View Full Version : Hello, looking for friendly advice

01-16-2014, 03:56 PM
Hello guys I'm new here so though id best start by introducing myself. So I'm shelby I'm 18 (19 in a week) from manchester uk. had anxiety issues for around 3 years and suffice to say it's been a roller coaster. My main problem is derealization, and at the moment it's really really bad (hence the plea for help) I just feel so detached from everything. Depression doesn't help I just feel so helpless. this is horrid I know I can feel better again tho, I've done it before, although it had come back it hasn't been this bad :/ there's been a lot of stress lately so I know that doesn't help but I can't change any of the things getting me down. I'm very close to the edge can't really deal with it anymore. I've cut out all alcohol and caffeine sorted out my sleeping pattern (there abouts) and I'm taking vitamin b and multivitamins. Anything else that would help? Also anything that will help the derealization/depersonalization ease off, it'd be a lot easier without them! Thank you for read sorry it's so long!

01-16-2014, 04:15 PM
Hey :) just joined too!

I know what you mean, I go through periods like that and I just get myself stuck in a routine feels like I'm going through motions but detached from living...sleep, eat, work seems to be the pattern and then hide away when possible.

But like you said you can get out of it, so you still have hope and faith in yourself which is good to hear! That your trying to make healthy changes too is positive (wish I could follow suit!!) but one thing I find that does help is trying to have an interest to focus on...you don't need loads I think it's easier just having one. For example, photography, jewellery making or baking. Set yourself little goals and targets each day or week, like capture a sunrise shot or learn a new cupcake recipe. Focus on little things to get yourself back in to looking forward and living for the next day.

Not sure if it will help but it's an easier little step to make for me, and I find that as your taking lots of little steps progress is made without you realising it.


01-16-2014, 04:19 PM
Hi there
Reading your post and you describe pretty much how it is for me.
I've done a lot to control the stress in my life such as cutting out drinking, trying to live healthily etc but I find that at the moment I walk around a lot of the time feeling so surreal and detatched from what's going on around me, especially in work. It's not as scary as the more severe anxiety sensations but I find it leaves me more depressed and feeling like maybe this is just how I'm going to be from now on in.
Anyways to try to work out what's going on I've just started to write down what my thoughts and situations are every time this occurs and use some of the CBT skills I learnt from therapy because whatever it is causing me to feel like this I just have to keep reminding myself that it's only a sensation, and instead of fighting it just let it ride.

01-16-2014, 04:27 PM
Thanks guys! Nice to know im not the only one. I try distracting myself I lot which also made me feel worse thinking about my lack of friends! But I'm mending old relationships which went because of this silly thing! Haha I just need to find the motivation to get up and find something to do! Being a student and having no money, there's not much to do round here that's free :/ main focus at the moment is getting a job distraction and money. I'm just hoping I don't wind up being agoraphobic again, couldn't deal with being isolated in my room for 6 months again :/