View Full Version : No Insurance, Anxiety is Crippling Me

02-15-2008, 10:24 PM
The worst is I live with my sister who is just relentlessly cutting me down and verbally abusing me I have regressed in my progress to a crying fool. I startle SO EASY, and the knot in my belly never goes away. SHE says it is all in my head, I am lazy and a baby for my mental problems. I want to go see a shrink but have no money, just my cbt skills I have. It is getting too hard, and I am so sad. Any advice? I hate that people see my anxiety as a big joke or a malingering malady. Just sad as heck.

02-15-2008, 11:58 PM
We'll if you still have parents. I would ask to move with them. Your sister sounds like a real bitch (no offence) but, she treats you like garbage. My best bet is to find a family member who cares about you..

Go To Sleep
02-16-2008, 06:50 PM
You need some good music to inspire change in you.

Also tell your sister to shuve it, you need to find a way to get your confidence back.

02-16-2008, 10:13 PM
do not let your sister get to you, try not to and the best way, is to get as far away from her as ya can, until she starts treating you nicer
Like the earlier poster said, try to move in with a family member, or just someone, that doesnt judge your every move...you will get though this!, definetly try to stick to this website, theres a lot of helpful members on here that are 100% judging free;):)
take care and talk soon!

02-17-2008, 12:11 AM
thanks everyone. my sister was actually nicer today. I confronted her about the mouthyness, the cutdowns etc and told her what they do to me. So maybe she will stop. moving is so not an option I wish it were! I am just going to have to keep up my affirmations, double or triple time!!

02-17-2008, 12:57 AM
Ya, it's nice that she was nicer. But, try and not smuther her as much. Only go to her WHEN u have to.. if you think u can fight it. make sure you do. Cuz, when you are gunna need them there gunna shove you away..lock a door. and thats not good :\ but, i hope things get better.