View Full Version : Physically ill

01-16-2014, 04:27 PM
How long can anxiety being physically ill last?? Mines been a month! Of course I say to myself anxiety can't do this for this long something else is wrong with me brain tumor brain anurysm and blah blah blah!! I'm so sick of being sick! I'm tired alllllll the time! I feel like a zombie and my goal is just to make it through the day! Soooooooooo sick of it! I also think my meds may be causing my headaches so that sucks ass! Cuz I get a headache and automatically think brain tumor! How can anxiety hit you out of no where and knock you down this hard and this long!!!!!

01-16-2014, 04:38 PM
How long can anxiety being physically ill last?? Mines been a month! Of course I say to myself anxiety can't do this for this long something else is wrong with me brain tumor brain anurysm and blah blah blah!! I'm so sick of being sick! I'm tired alllllll the time! I feel like a zombie and my goal is just to make it through the day! Soooooooooo sick of it! I also think my meds may be causing my headaches so that sucks ass! Cuz I get a headache and automatically think brain tumor! How can anxiety hit you out of no where and knock you down this hard and this long!!!!!

Oh tell me about it,I was always the same,oh that pain in my head had to be something I bad etc etc,I've been like this for years and I now know that anxiety is a full of bull,yes the panic attacks scare me but I now have no fear of that pain as I know it's nothing it's just the lie of the anxiety up to its tricks again
It makes you so tired to battle with your own mind I know,one minute your ok and the next bam an off we go again

01-16-2014, 05:17 PM
It usually lasts until the anxiety goes down a bit I'm afraid, which makes it hard, as you have anxiety about the pains, but need anxiety to go to get rid of them!

I felt ill for or a very very long time cos of anxiety, hopefully it'll be much sooner for you Meli!

01-16-2014, 06:03 PM
How long can anxiety being physically ill last?? Mines been a month! Of course I say to myself anxiety can't do this for this long something else is wrong with me brain tumor brain anurysm and blah blah blah!! I'm so sick of being sick! I'm tired alllllll the time! I feel like a zombie and my goal is just to make it through the day! Soooooooooo sick of it! I also think my meds may be causing my headaches so that sucks ass! Cuz I get a headache and automatically think brain tumor! How can anxiety hit you out of no where and knock you down this hard and this long!!!!!


I had a tension headache for about 7 weeks through anxiety and it went away with 4 acupuncture sessions. Stress/anxiety can have such a powerful impact on the body ! I've had major appetite problems too and chronic nausea ( which is now getting better). I used to think I had brain tumour too, then stomach cancer - now it's cervical ! I have health anxiety and getting CBT for it and it's slowly getting better but it takes time.

01-16-2014, 06:07 PM
I also remember saying not long ago "how come I feel this ill from anxiety, it can't be JUST anxiety" it's very common to think you are seriously ill when suffering from anxiety. I recommend a book; 'self help for your nerves' by Claire weekes. Explains a lot about the physical symptoms/mind/body

01-16-2014, 09:01 PM
Thanks guys:) it's so good to know I'm not alone:) I'm just sick of it!! Ugh I HATE anxiety!!! Thank you I'll look into the book:) I've heard a lot of good about anxiety books:)

01-16-2014, 10:01 PM
I've been battling through with one thing after another for a few months. I'm reading the book by Dr. Weekes right now. Hope you feel better soon. You're definitely not alone.

01-17-2014, 07:03 PM
I've been battling through with one thing after another for a few months. I'm reading the book by Dr. Weekes right now. Hope you feel better soon. You're definitely not alone.

Thanks:) hope you feel better soon also:)