View Full Version : I hope this doesn't last forever.

01-16-2014, 11:42 AM
A few days ago my anxiety has gotten really bad. It's like one day I woke up and I felt dizzy and lightheaded and just overall not myself. I feel disoriented, forgetful, and my motor skills are really crappy. On top of that, I am getting really bad nausea and the chest pains are more frequent (usually on the left or right side of my chest). I just feel so crappy and tired all the time and I can't stop thinking I am going to die. Like my heart is going to stop or I am just going to stop breathing. Has anyone gone through this? It's like only a few days ago is when this all started happening 24/7.

01-16-2014, 12:10 PM
I have been experiencing this also ... It's been worse in the past couple days .. Chest pains sometimes I feel like I can't breathe I get so dizzy I feel like ima pass out out of no where I feel like I am dieing too like my heart is just going to stop I haven't been able to sleep ill just jerk awake from my sleep feeling jittery and just not right I'm miserable :( I don't know what to do anymore. But yeah you're not the only one. It's so freaking hard to believe anxiety can cause all this but if you've had everything else ruled out then you have nothing to worry about I know it is hard trust me but this too shall pass. Hope you feel better

01-16-2014, 04:00 PM
Yes, its quite common to go through this when anxiety hits a high. The best you can do is get good sleep, and make sure you drink lots of water.