View Full Version : Say NO to prescription drugs..

01-16-2014, 11:51 PM
Please educate yourself on medication. It does more harm than good in the long run. It's only putting a bandaid on the problem instead of fixing it. You can overcome anything without prescription drugs. I practice natural medicine. If anyone has any questions about what to do for any illness contact me. You're not alone and you CAN overcome this..the healthy way that God intended.

01-17-2014, 02:04 AM
I myself was on antipsychotics for schizophrenia for 18 months, which ended up giving me more side effects than actually helping me. As you can imagine, that has made me rather cautious about medication.

However, it is important to understand that medication does have it's place. For people with serious problems it can be essential to living a reasonable quality of life. Outwith that, people need to be aware of the alternatives as Rachel has pointed out. This does not mean people with less serious anxiety issues should avoid medication though.

The most sound piece of advice I have got regarding medication on this forum, is that it is only a short-term fix. It will help alleviate your anxiety but it will not cure it. That is why you need to always combine medication with therapy to help you overcome the root cause. Also, changes to your lifestyle & diet can also help to make a world of difference not to mention the support of the lovely people on this forum!

This is just my opinion from my experience on other types of medication & the advice I have found on this forum over the past week as I have yet to try any medication for anxiety.

So I would disagree with Rachel in part. Medication certainly has its place but it is important people are aware of the alternatives & the fact it does not solve the problem alone.

01-17-2014, 02:41 AM
But Rachel, if God created man, and man created medication, didn't God have a big part to play in creating medication too?

01-17-2014, 02:43 AM

Have a great day!!!


01-17-2014, 02:53 AM
But Rachel, if God created man, and man created medication, didn't God have a big part to play in creating medication too?

I was going to say that but thought it might detract from the serious tone of my post :p

Lawyered. Or is it Bibled in this case?

01-17-2014, 03:21 AM
What about GABA?
Or Rescue Remedy?

01-17-2014, 03:24 AM
Yes for some this will
Work and that's amazing,but for others they have to have the crutch of the meds,I did that for years no meds and only started taking some everyday 9 months ago,that's why there's a choice out there.you have to make the choice for yourself,it's your road to recovery and your path in life,there's no wrong or right way :)

01-17-2014, 03:27 AM
GABA doesn't cross the blood/brain barrier....waste of $$$'s....
Rescue Remedy won't rescue me from a deadly disease,...that started with anxiety for a lifetime, ignored.
jus sayin....
Good luck!....

E-Man. :)

01-17-2014, 03:31 AM
GABA doesn't cross the blood/brain barrier....waste of $$$'s....
Rescue Remedy won't rescue me from a deadly disease,...that started with anxiety for a lifetime, ignored.
jus sayin....
Good luck!....

E-Man. :)

Anything you would suggest?

01-17-2014, 03:36 AM
I take Relora!! It's in most vitamin shops and grocery stores!! It has 2ingredients that are both a type of plant and has only 3side effects.. I like it. :) gl

01-17-2014, 03:44 AM
L-Gluatamine will cross that barrier,..and is safe up over 20,000mgs per day. You'd only need start with about 2000 mgs per day to see if your mind/thought balance improved. L-Glutamine (converts into) GABA in the brain/body....:)
If you've got a few extra dollars and natural is your thing, then get some Tyrosine, Theanine, Lysine, Taurine (half dose this) and Phenylalanine (half dose this) means break those last 2 tablets in half. ALL NATURAL.. All for the brain. Cheap too. The Glutamine is the most costly at around $6 a bottle. Still cheap if it helps you though.
A multi vitamin, taken with food.
Some Valerian if you can't sleep..
Some Kava Kava if your anxiety is bad,..somewhat pricey for the real good stuff but should be around $10 a bottle..(just don't take more than directed)...

