View Full Version : Just feeling awful. Soooo tired of this.

01-16-2014, 10:14 PM
Started with a sinus infection in October. Since then, it's just been a daily battle moving from one thing to another. I hate health-related anxiety so much. You get sick with one thing, think you're doing better, then you get hit with something else. It just seems to travel around your body wreaking havoc. Just broke down in tears tonight. I just want to sleep. I want to feel like a human being again. Sorry, I just needed to let all this out. I've been trying to be brave and face it day to day. I've tried being optimistic. Please just let this go away and let my body heal and my mind rest. Please. Thank you to all the wonderful people here who offer support and encouragement when we fall off the tracks. I've fallen hard tonight. Maybe I need to cry this out until I'm exhausted. Just anything for rest. Love and peace to you all. I'm going to beat this.

01-16-2014, 10:27 PM
I have health anxiety too, it's the worst. Constantly worrying that something is wrong and knowing something will happen soon. I totally get it!
Try to think about the positive things that happen every day. Even if you made it just an hour without noticing something, that's a success. With little baby steps it will get better, I promise!

01-16-2014, 10:37 PM
Thank you, Steph. I am. I'm just trying to let all of this out tonight. I've kept it sort of bottled up and I feel like a pressure cooker about to explode. I am truly thankful and blessed for all the good things in my life. I'm going to focus on those things. Thank you for the kind words. We're all bigger than this. We can do it. I have faith.

01-16-2014, 10:37 PM
Of course you are going to beat it. Everyone gets up and downs. Everyone of us is scared of pain and anxiety causes pain and fear. I honestly hope tomorrow is going to be better for you. JLB, i am fighting with that B*** for well over 30 years, and look at me, still kicking. I tried so many things and I failed, then tried again, if meditation did not help I had meds, I am starting to meditate again and exercise, I am on meds but still there are days when I feel so down.... down...There is always next day and it is going to be better:))

01-16-2014, 10:41 PM
Thank you, Steph. I am. I'm just trying to let all of this out tonight. I've kept it sort of bottled up and I feel like a pressure cooker about to explode. I am truly thankful and blessed for all the good things in my life. I'm going to focus on those things. Thank you for the kind words. We're all bigger than this. We can do it. I have faith.
We all need to let it out sometimes. And unfortunately, those without anxiety don't always get it. That's what I love about this forum, while it sucks everyone is suffering, it's nice to know someone gets it.

01-17-2014, 12:14 AM
Yep health anxiety is the pits!!
I freak out over every sensation and think "this is it, this is when I'll collapse or die" it's just awful but we will all get through it :)

01-17-2014, 02:52 AM
Steph is right JLB, even just trying to get your mind off it for an hour each day ! It's the small victorys that matter when trying it over come this.

I've got real bad health anxiety which was tipped over the edge when I lost 2 relatives cancer in the last 1.5 years. (One my grandmother). I have deep fear of cancer. I've diagnosed myself with several illnesses in the last 6 months; brain tumour, then I moved on to stomach cancer, then ovarian, then bone and now it's cervical ! Just when I move on from one my brain starts thinking 'which illness MIGHT I have now' it's exhausting. Sometimes I think that the only cancer is my THOUGHTS....

CBT is supposed to be very effective for this but takes time. I've started it, had 7 sessions. My therapist referred me to a site which had helpful work books. I would highly recommend as they have been helpful for me. Go into Google and search: cci psychological interventions (or ccci). Go to the workbook section on the left side. There you Will see several topics, go to 'helping health anxiety'. There are 9 modules, I've done 5. Honesty,these will help - but you have to do the work.

Takecare. I feel your pain x

01-17-2014, 04:11 AM
Started with a sinus infection in October. Since then, it's just been a daily battle moving from one thing to another. I hate health-related anxiety so much. You get sick with one thing, think you're doing better, then you get hit with something else. It just seems to travel around your body wreaking havoc. Just broke down in tears tonight. I just want to sleep. I want to feel like a human being again. Sorry, I just needed to let all this out. I've been trying to be brave and face it day to day. I've tried being optimistic. Please just let this go away and let my body heal and my mind rest. Please. Thank you to all the wonderful people here who offer support and encouragement when we fall off the tracks. I've fallen hard tonight. Maybe I need to cry this out until I'm exhausted. Just anything for rest. Love and peace to you all. I'm going to beat this.

