View Full Version : Social network anxiety?

01-16-2014, 10:24 PM
Lately I've been having really bad anxiety any time I think of twitter, Facebook, or instagram.. I used to go on these sites daily, but I just recently had to deactive them. It's like I'm nervous I'll see something I don't want to see. Sounds really weird and stupid. Just wondering it anyone else gets weird anxiety like this.

01-16-2014, 10:35 PM
I used to get like this sometimes when I would get on Facebook.
I had an ex girlfriend on my friends list that had moved on and gotten into a new relationship so every time I logged on I was nervous about seeing her posting about him and it just made me feel awful.
Is there a particular person on these sites that you don't wanna see?
If so maybe you should start fresh and try to get a whole new set of people that you can follow.
Or block/unfriend particular people that may bring your mood down.

01-16-2014, 10:44 PM
I used to get like this sometimes when I would get on Facebook. I had an ex girlfriend on my friends list that had moved on and gotten into a new relationship so every time I logged on I was nervous about seeing her posting about him and it just made me feel awful. Is there a particular person on these sites that you don't wanna see? If so maybe you should start fresh and try to get a whole new set of people that you can follow. Or block/unfriend particular people that may bring your mood down.

There isn't a particular person I just feel like someone is going to say something negative about me I guess. Or I will see stuff I don't want to see. I was the same way with some of my ex's any time I would go through a breakup I would just deactivate everything. Then someone made a video about me saying mean things, so I guess I just worry that will happen again. I'm just glad I'm not the only one. I thought I was crazy lol. Thank you!

01-16-2014, 11:09 PM
There isn't a particular person I just feel like someone is going to say something negative about me I guess. Or I will see stuff I don't want to see. I was the same way with some of my ex's any time I would go through a breakup I would just deactivate everything. Then someone made a video about me saying mean things, so I guess I just worry that will happen again. I'm just glad I'm not the only one. I thought I was crazy lol. Thank you!

No problem, maybe you should just stay away for a while.
Nothing is more important then your mental health and if anything can be done to make it feel better then do it, even if that means not knowing whats trending at the moment lol
Best of luck to you

01-17-2014, 06:31 AM
I just deactivated my facebook, their are so many reasons it was bugging me...but also causing me alot of anxiety. Facebook is like the news, and I wont watch the news because of anxiety so Im not facebooking for a while. Our situations are a little different but I understand....I hate when you think someone is talking about you on there. So my advice is if its not doing you any good, deactivate :)

01-17-2014, 07:20 AM
"I just feel like someone is going to say something negative about me "

There is your key, you can unlock that door and peek inside ( stop caring about what people think of you), or you can not use the key and stay isolated in fear. I suggest the first, but whatever you prefer young lady. It however is not social networks, the weather, or any other thing outside of you, it's what you think about you and of course you alone can change this. If you need help or think it makes sense we're all here to assure you.

01-17-2014, 09:45 AM
I stay away from them generally,,...except to post funny s**t and then run off!!!....:)

01-17-2014, 10:41 AM
Thanks everyone did the advice! I really do need to stop worrying what people think. But until then, I'm just going to stay off of them for awhile! ☺️👍

01-17-2014, 11:55 AM
I have a reputation for hating FAKEBOOK. A long time back I got on there, and seen the circus, the rude remarks, mental masturbation etc.

People asking to be friends to sell you a new discovery, and I thought hmmm delete. I do however think it's a great place if someone wants to

make money promoting a business, but stay out of the soap operas. My family in Iowa are all broke up, cause one kids cussin, ones preachin,

the next one is jealous over cousins new car, and the other one is bitchin about Obama, Bush, and all the phonies fighting for power, and

money. It's a great place for sensible people who want to bring something intelligent to it, but come on He didn't return my email, or she likes

him more? Naaa not for this dude. Not now.

Then of course there's me, bitchin about how phony this crap is. LOL

01-17-2014, 11:57 AM
I stay away from them generally,,...except to post funny s**t and then run off!!!....:)

Just for that I'm gonna post on your wall ;)

01-17-2014, 11:59 AM
I don't blame you Gene. I haven't used it up until now, but do use it a bit to talk to people on this forum on, that's kinda cool.

I'm quite a reserved person, I opened an account and realized I sucked badly at it. I had no status updates, and 10 friends lol. I guess I wasn't using it the way others do.

01-17-2014, 11:59 AM
I have a reputation for hating FAKEBOOK. A long time back I got on there, and seen the circus, the rude remarks, mental masturbation etc.

People asking to be friends to sell you a new discovery, and I thought hmmm delete. I do however think it's a great place if someone wants to

make money promoting a business, but stay out of the soap operas. My family in Iowa are all broke up, cause one kids cussin, ones preachin,

the next one is jealous over cousins new car, and the other one is bitchin about Obama, Bush, and all the phonies fighting for power, and

money. It's a great place for sensible people who want to bring something intelligent to it, but come on He didn't return my email, or she likes

him more? Naaa not for this dude. Not now.

Then of course there's me, bitchin about how phony this crap is. LOL

love this!!!