There some suggestions to get you started, I have all that on top of medications. I feel as spectacular as an old, diseased, x weightlifter, can feel...:D

01-17-2014, 03:53 AM
The Glutamine will do the same for me as all of those other ones? Or should they all be combined?
And also I take a multi-Vitamin daily and I was on a prescription for Ativan but felt no difference mentally, only physically drained so I denied a refill
I'm just looking for something that would take away the constant fear so I can focus better and actually want to leave the house lol and are there any side effects to any of the suggestions you've listed? I took a screenshot and I'm going to be hunting for these products so i would like to know from someone like you instead of some desk jockey that knows nothing about what he's selling haha

01-17-2014, 04:01 AM
Each one of those is a different amino acid (a tiny fragment of a protein chain molecule) and they are all safe together and they should all be taken together with a meal. If you eat food, then these are all in there, just in smaller concentrations and they're carried off within the protein chain to use throughout the body. Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in the body, but, if someone diet is not solid then not only this amino but the other aminos above can become depleted as well.

I always just ordered mine from Puritans Pride. They have to best deals, and usually throw in like 2 or 3 free bottles,.so they have no storefront to pay for and a desk jockey to try to push garbage on you either.

If you go to your local Wally Mart you can find many, if not all of these there too.. Save ya some $$$'s but if you want bulk, then try Puritans Pride instead.

Maybe start at Walmart or another big box retailer, then if you like it, make your order and they used to ship free of $25 spent too...:)

01-17-2014, 04:04 AM
Green tea capsules are awesome too..About $3 a bottle. In fact, a few of those and I'm groggy and calm. Wally Mart has that too...

Maybe plan on spending about $20 to $25 to get you started but you'll have enough for quite a while if it helps you to get out of the house...we'll get you out man.

01-17-2014, 04:06 AM

They've been consistently good for years, product, shipping, everything....:)

Hope that helps bruh.

01-17-2014, 04:09 AM
Okay thanks a lot man I really appreciate it
and sorry but I have one more question
As far as diet goes are there any significant changes I can make?
I eat a pretty stable diet, nothing too too healthy but nothing too too bad either but if anything can help my mental health I'll take a shot at it

I think I'll start off with the Glutamine and gradually ease into the rest once I've gotten myself comfortable
I'm new to all this so I don't want to rush into everything all at once.
I'm young with a baby on the way and I don't want to bring my negatives vibes into the babies life lol so I have about 7 months to get my head straight
Been battling this for years and I'm plain tired of it

once again thank you!

01-17-2014, 04:13 AM
Bringing God into it, will only create conflict. I don't believe in a God of any kind. Do you propose that alone will see me doomed?

Not a good opening at all, given many of us here have discussed our distaste for religion and the damage that has done.

Moving on...

Medication has helped me from wanting to walk into traffic or lighting myself on fire in a local employment agency to being open for mental health treatment.
Medication does have it's place. However, I do believe it is relied upon WAY TOO much, and often used to punish., spite and pacify from those dishing it out with many whom take it to simply hide and or comply for the sake of fitting in and or hiding.

Currently coming off antiphycotics as well as antidepressants. I am doing this during moving house. My wife just broke her leg and every that could go wrong has. So far I remain med free. I have been slowly loosing weight, although struggling with fleas, rashes, chaffing and heart burn. None the less, I feel my Fitness slowly returning and best of all ... God has nothing to do with it!

I remain open to going back on meds, as my condition could go extreme at anytime. Hiding behind meds has nothing to do with that. Once you understand how phycosis works and the many variables with it , you will then understand that some people actually require medication as opposed to those whom take it because they want an easy way out. NONE THE LESS ... people do rely tooo much on them.

01-17-2014, 04:17 AM
The more you try to avoid high fat foods (fast foods) or processed foods (foods with fancy boxes) then the healthier your brain will be. High fats (bad fats) make the mind sluggish=depression/anxiety...

Glutamine is a good starting point, a multi vitamin, and put some olive oil or something every day to eat (EFA's) or get some fish oil capsules while you're out today...

We'll win the battle dude, the only time we haven't won was when the member/person wasn't fed up enough from feeling bad every day...they needed more frustrations to push them along.

We're all right here if you need us.

7 months is easy, and congrats to you friend!! I've got 3 kids and 2 grandkids, you'll be just fine.

E_Man. :)

01-17-2014, 04:18 AM
Bringing God into it, will only create conflict. I don't believe in a God of any kind. Do you propose that alone will see me doomed?

Not a good opening at all, given many of us here have discussed our distaste for religion and the damage that has done.

