View Full Version : Has anyone had success seeing a therapists vs psychologist?

01-16-2014, 06:05 PM
So I made an appointment to see a therapist in a few days.... I've seen a psychologist once and wasn't impressed by the fact that he saw me for 45 minutes told me he'd never keep me that long again and gave me lexapro.... I just don't feel like he really had enough to give me lexapro.... Anyways I had a meltdown I guess you would call it today and at in the bathroom floor crying just begging to be "normal". I'm hell bent against antidepressants because of past experience but I figure I'll give a therapist a whirl! I'm also in the mix with fighting and feeling guilty over my xanax use..... And have been attempting to slowly cut my dose back.
Thanks to an replies :)

01-16-2014, 06:10 PM
Oops, I was meant to send you that book.

Do you still need it Dave?

01-16-2014, 06:11 PM
No! Thanks to google.

01-16-2014, 06:12 PM
Yeah, sorry I never got back to you, tell google I owe it one ;)

01-16-2014, 06:13 PM
Hey Stocktona (Can you say your first name? Stocktona sounds kinda impersonal) LOL

I went to both and neither helped

But I know I just went to the wrong ones

One isnt better than the other, it depends on the person behind the title

You should go and see if they help

As far as feeling guilty about your Xanax use, Don't.

We often hate to take meds but it beats the alternative

If you had a headache everyday, you would be shoveling Tylenol down

So dont put more pressure on yourself by not taking what you need to relax

There will be time for that but if you feel high strung, its just okay to take something to relieve it

i wish you well at your appointment

01-16-2014, 06:16 PM
Thanks for your reply :) my name is ASHLEY. Not Dave HAHA
I guess it really is all about finding a doctor that will actually listen to you and spend the time with you.... Hard to find for me. But I'm a hard Jude when it comes to doctors! Thank you for the luck!!

01-16-2014, 06:17 PM
Judge** not Jude 😑

01-16-2014, 08:06 PM
I have went to a therapist and a psychiatrist. My therapist was great but my main issue was that we would just talk about my problems all day but never come up with solutions to my problems! And my psychiatrist was horrible and never listened to me. You just have to find the right doctor. The first person you meet with isn't always the right doctor for you. ☺️