View Full Version : Soooo unmotivated today!!

01-17-2014, 03:51 AM
Hello everyone... how are you all?? I just really can't be asked today! it's Friday and i'm at work and I have loads to do but I can't be bothered hahaha!!! Does anyone else feel my pain??

I'm in a really good mood today though, just wish I didn't have so much to do!!!

01-17-2014, 04:08 AM
awwllll....but it's the weekend so get fired up!!! :)

I'm doing great so far, other than more snow!!! and I gotta get a shot in my arse!!!....YAY!!! :)

01-17-2014, 04:13 AM
I know!!1 Thinking of leaving all my work and doing it on Monday?? hahahah!!

More snow???? Eeeeekkk! not good! Whats the temp?? Ooooo fun!!! not nice!!! I'll go to the post office today and ask about how muc it is to send over the laptop!

01-17-2014, 05:14 AM

Enjoy your day. Glad you're doing well. Bask in the sunshine you've worked so hard to have. Take the day off! LOL Peace young lady

01-17-2014, 05:22 AM
I wish I could take the day off haha!! Thanks Gene.. hope you're doing well!!

01-17-2014, 05:46 AM
You're welcome Ashlee, and yes I am fine as frog hair. Thanks! Peace

01-17-2014, 06:19 AM
Hello everyone... how are you all?? I just really can't be asked today! it's Friday and i'm at work and I have loads to do but I can't be bothered hahaha!!! Does anyone else feel my pain?? I'm in a really good mood today though, just wish I didn't have so much to do!!!

Look at the bright side, Ash

You are a few hours away from being done for the day

On the east coast, US, work hasn't started yet for the day

Get motivated and go out tonight and waste a lot of money like your supposed to!

01-17-2014, 08:35 AM
Ahhhh not even started???? Ahh i'm sorry!! Only got 2 hours left and then going out for a nice meal with friends and then to the pub for drinks!!


Hope you're doing okay!!

01-17-2014, 09:20 AM
Ahhhh not even started???? Ahh i'm sorry!! Only got 2 hours left and then going out for a nice meal with friends and then to the pub for drinks!! Yayyy!!! Hope you're doing okay!!

Im ok everyday!

It's 11:30 am

You are wrapping up for the day

I am debating what to have for lunch

5 hours to go!

01-17-2014, 09:25 AM
Hahaha!!! an hour to go for me!!! Hmmm have a nice chicken salad haha! nice and healthy!