Moving on...

Medication has helped me from wanting to walk into traffic or lighting myself on fire in a local employment agency to being open for mental health treatment.
Medication does have it's place. However, I do believe it is relied upon WAY TOO much, and often used to punish., spite and pacify from those dishing it out with many whom take it to simply hide and or comply for the sake of fitting in and or hiding.

Currently coming off antiphycotics as well as antidepressants. I am doing this during moving house. My wife just broke her leg and every that could go wrong has. So far I remain med free. I have been slowly loosing weight, although struggling with fleas, rashes, chaffing and heart burn. None the less, I feel my Fitness slowly returning and best of all ... God has nothing to do with it!

I remain open to going back on meds, as my condition could go extreme at anytime. Hiding behind meds has nothing to do with that. Once you understand how phycosis works and the many variables with it , you will then understand that some people actually require medication as opposed to those whom take it because they want an easy way out. NONE THE LESS ... people do rely tooo much on them.

Good to see you bruh!!! :)

01-17-2014, 05:52 AM
Please educate yourself on medication. It does more harm than good in the long run. It's only putting a bandaid on the problem instead of fixing it. You can overcome anything without prescription drugs. I practice natural medicine. If anyone has any questions about what to do for any illness contact me. You're not alone and you CAN overcome this..the healthy way that God intended.

I like your spunk, I really do

Good you are so passionate about natural remedies

I did try them for years to finally giving into prescription meds.

That was the only thing that worked for me

As you said, the meds didn't fix my anxiety causes, only got me calmed down enough so I could start would searching, which I did.

But GABA and rescue remedy won't fix you either

You still have to work on your mind for that

I am an advocate of doing what you have to do to get better

Whether natural or meds, just get calm. Then get busy on the mind

If you don't like meds, try natural. No luck with natural? Try meds

Just do what you have to to feel better

Just keep an open mind to the many options we have

01-17-2014, 06:00 AM
What Nixon said. Peace ;)

01-17-2014, 06:15 AM
Why oh why oh why? What in the world does that have to do with anything?

I think she means that God wants us to be healthy, which I agree with

I dig God

But if you are not a believer, then I think it means be healthy the way you want to be

Neither is right or wrong

To me, however or whomever that makes you feel better

I don't have a problem when people bring up that there is or isn't a God (I have to capitalize the G so He doesn't get mad) LOL

As long as no one claims that their opinion about this or something else is the one and absolute, I like the debate and discussion

01-17-2014, 06:38 AM
Green tea capsules are awesome too..About $3 a bottle. In fact, a few of those and I'm groggy and calm. Wally Mart has that too... Maybe plan on spending about $20 to $25 to get you started but you'll have enough for quite a while if it helps you to get out of the house...we'll get you out man.

I drink lots of green tea for the health benefit

And most important, it helps prevent getting belly fat

I don't want to get any belly fat

I'm 43

And apparently vain.

01-17-2014, 09:16 AM
Nixon, I get your position on this post and I'm happy you were able to take it in the manner you said. For me however it says......I'm to be harmed rather than helped by prescription meds (not if it has stopped someone from killing themselves surely)...... you do not need prescription drugs. They are unnecessary ( well in the 20 years so far I've not overcome anything prior to the meds). It is unhealthy to take them. Also god intends you don't and if you do you should feel guilty about doing so!(this is not what's intended so not what we should be doing?) A bit too preachy for me to tolerate well today perhaps. It's not my most patient of weeks I guess. It's hard enough at times to not feel all the guilt etc associated with my mental health difficulties. I think about the effect on my kids and the life I have not been living with the limited time we have. I don't want taking prescription meds to be added to a weighty list as well. Just how I feel.

I think we are on the same page

I needed meds to get in the right mindset. Many don't and I wish I was one of those that didn't, but no such luck

I don't think God honestly cares how you get better. ( as long as you don't make a deal with the devil)

Someone said earlier than God created man, and man created meds, essentially to help Gods people

I am a believer of that.

I may have found my way without them. Maybe 15 years of trying other ways wasn't long enough

But I am here today as a believer in prescription medication, and an admirer of those than can get where they need to with alternative methods

Just get there.

01-17-2014, 09:22 AM
I would be careful to give people advice not to use medication. It is not place to preach. I do not believe anyone takes meds without researching it first. The time of secrecy behind drugs is gone.

some of us are very vulnerable, so People should really watch what they put in writing, and stop treating others like idiots. Whoever wants to use "natural" ways of treating anxiety or other mental diseases, be my guest but do not preach.

01-17-2014, 09:35 AM
I drink lots of green tea for the health benefit

And most important, it helps prevent getting belly fat

I don't want to get any belly fat

I'm 43

And apparently vain.

Green tea increases your metabolism by 4%, and that's just by drinking it or taking the capsules. Good stuff!

I dump the capsules into my coffee because the tea just dissolves for full benefit and taste pretty good too...:)

01-17-2014, 09:51 AM
Medication can be a Godsend for some people...and there is NOTHING wrong with turning to medication when all else fails.

01-17-2014, 10:05 AM
But Rachel, if God created man, and man created medication, didn't God have a big part to play in creating medication too?

I'm not saying all medication is bad but it isn't good for you although I understand some people feel they need it but most the time it can be taken care of with natural medicine and a change of diet.

01-17-2014, 10:06 AM
What about GABA? Or Rescue Remedy?

They're both great for anxiety, panic, or depression. Very healthy for your mind.

01-17-2014, 10:07 AM
GABA doesn't cross the blood/brain barrier....waste of $$$'s.... Rescue Remedy won't rescue me from a deadly disease,...that started with anxiety for a lifetime, ignored. jus sayin.... Good luck!.... E-Man. :)

To each their own I guess but it helps me. Everyone has something that works better for them.

01-17-2014, 10:10 AM
Bringing God into it, will only create conflict. I don't believe in a God of any kind. Do you propose that alone will see me doomed? Not a good opening at all, given many of us here have discussed our distaste for religion and the damage that has done. Moving on... Medication has helped me from wanting to walk into traffic or lighting myself on fire in a local employment agency to being open for mental health treatment. Medication does have it's place. However, I do believe it is relied upon WAY TOO much, and often used to punish., spite and pacify from those dishing it out with many whom take it to simply hide and or comply for the sake of fitting in and or hiding. Currently coming off antiphycotics as well as antidepressants. I am doing this during moving house. My wife just broke her leg and every that could go wrong has. So far I remain med free. I have been slowly loosing weight, although struggling with fleas, rashes, chaffing and heart burn. None the less, I feel my Fitness slowly returning and best of all ... God has nothing to do with it! I remain open to going back on meds, as my condition could go extreme at anytime. Hiding behind meds has nothing to do with that. Once you understand how phycosis works and the many variables with it , you will then understand that some people actually require medication as opposed to those whom take it because they want an easy way out. NONE THE LESS ... people do rely tooo much on them.

We each have our own beliefs and when I'm very passionate about something I'm not going to hold back or not voice my opinion on it because someone else may not believe the same. I'm not one to judge, that's up to God. But I will pray for you. <3

01-17-2014, 10:12 AM
I'm not saying all medication is bad but it isn't good for you although I understand some people feel they need it but most the time it can be taken care of with natural medicine and a change of diet.

You think schizophrenia can be cured with a diet? Wow.

01-17-2014, 10:14 AM
I like your spunk, I really do Good you are so passionate about natural remedies I did try them for years to finally giving into prescription meds. That was the only thing that worked for me As you said, the meds didn't fix my anxiety causes, only got me calmed down enough so I could start would searching, which I did. But GABA and rescue remedy won't fix you either You still have to work on your mind for that I am an advocate of doing what you have to do to get better Whether natural or meds, just get calm. Then get busy on the mind If you don't like meds, try natural. No luck with natural? Try meds Just do what you have to to feel better Just keep an open mind to the many options we have

Thank you! :)

And nothing will honestly fix us but ourselves. The mind is a powerful thing which controls the body and we have to be stronger than all that. We can do ANYTHING! And we can all get through our anxiety! Especially with people on this site that completely understand where we are coming from.

01-17-2014, 10:15 AM
Why oh why oh why? What in the world does that have to do with anything?

