View Full Version : Just when I start feeling better....

Kaylee Quinlan
01-16-2014, 07:09 PM
I have been having a lot of issues over the last few months, that have pretty much turned out to be health anxiety. Well...I was finally starting to realize this and realize that I was just fine...until 2 mornings ago...I woke up coughing my head off and it tasted like vomit. I went into the bathroom and coughed into the sink and i either coughed up stomach acid or puke. I have had pretty bad acid reflux for the past years, so it was probably stomach acid and i probably aspirated. I am a smoke and probably dont have the healthiest of lungs as well. So...I went to the dr, he said I probably aspirated but since I woke up coughing, I may have coughed it all up. He said it could take weeks for symptoms to show if I did not cough it all up. Now I am freaking out that I will get aspiration pneumonia. I have read awful horror stories about people dying from it and that it is the worst kind of pneumonia and a lot of people end up hospitalized. I feel fine now except a little cough. So, why cant I just continue with life until I do actually get it, if i even do? Im so afraid of dying that it has consumed me. Has aspiration ever happened to anyone? Im so scared, I dont know what to do.

01-16-2014, 08:20 PM
I completely understand how You feel about the health anxiety. Its hard to get over things like that.. the main thing to remember is to deal with things When they happen. Since we can't deal with then beforehand. I'm sorry you are so worried about this. I really have a feeling you are fine.

01-16-2014, 08:38 PM
yeah i worry about my health alot too. my therapist always told me the more you pay attention to a symptom the more you'll notice it, or that you can "feel" symptoms you don't even have if you keep worrying about them. so its easier said than done but i would try to distract yourself from the issue by becoming fully engaged in something you like. such as talking to people or hobbies or a really cool movie. also inflating your ego doesn't hurt it'll give you a sense of indestructability. i hope all goes well for you it doesn't sound too concerning but i don't know much about it