What do you have to help break this depressive cycle, and to help you sleep...because if you say nothing,...then I'm headin down to Tennesee. It's only about 300 miles..

01-17-2014, 08:40 AM
It is definitely one of the hardest things to deal with. Because going to the doctors for check ups just wont help. And what is scarier in this world than being convinced that youve got a terminal illness or theres something wrong in your body and no one can help.. its so so tough. Ive been dealing with it for 6 years.
The only thing that helps me is some real distractions. But what do I do when Im alone at home at 2am or something when everyone else is asleep? Its terrible.
The only thing I can recommend is going for check ups when it gets unbearable just to have that bit of reassurance. Do meditation and exercise regularly.
CBT definitely works for this kind of anxiety. Need to rewire ur brain and how it reacts to twinges and cramps in your body..
We are on the same boat

01-18-2014, 01:11 AM
Thank you all for your suggestions and words of support. Stacey, I will definitely check out the workbooks and do them. I appreciate the info. E-man, to get through the cycle I've just been trying to keep myself busy with work during the day. At night, I think I'm tired and then all these crappy symptoms set in. I end up not being able to fall asleep until 5 or 6 am...and only because I'm exhausted. I've tried meditation, progressive muscle relaxation, self-massage, I've drank hot herbal teas (decaf with chamomile mostly), I've tried hot baths, I use a fan for background noise, I try listening to soft music like a mellow jazz, reading...I think I've tried most everything except sedatives and medications. All these things help some, but I still get pains from digestive issues, chest pains, sore throat issues, sinus pressure and drainage, shortness of breath, chest tightness, etc. I do have some physical issues like a hiatal hernia and acid reflux, but I take lansoprasole (generic Prevacid) to keep the reflux in check. I have horrible issues with trapped gas after I eat. It goes right up into my chest and causes pressure, heart palpitations and all that. The only thing that relieves it temporarily is eating Gas-X chewables and lots of burping. I didn't realize how much gas one's body could produce, but it seems to be a constant thing with me. It's horribly uncomfortable, even scary with the palpitations and shortness of breath. Anyway, sorry for the laundry list.

01-18-2014, 06:55 AM
as much as I hate to type this, a visit to the Doc and some medications are in complete order here J and even a switch from Prevacid to Prilosec..IMHO.....

You've done everything else that you possibly could have....

E-man. :)

01-18-2014, 07:16 AM
Ask you doc for Tecta, wonderful for reflux, Then go to psychiatrist and talk about you sleep pattern. I think it is time for that. Gas is awful and so many people end up in ER mistaking it for heart attack. Home made Kefir helps for reflux, which my hubby noticed, he stopped his meds for that. Instead of of chewing on Gas X (I do too from time to time) lie down on the floor on your stomach, or use some yoga position for that. It helps, very much so. Jazz even the mellow one, causes my blood to move faster, love that. It would never put me to sleep:))) Maybe you should talk about the meds, I mean for temporary use.

01-18-2014, 07:25 AM
Yes Dahl,..I agree ^^^^....enough suffering for our brother J in Tennesee. Plus, I don't wanna run all the gas outta the van its too cold and supposed to snow!!!...YAY!

01-18-2014, 11:23 AM
Thank you both! I appreciate the support and info. You guys are the best!

01-18-2014, 10:26 PM
Hi Jeff

Hope you are feeling a bit better today. A damn good cry is exhausting but very cathartic. When all else fails it's the best thing to do. Best wishes.Hi Frankie, thank you so much. I am feeling a little better. It's been a rollercoaster with ups and downs. I'm just trying to hang on...especially at night. Ugh. I hate night time anxiety. I want to sleep and rest and that's when it seems to be the worst. I am working on it though. Yes, crying does help me release a lot of tension. All the kind words here help tremendously, too, so thank you. Much appreciated.