Don't we all have a freedom of speech? Do you not have something you're passionate about? Would you avoid talking about that just because others may not agree or believe. God is a big part of my life and I am not going to act like he isn't just because some may not feel the same. Move along... :)

01-17-2014, 10:18 AM
I think she means that God wants us to be healthy, which I agree with I dig God But if you are not a believer, then I think it means be healthy the way you want to be Neither is right or wrong To me, however or whomever that makes you feel better I don't have a problem when people bring up that there is or isn't a God (I have to capitalize the G so He doesn't get mad) LOL As long as no one claims that their opinion about this or something else is the one and absolute, I like the debate and discussion

I like you and your attitude. Glad to have you on here! I never tried forcing anything on anyone, as people are acting I did. I mentioned God once, if it offends you..well, I don't know what to say because I'm not sorry. If you don't like what I post simply don't read it and move along. This is the last place people need to see negative posts. I like to feel mine are up lifting. To each their own though.

01-17-2014, 10:20 AM
Nixon, I get your position on this post and I'm happy you were able to take it in the manner you said. For me however it says......I'm to be harmed rather than helped by prescription meds (not if it has stopped someone from killing themselves surely)...... you do not need prescription drugs. They are unnecessary ( well in the 20 years so far I've not overcome anything prior to the meds). It is unhealthy to take them. Also god intends you don't and if you do you should feel guilty about doing so!(this is not what's intended so not what we should be doing?) A bit too preachy for me to tolerate well today perhaps. It's not my most patient of weeks I guess. It's hard enough at times to not feel all the guilt etc associated with my mental health difficulties. I think about the effect on my kids and the life I have not been living with the limited time we have. I don't want taking prescription meds to be added to a weighty list as well. Just how I feel.

Do your research and you will understand my post a little bit better. If you ask me, I think you're just trying to find someone to start a fight with and I looked like an easy target. I'm sorry you feel this way, hope your day gets better! xo

01-17-2014, 10:22 AM
I would be careful to give people advice not to use medication. It is not place to preach. I do not believe anyone takes meds without researching it first. The time of secrecy behind drugs is gone. some of us are very vulnerable, so People should really watch what they put in writing, and stop treating others like idiots. Whoever wants to use "natural" ways of treating anxiety or other mental diseases, be my guest but do not preach.

I wasn't preaching. Sorry for caring about others well beings.

01-17-2014, 10:22 AM
Medication can be a Godsend for some people...and there is NOTHING wrong with turning to medication when all else fails.

Like I said, not all medication is completely terrible. I'm just saying some does more harm than good. I guess I should've thoroughly explained myself. Oops!

01-17-2014, 10:27 AM
I understand.

01-17-2014, 11:59 AM
Without medications= I would become a Viking Man..and carry out my daily activities as such. Apparently being a Viking isn't acceptable in today's society.
Without medications= I would be eaten alive by this disease called relapsing polychondritis. It would've dissolved my trachea.
Without medications= I wouldn't be able to type, think, walk, or speak as the Neurologist says I've had 15 seizures since last November..because of brain damage.
Without medications= I would die of a heart attack or stroke because of high bp...not high cholesterol and, I am a VEGAN.
Without medications= I would be in excrutiating pain in all of my joints, and these herniated discs in my neck and back would hurt like hell..from squatting 535 pounds.
Without medications= My Sister wouldv'e already died of the same disease I have.
Without medications= Both of my parents would already be dead of cancer, breast, colon, prostate, liver.
Without medications= Both of my daughters would tear people apart..Viking genes too.

To each their own, whatever saves minds and lives.....:)

01-17-2014, 12:05 PM
Are you a blogger for this company?

01-17-2014, 12:07 PM
I'm with franciecfc

01-17-2014, 12:21 PM
I'm not saying all medication is bad but it isn't good for you although I understand some people feel they need it but most the time it can be taken care of with natural medicine and a change of diet.
Are you a doctor or scientist? If not do not cause havoc on forum with your posts. You do not bring here good advice or even good vibes. Another oszolom
Are you Artrud? It seems like him, posting in every topic and giving medical advice....

