View Full Version : So I got off the phone with the Doctor...

01-17-2014, 04:25 AM
Hey Guys,

So, as I said I called a Doctor today to bring up my anxiety issues.

Thankfully I got a different Doctor to the one I had dealt with about my blood tests that I didn't like.

Overall, he listened & picked out the main points from my conversation which was a little disjointed as I was feeling so nervous lol. He understood that I've got a history of mental health problems & that I've been having anxiety in many areas but particularly over health concerns. He wants me to come in to talk about in more in-depth so I've booked an appointment for Monday morning. I would have gone today but I'm expecting a parcel & he is on-call this afternoon which is frustrating.

Anyway, I feel I'm making a positive step. I seem to have found an understanding Doctor who should be able to assess me & what course of action is required. :)

I'll let you guys know the outcome after my appointment on Monday!

01-17-2014, 05:21 AM
Amen, brother!

Finding a doctor that will really listen is like finding that perfect woman.

Ok. Maybe not that great.....but pretty damn great!

That is great to hear.

Having that sympathetic and understanding ear from a doctor seems to get more rare all of the time

01-17-2014, 06:19 AM
Very good Man,

Keep us all posted on that. It's great to see you doing what's best for you. Peace

01-17-2014, 08:33 AM
Hallelujah! Good to hear that! Let us know how it goes henceforth

01-17-2014, 09:18 AM
To find a doctor with some compassion is very difficult so congratulation are in order :)

01-17-2014, 09:53 AM
Thanks all!

He just had a good manner over the phone - hopefully will live up to expectations when I meet him on Monday.

At the last Doctor's Surgery I was registered, I'd seen maybe 7-8 different Doctors over the last 10 years or so & they were all great. Yet, I change practice & the first one I deal with was an ass. Typical :rolleyes: