View Full Version : Benzo question

01-16-2014, 09:07 AM
I have been prescribed ativan 0.5mg for 2 1/2 years for when my anxiety is out of control. Sometimes I take one a day, sometimes 2 or 3 if it's severe. Sometimes I go a few days or even weeks without taking any. I hear a lot about how addictive they are and that concerns me. How long will they keep issuing this to me, what happens when they quit, how will I cope? Any input is appreciated

01-16-2014, 09:25 AM
You should never start medications. They cause more harm than good and only put a bandaid on the problem instead of fixing it. My advice would be to slowly down he dosage overtime until you can eventually get off of it for good and find natural ways to deal with your illness. If you're experiencing anxiety you should try GABA and Rescue Remedy.

01-16-2014, 10:08 AM
Only if you take daily will you get dependent on them. Addiction and dependence are different. Addiction is the morbid craving for the drug just to get high. Dependence is requiring the drug to remain functional. Since you can go on for weeks without taking them you will not become dependent.

01-17-2014, 10:35 AM
Rachel, Are you a medical doctor? A psychiatrist? Do you know the full history of all these people who you are telling not to take medication? Are you getting a commission for all the natural things that you are peddling on the forum? Do you realise that you can share your experience and how incredibly successful you must have been in overcoming your mental health problems but you MUST NOT TELL people they are getting no benefit in taking their meds. That in fact it is harming them. You are doing more harm to people here than any medication. You are preying on many people here who are in distress. If you want to sell what you've bought into then set up a Facebook page or a website and peddle it there. STOP telling vulnerable people that they SHOULD overcome this without their meds. That is between them and their medical professional. NOT you. Enjoy your natural products by all means Rachel, share your opinion but stop making statements of fear mongering as fact.

I was in the medical field in college actually so I am very educated when it comes to health related things. And I'm very confident in what I do. Sorry you're so concerned about me and my advice to people. I'm only here to help, no one seems upset but you. But my advice to everyone is agree to disagree. We all have different opinions and we all do things differently.

01-17-2014, 11:17 AM

Are you a medical doctor? A psychiatrist? Do you know the full history of all these people who you are telling not to take medication?

Are you getting a commission for all the natural things that you are peddling on the forum?

Do you realise that you can share your experience and how incredibly successful you must have been in overcoming your mental health problems but you MUST NOT TELL people they are getting no benefit in taking their meds. That in fact it is harming them. You are doing more harm to people here than any medication.

You are preying on many people here who are in distress. If you want to sell what you've bought into then set up a Facebook page or a website and peddle it there.

STOP telling vulnerable people that they SHOULD overcome this without their meds. That is between them and their medical professional. NOT you.

Enjoy your natural products by all means Rachel, share your opinion but stop making statements of fear mongering as fact.

Just yes! :D

01-17-2014, 11:41 AM
I say just like blood pressure meds or any other meds used related to your health, anxiety and depression are also diseases that sometimes need to be taken care of by medication too. Even some people stay on them their entire life. I know someone that literally cant cope with life when not on depression meds. She has been taking them like 15 years....Everyone is different. I wish you well. Do what you think is best for your body! :)

01-17-2014, 11:47 AM
Well I can say is that if anyone ever gets hurt, or injured and requires immediate care and attention, then you best buckle up for some meds to keep you alive because that why our average life spans aren't 42 anymore....they're 78.....Advances in Modern Medicine and Science. :)

01-17-2014, 12:02 PM
Funny E-man, I was discussing that same thing when I was talking to the kids.

AND...I think French people have the longest life spans,,,because they all drink wine. It detoxifies their systems. As long as it isn't a whole bottle every day. (1) glass keeps the Doctor away! (IMO).....:)

01-17-2014, 12:13 PM
You should never start medications. They cause more harm than good and only put a bandaid on the problem instead of fixing it. My advice would be to slowly down he dosage overtime until you can eventually get off of it for good and find natural ways to deal with your illness. If you're experiencing anxiety you should try GABA and Rescue Remedy.
Lady are you a seller? I do not feel comfy with your posts , the same posts in every topic
I consider reporting.....

BTW I was in medical college too, and I have some medical knowledge, but I do not give medical advice.....

01-17-2014, 12:41 PM
I was in the medical field in college actually so I am very educated when it comes to health related things. And I'm very confident in what I do. Sorry you're so concerned about me and my advice to people. I'm only here to help, no one seems upset but you. But my advice to everyone is agree to disagree. We all have different opinions and we all do things differently.
You make me upset also and a few other people....
He had a guy like you, and he did last like two months here with his excellent advices

01-17-2014, 01:06 PM
You make me upset also and a few other people.... He had a guy like you, and he did last like two months here with his excellent advices

Well unfortunately I'm not going anywhere. :)

01-17-2014, 01:07 PM
Girls, girls.... Stop fighting over me!

And btw, my names Jesse, not benzo :)

01-17-2014, 01:21 PM
Jesse James Benzo?...Friggin awesome name!!! I had no idea...:D

01-17-2014, 02:20 PM
We got you!!! YAY!!! :D

01-17-2014, 02:40 PM
Well, for a small fee we could take it out a toss someone else in it...but then what?....YAY!!!

Did you just call me a cotton headed ninny muggin puff???!!!!.... I accept that..graciously. LMAO!

E-Man :) dang it!

01-17-2014, 03:07 PM
E man what's your thought on my benzo question?

01-17-2014, 03:50 PM
I must express my concern at making such statements. I am certain your intentions are well meant, and clearly you have had positive results from alternative/natural remedies. My issue is however, that despite the fact that anxiety and depression presents in various degrees of severity from patient to patient and many (particularly with depression) require essential and immediate intervention, of which rescue remedies (still considered a placebo by many in psychiatric medicine) will simply not suffice. In addition I regularly witness patients who are seeing the benefits of meds such as SSRI/TCA's and are insistent they want to stop taking meds (because they begin to feel better), and we see a relapse (or withdrawal side effects). I have previously used SSRI's for anxiety and didn't personally get on with them, and opted for valerian herb instead so I am not against the use of natural remedies to treat moderate symptoms. The problem is not everyone is the same, and ANY changes to meds and CERTAINLY the decision to begin or end treatment should be discussed with your health care professional.

I agree with everything you just said!

01-17-2014, 04:22 PM
It's better to just take antidepressants, they lesson symptoms of anxiety attacks. I have heard Ativan and Xanax are addictive.. I don't really know if I myself would find them that addictive since the times I've taken Ativan, it just knock me straight out to sleep..

I personally consider the Ativan I have for emergency panic, like it's a safety net there when I need it. It can't realistically help you everyday, you can't be walking around so relaxed you're gonna fall asleep in the middle of work or something. Unfortunately you have to deal with anxiety the raw way for most situations, it hits it's peak and then you come down again, so anxiety doesn't last the whole day, but antidepressants do help you not feel quite as bad as it would without.

Another topic, beta blockers supposedly help anxiety, I have not seen that to be the case.. In October, my doctor switched my bp medication to one with beta blockers, so, I have beta blockers, pretty good blood pressure, and 100 mg of Zoloft, and I STILL get panic, nothing really gets rid of panic completely.. *sigh*

and the beta blockers seem to take quite a bit of my energy away from me too, I think that's why my menstrual cycle this time has been so bad, because the beta blockers can make you depressed and tired, ontop of your hormones going out of whack. I hope soon I get to the point where I become more used to the beta blockers.

01-17-2014, 04:29 PM
I'm pretty new to clonazepam (Klonopin) and while I feel it may be calming me somewhat, I don't really feel that other than being drowsy but others can see that I'm more calm. If I stop doing something during the day I will fall asleep every time. I take 1mg during the day, in the morning. Without it I feel I would be worse off and full of anxiety. Was that confusing lmao

01-17-2014, 04:35 PM
It's better to just take antidepressants, they lesson symptoms of anxiety attacks. I have heard Ativan and Xanax are addictive.. I don't really know if I myself would find them that addictive since the times I've taken Ativan, it just knock me straight out to sleep.. I personally consider the Ativan I have for emergency panic, like it's a safety net there when I need it. It can't realistically help you everyday, you can't be walking around so relaxed you're gonna fall asleep in the middle of work or something. Unfortunately you have to deal with anxiety the raw way for most situations, it hits it's peak and then you come down again, so anxiety doesn't last the whole day, but antidepressants do help you not feel quite as bad as it would without. Another topic, beta blockers supposedly help anxiety, I have not seen that to be the case.. In October, my doctor switched my bp medication to one with beta blockers, so, I have beta blockers, pretty good blood pressure, and 100 mg of Zoloft, and I STILL get panic, nothing really gets rid of panic completely.. *sigh* and the beta blockers seem to take quite a bit of my energy away from me too, I think that's why my menstrual cycle this time has been so bad, because the beta blockers can make you depressed and tired, ontop of your hormones going out of whack. I hope soon I get to the point where I become more used to the beta blockers.

Nothing I took stopped panic until I took Effexor. Everyone is different but that stopped it for me

Not as popular as the other SSRI's but I'm glad it was there

I defer to Alankay to give you the lowdown on Effexoer

01-17-2014, 05:30 PM
I have been prescribed ativan 0.5mg for 2 1/2 years for when my anxiety is out of control. Sometimes I take one a day, sometimes 2 or 3 if it's severe. Sometimes I go a few days or even weeks without taking any. I hear a lot about how addictive they are and that concerns me. How long will they keep issuing this to me, what happens when they quit, how will I cope? Any input is appreciated

Sorry Blessed, got sidetracked but I do that easily...:)

The fact that you say sometimes you take one, sometimes to take none, sometimes weeks pass,..means that (you are not flagged by your Doctor to be an addict risks) so they will keep giving it to you for as long as you need them.

Mnay people that get them, will take them all in a couple of weeks, and then start calling the Dr saying that they got stolen, or they didnt realize that they were taking that many, or whatever excuses they can come up with. Many times, the doc will (flag) them in a computer, and alert the local pharmacies of this, or maybe even other doctors too....of this "addictive" behaviors and also, people will get them to sell on the streets too..

You don't have anything to worry or think about in this regard friend, according to your posted thread...

I would suggest, that you do get a refill each month, whether you need them or not to keep their records in line, and in order...just dont go begging for them 10 days ahead of time...


01-17-2014, 06:24 PM
E man what's your thought on my benzo question?
Do blessed as Eman said. I have ativan in my purse as my safety blanket, I do not need it being on clonazepam. I am suppose to take as needed. Fill up your prescription so there is record of that, you never know when you will need it. It is very cheap, you pay more for filler fee that the meds.:)