01-17-2014, 01:08 PM
Are you a doctor or scientist? If not do not cause havoc on forum with your posts. You do not bring here good advice or even good vibes. Another oszolom Are you Artrud? It seems like him, posting in every topic and giving medical advice....

Well since you don't know me, I guess you don't know what I have a degree in. But I'm confident in my advice. Thanks for your concern though. God bless!

01-17-2014, 01:57 PM
Trying to promote the products she deals with apparently. Believe me I wish natural products worked for my issues and they're not all anxiety and depression issues. I have medical conditions that I can guarantee no amount of healthy alternatives can help or cure and I do take my fair share of vitamins and eat healthy and drink water and all that good stuff. Hasn't helped one of my major conditions yet! Surgery is the only hing that will help and until then even narcotics barely touch the pain so yeah.......

I'm going to try the green tea capsules for the anxiety. I tried them at one time for weight loss but didn't stick to it. I think I'll start again!

01-17-2014, 02:08 PM
Hi My kids! Sorry to hear your in pain. It really pulls you down when you have to struggle that. At least it does that to me. I have been trying really hard to drink green tea so I could alternate it even with my lovely PG Tips! I just can't seem to enjoy it. Maybe I should give the capsules a go. If it helps anxiety and weight loss that would be lovely. I gained some with my zyprexa :(

I love green tea! Wouldn't mind drinking it all the time except for the laxative effect lol. I used to work in a Chinese restaurant so I drank a lot of it then and I was thinner but I paid the price haha. The capsules are so convenient too. They are pretty cheap where I work too so I'm going to start them tomorrow! Yes the pain makes things so much worse. Makes me moody when I hate being that way :(.

01-17-2014, 02:23 PM
I've never heard of green tea for weight loss and help with anxiety! I definitely want to try. Have you guys had better experiences with capsules or with the actual drink?

In terms of the beginning of this thread, I like to believe medicine saved my life when I was spiraling deep into depression and anxiety. I respect your opinion, but I'm pretty sure the Bible teaches that you can think things are wrong, disgusting, gross, or immoral, but you always should respect and never condemn any fellow man. We can all live in peace here without pushing any political or religious views.

01-17-2014, 02:28 PM
yup..it's dual purpose..(it helps some what unless you have extreme anxiety and it increases your metabolism without doing anything)...I believe the chemical is called ECG that promotes weightloss (that term just come to mind) and it has L-theanine (which is supposedly good to calm the nervous system) and I like the capsules emptied into another favorite beverage (COFFEE!!!!)...HE HE :)

01-17-2014, 03:22 PM
I've never heard of green tea for weight loss and help with anxiety! I definitely want to try. Have you guys had better experiences with capsules or with the actual drink? In terms of the beginning of this thread, I like to believe medicine saved my life when I was spiraling deep into depression and anxiety. I respect your opinion, but I'm pretty sure the Bible teaches that you can think things are wrong, disgusting, gross, or immoral, but you always should respect and never condemn any fellow man. We can all live in peace here without pushing any political or religious views.

Good to see you, Jillian.

Green tea somehow targets fat. It is said that the caffeine free variety isn't as effective for weight loss

Some people can't handle the caffeine if looking to give it a go for anxiety but I believe the caffeine free is just as effective for that

01-17-2014, 04:49 PM
Good to see you, Jillian.

Green tea somehow targets fat. It is said that the caffeine free variety isn't as effective for weight loss

Some people can't handle the caffeine if looking to give it a go for anxiety but I believe the caffeine free is just as effective for that

Thanks! I will probably try out the caffeine free, I have been trying to cut down on caffeine (I love soda)

01-17-2014, 08:24 PM
Well since you don't know me, I guess you don't know what I have a degree in. But I'm confident in my advice. Thanks for your concern though. God bless!

Rachell I do not like your brainwashed opinions, I have a lot of doubts in your knowledge, I rather believe that you tried other forums and was not received well. Stop using God bless

because I do not believe and it is at rude using God, God and God in every sentence, I remember some of the rules, being raised catholic, you not suppose to call God''s name without the real need......It's a SIN, ;) I do not think you have any degree, othewise you would not post such Horse ***t, my dear.....

Exodus 20:1-17

Do not misuse my name.[a] I am the Lord your God, and I will punish anyone who misuses my name.

