was a Psychology Major in college so I like to see how things work, sometimes I try to understand them, but that get's me into trouble when I take

that too far. ;) I've always been a hunter, but these days I videotape outdoors. Lately I have been going up the mountain on top and sitting in the same place, and talk to the deer, at first they would run, but I found they are like my horse's used to be very curious, and now they just stand there look at

me and some more even come along and peek at me over the roadside. So it's great for videos. Now that they've come to trust me I don't

dare get them with the bow, I just can't. I'll have to go somewhere I don't know them personally. LOL

Peace Sis

01-17-2014, 07:06 PM
Did that last post make me sound like a deer whisperer? LOL

Peace Y'all

01-17-2014, 08:07 PM
Nooooo hehe you want to kill the ones you are not attached to them;)

01-17-2014, 11:48 PM
Good thread Gene...:)


01-18-2014, 01:43 AM

I like what you're sayin here. Nice work;)

I however am a sassy pants...and when I think people I care about are being mistreated..I can turn into...well..very sassy;)

01-18-2014, 03:01 AM
Excellent post, Gene! You are a good antidote to Rachel Langley's bullshit.