Just remember my youngest child is 33 already....... I know a lot more about meds that you do, why because I was sick from the moment i was born. without meds I would be not

alive today. You stroking the feathers in wrong way ...

Brain washing? So the people go and buy the "natural medication Hehehehe
I will ask about you on the other forums......Take care beautiful :))

01-17-2014, 09:29 PM
"Stop using God bless "

Lol!!! That's the funniest thing I've heard all day! You made me laugh dahlia and I've been in such a depressed mood today! Thanks :)!

01-17-2014, 09:30 PM
Oops Dahila!

01-17-2014, 09:52 PM
You're welcome mykids12, but it is how I feel.....;)))

01-17-2014, 10:31 PM
Rachell I do not like your brainwashed opinions, I have a lot of doubts in your knowledge, I rather believe that you tried other forums and was not received well. Stop using God bless because I do not believe and it is at rude using God, God and God in every sentence, I remember some of the rules, being raised catholic, you not suppose to call God''s name without the real need......It's a SIN, ;) I do not think you have any degree, othewise you would not post such Horse ***t, my dear..... Exodus 20:1-17 Do not misuse my name.[a] I am the Lord your God, and I will punish anyone who misuses my name. Just remember my youngest child is 33 already....... I know a lot more about meds that you do, why because I was sick from the moment i was born. without meds I would be not alive today. You stroking the feathers in wrong way ... Brain washing? So the people go and buy the "natural medication Hehehehe I will ask about you on the other forums......Take care beautiful :))

I am not misusing his name, misusing his name would be using it in vain which I'm not. But judging is a sin, and I however have not done that as you are. God is a huge part of my everyday life and I can't help but to speak of someone that's so great and should be worthy to be praised. If you don't believe then why are you quoting bible scriptures? I'm sorry for the way you feel though, I hope you have a good night and you can let God into your life one day. You won't regret it. I'll leave it at that.

01-18-2014, 01:37 AM
Here's how i feel about it. This is a forum for support. Your advice...may be helpful..but the way you saying it..sounds judgemental. You're constantly needing to defend yourself. You've got to realize there is a reason more than one person is upset. Probably because what your saying is offensive. People come here knowing they can spill their guts..and likeminded individuals will share experiences and support with each other so we can have a safe place to vent..and others to compare experiences with. When you come into a forum..where nobody is familiar with you...and you tell them that taking medication is wrong...and only natural is right...you're basically making that person sound weak. This is a place to build each other up. I wouldn't be surprised if you keep getting reported because of the way you are talking to people. Helpful advice and different opinions are wonderful and that's why we are all here. You really need to rethink how you talk to people here. Jusssss sayyyyin

01-18-2014, 06:06 AM
your so called band aid is a band aid weather it comes from the doctor or from a health food shop . yes you may be able to over come most things without prescription drugs but life is not as easy as you wish to make it out . There are many people that can not afford to change diets and take supps , there are many people that don't have the time to sit and try all this as they have kids to look after and bills to pay . Although i understand what you are trying to say please take in to consideration that every bodies life is different and that your post may put someone off medicine that may well need it and could well help them in the short term to get their life back together .

I understand everyone is different. I'm not forcing anyone to do anything. We are all adults here. We can make our own decisions. Clearly, I meant no harm by my post.

01-18-2014, 06:14 AM
Here's how i feel about it. This is a forum for support. Your advice...may be helpful..but the way you saying it..sounds judgemental. You're constantly needing to defend yourself. You've got to realize there is a reason more than one person is upset. Probably because what your saying is offensive. People come here knowing they can spill their guts..and likeminded individuals will share experiences and support with each other so we can have a safe place to vent..and others to compare experiences with. When you come into a forum..where nobody is familiar with you...and you tell them that taking medication is wrong...and only natural is right...you're basically making that person sound weak. This is a place to build each other up. I wouldn't be surprised if you keep getting reported because of the way you are talking to people. Helpful advice and different opinions are wonderful and that's why we are all here. You really need to rethink how you talk to people here. Jusssss sayyyyin

I'm actually confused at what you're saying because all I've made are helpful comments. I haven't judged anyone. I've voiced my opinion on a few things but doesn't everyone on here? What I've said has been taken in the worst way possible, and not how meant it. Starting chaos over a post isn't going to get anyone anywhere and is only going to bring negativity to the site. I posted my opinion on something to help people that may want to try natural medicine. Even medication from your doctor may not work for you and you may have to try a few before you find the right one...why not try all things till you find something that works. I'm confident in natural medicine. I didn't know everyone would be so sensitive and touchy to a simple post. And as to defending myself, I'm more explaining myself since I didn't mean harm like some are taking it. A nice comment to me saying my post offended them would've been the mature way to handle it and I would've removed my post but I guess 'attacking' someone is a better solution.

01-18-2014, 07:17 AM
So I suggest we put an end to this thread

Maybe the title of the thread and the content came off a little strong to some. Me included.

But reading the posts since, I believe that Rachel has explained better what she means and it doesn't sound nearly as strong as I took her opinion originally

It seems that things have gotten away from opinion on meds or natural into debate about God being said, people's intentions, etc...

Rachel sounds as if she suffers from anxiety. For that, I want her to be here for her support and her support of others

Everyone else here has, or is suffering from their anxiety disorder(s). For that, I want us all here for the same reasons

We have had some mean spirited people come in the forum and try and cause trouble and they are pretty quick to be identified.

I don't believe that is Rachel's intentions at all. I think she is very passionate about her method of dealing and just came off a little strong for someone new.

So I am going to give her an opportunity to benefit from all the great advice and support here

I just think we start over for everyone's sake

Just my opinion

01-18-2014, 07:23 AM
Nixon you kind of right, yapping about other people problems and giving no proper advice, and not supporting others, is a cry for help.

01-18-2014, 07:29 AM
Dahlia, I don't know the motivation

I do know that we are a small group of people that have limited places to go for support

I'll give anyone the benefit of the doubt once

If she, or anyone else has different motives, we'll know

01-18-2014, 07:32 AM
So I suggest we put an end to this thread Maybe the title of the thread and the content came off a little strong to some. Me included. But reading the posts since, I believe that Rachel has explained better what she means and it doesn't sound nearly as strong as I took her opinion originally It seems that things have gotten away from opinion on meds or natural into debate about God being said, people's intentions, etc... Rachel sounds as if she suffers from anxiety. For that, I want her to be here for her support and her support of others Everyone else here has, or is suffering from their anxiety disorder(s). For that, I want us all here for the same reasons We have had some mean spirited people come in the forum and try and cause trouble and they are pretty quick to be identified. I don't believe that is Rachel's intentions at all. I think she is very passionate about her method of dealing and just came off a little strong for someone new. So I am going to give her an opportunity to benefit from all the great advice and support here I just think we start over for everyone's sake Just my opinion

Thank you. I have suffered from anxiety but I've found ways to deal with it, and that's why I'm here. To try to help others with it as well. There's nothing worse than anxiety and if I can get through it anyone can. My posts have never been intended to upset anyone, that's for sure but some people are sensitive. Attacking someone about a post and jumping to conclusions is very negative and is more apt to upset someone dealing with anxiety than a post you completely took out of context. But that's okay, we each have our own opinions and should be able to share them with one another.

01-18-2014, 07:34 AM
Nixon you kind of right, yapping about other people problems and giving no proper advice, and not supporting others, is a cry for help.

So in other words, you're crying for help. I'm here for you if you ever need to talk about your problems. I know things must be tough since you try to bring others down. You're better than that though and you will get through this. xo

01-18-2014, 07:34 AM
Thank you. I have suffered from anxiety but I've found ways to deal with it, and that's why I'm here. To try to help others with it as well. There's nothing worse than anxiety and if I can get through it anyone can. My posts have never been intended to upset anyone, that's for sure but some people are sensitive. Attacking someone about a post and jumping to conclusions is very negative and is more apt to upset someone dealing with anxiety than a post you completely took out of context. But that's okay, we each have our own opinions and should be able to share them with one another.


Let's all move forward

01-18-2014, 07:36 AM
Yay!! ^^^^^^....I like to move foward. :)

04-08-2014, 02:43 PM
I guess I'm a dead man then :(